Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(September 5, 2010 - September 11, 2010)
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As I See It...... 

I have had the distinct pleasure of traversing the state during my time as a Director, assisting our member cities with the growth and efficiency of their liquor enterprise funds.

 I don't claim to have all the answers.  I am often wrong. 

Many times a new set of eyes are all that is necessary to determine the crux of the problem!

Diagnosing and subsequently inventing a solution is rarely the largest hurdle that many encounter when faced with a problem. 

We've all experienced the hiccup, the pause that doesn't refresh when we are forced to examine our practices and procedures and realize that it is time for change. 

Change, that extremely unpleasant four letter word with six letters!  Its very existence cripples continents and cultures.

" We've always done it that way" gives many of us a pass to continue on our current path regardless of the pointless direction it is taking us. 

Facing change is the most pervasive problem we encounter when assisting our managers on the path to increased profitability.

Give yourself permission to fail! I've done it often enough to realize it doesn't hurt that much.

Allowing yourself to fail provides you with the opportunity to succeed!

Inactivity only assures the status quo which may work for today.

Your competition hopes you don't change!  

You have the power to:

1. Accept yourself as you are, without criticism or harsh judgment.

2. Cooperate with the challenges you face so that you find a solution that works for you.

3. Understand
and be in support of your aims and intentions to better yourself and your life.

4. Take a deep breath and begin to relax when feeling stressed.

5. Focus on the present moment
and the immediate gifts it has for you.

6. Forgive yourself
your misunderstandings and disappointments.

7. Forgive others
who let you down, hurt or abuse you in some way.

8. Be a giving person -- of your time, talents, money, joy, skills and vision.

9. Say "No"
to a request you are unable to fulfill.

10. Take some small action
when you feel stuck.

11. Make lemonade when life delivers its lemons to you.

12. Find opportunity where there is apparently none.

13. Learn from your experiences.

14. Choose to get up one more time after you fall down,

15. Praise and reward yourself when you do well.

Gary Buysse
Rogers Wine & Spirits Manager
MMBA Director
Booze Cakes: A Cookbook Review 
Booze Cakes 
By Winona Daily News

Whether delicately flavored or thoroughly saturated, alcohol-flavored cakes are yummy.

That's the short review for understanding the attraction of a new cookbook, "Booze Cakes: Confections Spiked with Spirits, Wine and Beer" by Krystina Castella and Terry Lee Stone (Quirk Press, Philadelphia, $16.95).Spicing cake with alcohol is an age-old tradition. Roman soldiers ate them. The English were known for their trifles - layers of whipped cream or custard, brandy (or other liquor) and cake - served at elegant parties. Rum cakes were popular on special occasions.

"Booze Cakes" is an attractive cookbook with full color pictures and simple instructions. An easy guide to the basics is included in the front. Along the way, there are special warnings - such as how to safely flambe a cake. Most of the ingredients can be found at your local supermarket and liquor store.

Many booze cakes are not as alcoholic as one might think. More often the addition of alcohol makes the cake richer and moist, rather than boozy. The authors warn that "it's possible that the amount of alcohol in these cakes could get someone drunk, but it most likely won't."

Additional chapters cover homemade mixers - think eggnog - and "toppings, frostings and fancy garnishes" such as cream puffs and chocolate-covered cherries, with or without booze.

Having tested three recipes - Pink Champagne Cake, Honey Spice Beer Cake and Rum & Coke Whoopie Pies - my only caveat is that, in each case, the icings were watery. My consumers simply scooped up the too-liquid icing and poured it over the cake. Problem solved. In the case of the Rum & Coke, they were eaten open-faced so that a thicker dollop of icing smeared on top.

As "Booze Cakes" says, "The great thing about baking practice is that you get to eat your mistakes."

So true. There were no leftovers.

Rum & Coke Whoopie Pies

Chocolate Soda Cakes:

1/2 cup unsalted butter

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup cola

21/2 cups all-purpose flour

5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

Fluffy Rum-spiked cream filling:

1/2 cup unsalted butter

1 cup marshmallow fluff

3 or 4 tablespoons of rum

2 cups confectioners' sugar

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mats.

In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar 3 to 5 minutes or until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla. In another bowl, combine buttermilk and cola. Add it to creamed butter and egg mixture. Beat in flour, cocoa, baking soda, baking powder and salt.

Drop batter by the tablespoonful onto baking sheets, leaving plenty of room for the cakes to spread; bake 10 minutes. Let cool completely.

For the cream filling: In a mixing bowl, beat together butter and marshmallow fluff until light and creamy. Mix in rum. Slowly beat in confectioners' sugar, mixing until light and fluffy. Sandwich a generous amount of filling between cooled cakes. 

State Fair Poll Results

The results of the annual Minnesota House and Senate State Fair opinion poll surveys have been released.


These are unscientific surveys.   They are simply a measurement of the opinions expressed by those individuals who visited the House and Senate Fair Booths and took the time to fill out our questionnaire.


The main purpose in conducting these opinion polls was to familiarize fairgoers with some of the issues that were considered during the past year, or may be dealt with in 2011.


Sunday alcohol sales and gaming were two of the topics this year.


A Young Man Walked Into a Bar..... 
Woman at Bar 

A young man walked into a bar. He noticed a woman gazing at him without blinking her eyes.


The man felt flattered so he walked up to the woman and said in his deepest voice, 'I'll do anything you wish, beautiful lady, for just $20 but on one condition.' 


The woman appeared to be trapped in the moment and asked as if in a trance, 'What's your condition?'


The man answered, 'Tell me your wish in just three words.'


There was a long pause, the woman opened her purse, counted out the

money and handed it to the man along with her address.  She then

looked deeply into his eyes and whispered, 'Clean my house.'  
Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Regional Meetings

October 13 


 Duluth Holiday Inn


October 14 



(Formerly Best Western) Marshall Inn

October 20 


 Austin Holiday Inn


October 21


 Holiday Inn Metrodome


October 27 


 Arrowwood Resort Alexandria


October 28 



Restaurant - Bemidji
MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-23, 2011
Breezy Point Resort
MMBA Annual Conference
May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Michael Friesen
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Former MMBA Director Passes Away

Former MMBA director Arlene Gerber recently passed away.

 Our sympathy to her family and friends.
Tip of the Week

The number one reason customers choose one bar over another is the fun and excitement factor.


There needs to be something going on that appeal to your customer base - especially those who do not currently come into your establishment.


Whether this is the type of music you play, theme nights, staff interaction, fun promotions, or something else, your bar needs to have more fun things going on than your competitors.

Joint Purchasing
A couple of times this week, members have asked about Joint Purchasing.
According to Minnesota Statute 340A.312:
 The joint purchase by two or more licensed retailers of up to 300, 1.75
liter or smaller, bottles of distilled spirits or wine for resale to the public is lawful.


The key to change is to let go of fear