Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 18, 2010 - July 24, 2010)
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As I See It...... 

Employee motivators are sometimes difficult in our situation of being a municipality, since we have restrictions placed on us as far as what we can use to motivate.

One tool I have found very helpful is a "communication log" between the staff and myself. It is just a three ring binder kept by the sales counter.  All staff (including myself) use it as a form of communication that we all read and utilize. In fact, we are all in the habit of reading it on a daily basis.

The log allows the staff to toot their own horn and let me know what they accomplished on their shift.  This information allows me to give positive praise to the staff member or members when they take the initiative to take on a project above and beyond their routine shift duties.

It is also used to notify me of pricing issues or other items the staff may see that require my attention.

They also use it to complement each other, critique each other and even interject humor into their communications.

I ask them to date and sign their entries so I can communicate back to them if there is a question or concern.

If you would like any further info on the log or examples of how it is used, please feel free to contact me.

Nancy Drumsta
MMBA Director
Delano Wine & Spirits Manager
Refused Sale 
No Sale 
Rogers Wines & Spirits manager Gary Buysse recently received the following note from one of his employees..
Regarding the names and phone number I left on the counter:
Tonight a couple were buying vodka, and the wife asked me if I thought the alcohol content would be o.k. seeing as how "the kids are 19 and 20 years old" and it was "for a house party". 
I told her that since she was purchasing it for minors, I would not be able to complete the sale. 
She responded that the party was in Wisconsin, and I told her it didn't matter what state the party will be in, the sale is happening in MN, and it's against the law for me to sell to someone intending to provide the alcohol to anyone under 21.
She then changed her story and insisted that it wasn't for minors, it was
for a 50th birthday party.  I told her that is not what she said
originally, and I would not go through with the sale based on what she
said about a party including minors. 
She then said that I was discriminating against her because she and her husband are disabled (which I was not even aware of).  She repeatedly said I was discriminating. 
I offered your card to her and encouraged her to contact you to discuss the situation.  She ignored the card, and stormed out saying "It's discrimination!" 
The people in line behind her offered their names and numbers to give you as witnesses in case anything comes of this.  They said they heard the conversation and felt that I was right to decline the sale based on what
they heard. 
So, that's the situation. 

Good Job Sb!!!!

Some City Employees Prohibited from Serving on City Council
By the League of Minnesota Cities

A law enacted during the 2010 legislative session, Chapter 206, prohibits mayors and councilmembers from being employed in their city. It takes effect on Aug. 1.


The law applies to individuals who are:


·         Elected or appointed on or after Aug. 1, 2010.

·         Employed on a full-time, permanent basis by the city.


The new law was proposed by Sen. Gen Olson (R-Minnetrista) and Rep. Steve Smith (R-Mound) as a result of a situation in the city of Mound where a full-time city employee also served on the city council. The bill authors stated that simultaneously holding both positions would create a conflict of interest for individuals who could be voting on budgets and other issues that would directly impact their own salary and other employment benefits.


During the committee hearings, Mound officials testified in support of the bill, which as enacted, will not force an individual to immediately resign, but would be effective for an individual's first election occurring after Aug. 1.


The new law is generally similar to laws applicable to school and county board members. For instance, Minnesota Statutes, section 123B.195 prohibits a school board member from being employed by a school board in a position that earns more than $8,000 per year. The law is not as restrictive as the county employment restriction under Minnesota Statutes, section 375.09, which prohibits any and all simultaneous employment with the county for county board members, regardless of full-time status or earnings limitations.


Section 1 of the new law impacts home rule charter cities by creating Minnesota Statutes, section 410.191, which prohibits a mayor or city councilmember in a home rule charter city from being employed by the city, notwithstanding charter provisions to the contrary. A city charter could probably be more restrictive than the new law by prohibiting employment of any sort. Statutory cities are similarly covered under section 2 of the law.


The new law defines "employed" as full-time, permanent employment "as defined by the city's employment policy." This adds further importance to the task of clearly defining the employment status of those working within the city.

Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Regional Meetings
Fall 2010
MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-23, 2011
Breezy Point Resort
MMBA Annual Conference
May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Michael Friesen
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Another Employee Search Option
Last week, Stacy Wine & Spirits manager Brian Hachey suggested in this newsletter to try Minnesota Job Works when looking for employees.
He also asked for other resources. 
You executive director was out and about earlier in the week and heard a good idea - craigslist.
  Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there