Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(June 6, 2010 - June 12, 2010)
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As I See It...... 
Summer time is a great opportunity to make additional sales to customers. 
It is the time when margaritas, daiquiris and other cool and refreshing cocktails are being blended and mixed at barbecues and on decks and patios. 

You may be able make additional sales by reminding customers of other items they may need to purchase to go along with that bottle of tequila or rum.

Rim salts, triple sec, roses lime juice or other additions will make that beverage come together. 

Take time to ask questions and take the opportunity to make that extra sale.

Michelle Olson
Sebeka Liquor Manager
MMBA Director
Why New Products & Services Fail
New Products 
According to Copernicus Marketing Consulting, the10 Reasons Why New Products & Services Fail is:
1. Marketers evaluate the marketing climate inadequately.
2. The wrong group is targeted.
3. A weak positioning strategy is used.
4. A less-than-optimal "configuration" of product or service attributes and benefits is selected.
5. A questionable pricing strategy is implemented.
6. The advertising campaign generates an inadequate level of new product/new service awareness.
7. Cannibalization depresses corporate profits.
8. Over-optimism about the marketing plan leads to a forecast that cannot be sustained in the real world.
9. The marketing plan for the new product or service is not well implemented in the real world.
10. The marketer believes that the new product and its marketing plan has died and cannot be revived, when, in fact there is the potential for resurrection.

Pelican Rapids Liquor Groundbreaking 

On Monday, June 7, at long last, groundbreaking was held for a new city-owned liquor store along North Broadway in Pelican Rapids. The current store is woefully too small and inadequate.

"The new liquor store will have approximately 5,000 square feet of space, five times what we have right now," said Pelican Rapids City Administrator Don Solga. "Bob Leslie, city liquor store manager, and his staff will be able to more easily provide service to customers."

The new liquor store will be located across from Good Samaritan Society (senior living), along North Broadway in Pelican Rapids. The site is on land once used by a service station.

One of the hurdles in recent months was completing work with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Contaminants had been found, underground, but they are deemed minor, according to the MPCA.

"We as a city did our work, with a limited site investigation," said Solga. "While working with the MPCA, the state of Minnesota said it would not be necessary to excavate the contaminants. There will be no adverse effects to employees and customers at the new liquor store."

Sundance Companies of Hastings, Minn., will build the new city liquor store. They had the low bid of $394,000.

The decision to move forward with a new city-owned liquor store received city council backing in November 2008. Council members, after talking with their constituents, determined that the project would be a good long-term investment for the community of Pelican Rapids.

Solga said the new location will mean better service and more parking. The new building, he said, also will add to the changes that have already taken place on main street in Pelican Rapids.

"Over the years, liquor store manager Bob Leslie and his employees have done the best they can," Solga said, "but cramped quarters has not been an ideal situation."

Energy-efficient options are being pursued, with help from Otter Tail Power Company.

A Man Walks Into a Bar..... 
Bar Photo 
A man walks into a bar and orders a beer.  He takes a sip, then tosses the rest into the bartender's face.  Before the bartender can compose himself, the man starts crying.
"I'm sorry," he sobs. "I'm so sorry.  I keep doing that in every bar I go to.  I can't tell you how embarrassing it is to have a compulsion like this."
Just short of being angry, the bartender feels sympathetic.  "Maybe I can help you out," he says.  "One of our regulars, Dr. Ryman, is a psychoanalyst.  I've recommended a lot of people to him, and he's really helped them with their problems."
The man writes down the number, thanks the bartender, and leaves.
Six months later, the same man walks back into the bar.  "How's it going?" the bartender asks, as he serves up a beer.
"Everything's great.  I've been seeing Dr. Ryman twice a week," he says proudly.  He takes a sip of the beer, then throws the rest of the mug in the bartender's face.
"Those doctor visits don't seem to be doing any good," the bartender sputters as he wipes off his face.
"On the contrary, the man claimed, "he's done me a world of good."
What are you talking about?" the bartender yells, obviously getting very aggravated.  "You threw a drink in my face again!" the bartender exclaimed.
"Yeah," the man says, "but it doesn't embarrass me anymore."
Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Regional Meetings
Fall 2010
MMBA Boot Camp
February 21-23, 2011
Breezy Point Resort
MMBA Annual Conference
May 22-24, 2011
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Michael Friesen
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Idea of the Week
Craft Beers
Rogers Wines & Spirits manager Gary Buyssee received the following note from a member of his staff:

Last night a customer told me that he wanted us to know that he is very
impressed with the fact that RWAS puts different imports on sale
month-to-month, and it has brought him back over and over to try new

He who has a thing to sell... 
and goes and whispers in a well...
is not so apt to get the dollars...
as he who climbs a tree and hollers