As I See It...... |

The 2010 MMBA Annual Conference was the best one yet! All of the seminars were very interesting and I know I took something away from each to bring back to my store and employees.
The one that hit me the hardest is the "vending machine" sales person.
It is very important for each of our employees, including us, to give the best customer service each and every time! The more we ask the questions and get to know the needs of our customers, the more we will earn their loyalty.
We must look at our stores as though we were the does the parking lot look? Are there garbage and cigarette butts on the ground or by the door?
Once in the store are we greeting each person? Engage in conversation; don't just ask "Can I help you".
Do we have prices on our products and displays?
Is the store and counter area clean and organized?
Find out what the customers are looking for, make the sale, and then send them on their way with something memorable. A Thank You! A carry out! No matter how busy you may be, you can find the time to say "Thank you and have a nice day" or "Hope to see you again."
For those who missed the conference, please consider coming next year. It is a great way to learn something new and network with mangers, city staff, and most importantly our vendors. You may find out there are products or deals out there you have never heard about.
Lara Smetana
MMBA Vice President
Voyageur Bottle Shop (Pine City) Manager
Worthington Position Opening |
The City of Worthington is accepting applications for the position of a full-time Liquor Store Manager.
Employee must be able to perform a wide variety of tasks associated with management of the Municipal Liquor Store in accordance with city policies and applicable government regulations.
Preferred qualifications are: Bachelor's Degree in retail marketing/management or related field plus four (4) years of progressively responsible management and supervisory experience in a retail setting, or equivalent training and experience; valid MN driver's license; complete and working knowledge of point-of-sale systems and related computer inventory tracking programs; must be bondable.
Starting pay is $23.48 per hour, plus benefit package.
Applicants must submit a letter of application, a resume, and a completed City of Worthington Application for Employment form (available from the City Clerk/Human Resources Assistant, 303 Ninth Street, or on our web site to:
City Clerk/Human Resources Assistant
City of Worthington
PO Box 279
Worthington, MN 56187-0279
Application deadline is 5:00 p.m., June 1, 2010.
The City of Worthington is "An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer". |
Times Have Changed.... |
This ad was sent to the MMBA office by Kasson Liquor manager Cathy
Pletta. It was given to her by a nutrition support nurse at the Mayo Clinic. |
Here's an Idea.... |
Hold a Farmers Market in Your Parking Lot
by Elizabeth Nelson, Star News
It's getting to be that time of year again to go to the local farmers markets and buy fresh vegetables and fruits.
Not only are the foods at farmers markets local and fresh, they also tote a number of benefits for all.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, better known as the USDA, shopping at farmers markets supports small farm operators, consumers and the community.
It's estimated that 94 percent of all farms are those with less than $250,000 in annual receipts. Farmers markets help these small farms thrive.
Consumers also benefit from having access to locally grown, farm-fresh produce, and the opportunity to meet and interact with the farmers who actually grow the produce.
The community is also impacted in a number of ways.
In many urban communities fresh, nutritious foods are scarce, and a farmers market provides easy access to foods that would otherwise not be as readily available.
According to the USDA, farmers markets also help to promote nutrition education, wholesome eating habits and better food preparation, while boosting the community's economy.
In Elk River the farmers market will be held on Thursdays from 3 to 7 p.m. starting June 24 and running until Sept. 30.
This will be the fourth year of the annual market, and it's held, rain or shine, at the (Municipal) Westbound Liquor Store, 13484 185th St.
The usual fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, sweet corn and cantaloupe, will be available, but there will also be some unique vegetables, like bok choy and kohlrabi.
Visit , click on events and scroll down to "Farmer's Market" to pick up a vendor application. |
Future Dates to Remember!! |  |
MMBA Regional Meetings
Fall 2010
Ask A Director |
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Michael Friesen
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak
Pipestone Uses Liquor Funds to Replace Utilities |  |
The Pipestone city council recently approved the use of $52,000 of liquor store funds to replace utilities under the intersection of two city streets.
Replacement of the water mains and sanitary sewer lines beneath the intersection was not included in the $515,000 worth of work the city bonded for earlier this month, but Joel Adelman, water/wastewater supervisor, told the council the county work on Second Street includes reconstruction of the east half of the intersection, so now would be a good time to replace the infrastructure.
A Three-Legged Dog Walks into a Saloon |  |
A three-legged dog walks into a saloon, looks around and says,
"I'm looking for the man who shot my paw." |
Tip of the Week |  |
Analyze each of your people and decide what unique gifts they have and what things they do well.
Then utilize that information to improve your operation.
For example, if you have a staff member who is interested in craft beers, allow them to manage that section of your facility. |
The greatest test of respect comes when a leader creates major change in an organization |