Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(May 2, 2010 - May 8, 2010)
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As I See It...... 

Last month I was riding with MMBA executive director Paul and board members Tom and Lara as we were visiting other municipal stores in central Minnesota. Paul was driving and Lara and I were in the back seat enjoying the ride.


As we headed to our first stop I told Paul that I was hearing a humming noise coming from the rear wheels. He had not heard it before because he was always driving and the radio was always on. Lara was hearing it also so it wasn't just me.


I told Paul he should get it checked out as it could be that the tires are out of round or it could be worse. The next day Paul called to thank me for letting him know there was a noise. It turns out the car needed two rear tires as they were out of balance and they had worn unevenly.

You are probably wondering what this story has to do with bars and liquor stores. Think about it, how often do we go about our jobs doing the same thing day in and day out.


We see the same displays, the same products, the same staff, and the same salespeople every day of every week. We hear the same noises from the compressor or heating unit, the same stories from your customers. After awhile we become numb to the sights and sounds around us.


How can we react and make changes when we can't see or hear what is happening right in front of us? We need to have other people tell us what they see and hear.


When you see an MMBA board member in your store, think of them as your eyes and ears. Our goal as board members is to see that every municipal liquor operation succeeds.


I know I don't always see or hear everything that is happening in our stores so I would welcome someone coming to our stores to see and hear what I don't.


Paul took my advice and checked out the noise.  If he hadn't, he might have blown a tire and crashed. I know I don't want to crash, do you?


Steve Grausam, MMBA Director

Being Consistently Great 
By DMS Retail Consultants

Everyone is looking for success in their retail businesses. Apart from and beyond everything else, sustainable success requires consistency. What do we mean by that?

We mean being consistently great in all aspects of our retail business.

Short term successes are possible due to some lucky combination of factors. But, we cannot rely on lucky combinations. They are too far in between.

What we need to do is to set the foundations of our business right so that we can repeat our successes consistently.

This also has a profound impact on customer satisfaction. Your customers expect a certain level of performance from you on the basis of perception you created. By being consistent at your skill set and service levels, you at minimum, satisfy the expectations. And if you put a degree of constant improvement process in place, you created a winning combination for your retail operation.

At minimum, some of the areas you must deliver on a consistent basis:

1. Sales Skills (Trained staff on professional retail sales skills)

2. Quick response to all sorts of customer issues (Rapid response procedures in place)

3. Clean, tidy and efficient store environment (Great visual merchandising and maintenance)

4. Streamlined and customer friendly checkout process.

Pretty basic right? Yet, just wander around the mall and see for yourself how many retailers are failing in consistent delivery of the basics. Companies who understood this simple philosophy went on to create empires...Mc Donald's comes to mind...

Idea of the Week
If you gear a promotion around a popular television show you'll generate a steady following with fans of the program.  Choose a show that is highly popular and promote your bar as the place to watch the show.
Tune your televisions into the show each week and create specialty drinks named after the show's most popular characters.
You can also host a trivia contest based on the show with prizes awarded weekly.
This promotion also works for award shows like the Academy Awards and popular movies.
A Woman Walks Into a Bar....
Woman in Bar 
A woman walks into a bar that has a sign over the door that says, "For Men Only."
"I'm sorry ma'am," says the bartender.  "We serve only men in this place."
"That's OK ," she says.  "I'll take two, please."

 The primary reason "satisfied" doesn't work anymore is because that's what customers believe they hired you to do originally, and all you're doing is fulfilling the agreement they made with you when they made a purchase.

"Delighted" however, goes above and beyond their expectations. 
Future Dates to Remember!!
May 15-18, 2010 Arrowwood 
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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2010 MMBA Conference
No Vending Machine Selling!!!!!
Monticello Liquor Funds Business Program

The Monticello city council recently authorized adoption of a program aimed at promoting business expansion in the area.

The goal is to encourage the growth and vitality of local businesses, building tax base and developing employment opportunities

A cap of $30,000 was approved for the pilot program for one year by council, with funding coming from the liquor store fund.