Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(March 28, 2010 - April 3, 2010)
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As I See It...... 

As I See It.......

The 2010 MMBA Spring Conference is right around the corner.   Information can be found in this newsletter. For all who have attended in previous years, we hope to see you again this year.


For those of you that have never attended, this is the perfect year to do so. The seminars are always great learning experiences and the social hours are a fantastic way to network with other municipal managers and vendors.

I have learned so much from other managers over the years, from simple ideas to the incredible "light bulb moments" that can get your adrenalin moving again and get you excited about your business.  


I guarantee you will bring home great ideas about changes you can easily implement after returning to your store.

With the economy still struggling and the budget cuts our cities are staggering from, you owe it your city to learn everything you can to help your store become more profitable.


As someone wise once told me, "You don't know what you don't know."


So come to the conference - network, learn and have fun to boot!

Joyce Zachmann
Central Park Liquor Manager (Spring Lake Park)
MMBA Director
Minnesota Theaters Show Warning About Providing Alcohol to Minors
MoviesByPaul Walsh, Star Tribune

Moviegoers seeking to escape reality at many theaters around Minnesota will be
confronted with a blunt message: Providing alcohol to minors could endanger your freedom.

A state-financed campaign is taking to the movie screens and focusing on people ages 21 to 29, a common source of alcohol for underage drinkers.

"We want them to know this is a big deal," said project director Sheila Nesbitt at the Minnesota Institute of Public Health (MIPH),
whose campaign is being funded by the state Department of Public Safety. "Too often, people provide alcohol without thinking
about how serious the consequences can be."

The campaign will run for eight weeks in theaters in Duluth, St. Cloud, Mankato, Moorhead, Oakdale, Willmar, Hutchinson, New Ulm, North Branch, Sauk Centre, Baudette and Hackensack. The campaign also includes posters and other materials that have been sent to coalitions in those communities.

Providing alcohol to an underage drinker can be charged with a gross misdemeanor. If that underage drinking results in death or grave bodily injury, the provider can be charged with a felony.

In February, 21-year-old Brandon J. Hedlund was charged in Washington County with providing liquor to someone underage. He allegedly gave vodka to his girlfriend, Alicia R. Haupert, 19, of Afton, and her friends. The young women were then in a car crash as Haupert drove. Killed in the wreck was passenger Andrea Zimmerman, 20, of Stillwater.

"Cases like this are tragic but all too common," Nesbitt said. "We want to get the word out before someone makes the decision to provide alcohol. Once that drink is handed over, they are responsible for everything that happens."

Gift Certificates 
Gift Certificate 
An MMBA member recently asked about gift certificate expiration dates. 
The following law was passed in 2007:

Section 1. [325G.53] GIFT CERTIFICATES.

    Subdivision 1. Definitions. The definitions in this subdivision apply to this section.

    (a) "Gift certificate" means a tangible record evidencing a promise, made for consideration, by the seller or issuer of the record that goods or services will be provided to the owner of the record to the value shown in the record and includes, but is not limited to, a gift card, stored-value card, store card, or a similar record or card that contains a microprocessor chip, magnetic stripe, or other means for the storage of information, and
for which the value is decreased upon each use.

    (b) "Affiliate" of another entity means any entity directly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with the other entity.


    Subd. 2. Prohibitions. It is unlawful for any person or entity to sell a gift certificate that is subject to an expiration date or a service fee of any kind, including, but not limited to, a service fee for dormancy.

    Subd. 3. Nonapplication. The provisions of this section shall not apply to gift certificates:

(1) distributed to a consumer for loyalty, promotional, award, incentive, rebate, or other similar purposes without any money or other tangible thing of value being given by the consumer in exchange for the gift certificate or gift card;

(2) that are sold below face value or at a volume discount to employers or to nonprofit and charitable organizations for fund-raising purposes;

(3) that are debit cards or other legal access devices used to access a deposit account and that are subject to the federal disclosure rules in the Electronic Fund Transfer Act, United States Code, title 15, section 1693, et seq., and its implementing Regulation E, as amended from time to time;

    (4) issued by an employer to an employee in recognition of services performed by the employee;

    (5) issued by a federally chartered or state-chartered bank, bank and trust, savings bank, savings association, or credit union, or by an operating subsidiary or other affiliate of any of them, and that can be used at multiple sellers of goods and services, provided that the issuer discloses any expiration date and fee associated with the gift certificate; or

    (6) that are prepaid calling cards used to make wireline or wireless calls.

Something to Think About......
Psychic Fair 

If you're putting up a sign, most likely you've got a message and people need to be alerted. Unless you're the makers of these signs. In that case, you most likely thrive on contradicting yourself and confusing anyone in sight.

A Guy Walks Into a Bar......
A guy walks into a bar and there's a dog sitting at a table, playing poker with some of the other patrons. 
"Is that dog really playing poker?" the guy asks.
The bartender replies, "sure but he's not too good.  Whenever he has a good hand, he wags his tail." 
Future Dates to Remember!!
May 15-18, 2010 Arrowwood 
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Taxing Ice
An MMBA member asked if sales tax should be charged on packaged ice.
According to the department of revenue,
pre-packaged ice cubes, crushed ice and ice blocks are not taxable. 
However, if the ice is prepared by the seller it is taxable.
2010 MMBA Conference
No Vending Machine Selling!!!!!

People listen not necessarily because of the truth being communicated in the message, but because of their respect for the speaker