Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(March 14 2010 - March 20, 2010)
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As I See It...... 

As I see it...

What a state, Minnesota.  Right now spring is in the air, the snow is melting and it is raining. Even had some rumble of thunder. 

Just two short weeks ago some of us were attending Boot Camp and enduring the bitter cold.  If you were able to attend I hope you enjoyed your time there and were able to go home with some helpful insight.  helpful  ideas, support, and just knowing  most all of us struggle with a lot of the same issues.

The MMBA is here for all of us, big or small. We all work toward a common cause.

Come May there will be the spring conference.  Once again there will be the opportunity for education, fellowship and even a little fun.  So mark your calendars and plan to attend. 

As I see it, the worst that could happen is you get better at your job!

Michelle Olson

Sebeka Liquor Manager
MMBA Director
Akeley Position Opening

The City of Akeley is accepting applications for the position of On-Off Sale Liquor Store Manager. 


This individual oversees and administers the day-to-day operations of the On-Off Sale Municipal Liquor Store.  Preferred requirements include knowledge of small business operations including management, inventory control, budgeting, marketing, promotions, and customer relations. 


Must be able to work a combination of days, nights, weekends, and holidays and lift 50 pounds.   


Application forms available at Akeley City Office, 25 Broadway St E, PO Box 67, Akeley, MN 56433 (218)652-2465. 


Completed application, resume and release forms due in Akeley City Office by Tuesday, March 30th  2010 at 4:00pm. 


Equal Opportunity Employer.

J.J. Taylor and Southern Team Up in Minnesota
From: Beer Business Daily

Minnesota beer distributor J.J. Taylor and Southern Wine and Spirits have created a joint venture to distribute wine, spirits, and non-alcohol products in Minnesota.  


J.J. Taylor's beer business is not a part of the joint venture.


J.J. Taylor has been distributing wine and spirits in Minnesota for two years, but this new joint venture with Southern will allow it to expand and attract new wine and spirits suppliers.  


J.J. Taylor brings the local market expertise, account list, and warehouse, while Southern brings its experience and relationships with the larger wine and spirits suppliers to the table.  


As many beer distributors who have gotten into the wine and spirits game have found, it's all about being able to attract the right suppliers and getting them to stay with you.   


J.J. Taylor chief John Taylor told BBD that he has been friends with Southern chief Wayne Chaplin for years, and he "is a good businessman with a lot of integrity."  

Oklahoma Kills Wine in Grocery 

Local alcohol vendors were relieved after lawmakers passed another deadline this past week, leaving several proposals by the wayside, including a bill to let voters decide whether to allow the sale of strong beer and wine in grocery stores. 


Liquor store owner J.P. Richard says he is happy he has finished battling lawmakers this time around because, if the bill had gone through, he said he would have lost almost half of his business. 


Liquor sales are one of the most lucrative industries and that is why some lawmakers wanted to make it a one-stop shop for the consumer, and give more grocery stores an incentive to move into Oklahoma. 


"You know the arguments for it has been well it's convenient to go to the grocery store. Well that convenience has a price," said Richard. 


If the grocery stores were to begin selling wine and beer, Richard says about 50% of his business would fizzle. Then, he would have to mark up the merchandise prices just to make ends meet. Local wine maker, Marty Hazelwood, also agreed this bill was a bad idea. 


"Being a small business owner, I really want to see the money stay in the community and I know that tax revenue and that would stay in the community, but people that own small businesses spend money in their community," said Hazelwood. 


Since local wineries thrive on building special relationships with the local vendors, if the chains take over, corporate wine buyers would be picking out brands and limiting the selections. Richard says his wine inventory is in the thousands. 


"The best Whole Foods in Texas in the downtown store in Austin has less than 400 and that's wine and beer. I've got 400 on one row," said Richard. 


"It's not loss of product, it's not loss of exclusivity, you lose the customer. The wine customer is also the beer customer," said Hazelwood. 


Hazelwood says, if the grocery store picks up the wines, the only good thing she thinks could come out of it is the more people have a chance to buy it.


It could be two years before consumers could buy wine or strong beer in the grocery store, all depending on if a new bill is proposed next year.

A Man Walks Into a Bar......
Bar Photo

A man walks into a bar and says, "Give me a beer before problems start!"


The man orders another beer saying, "Give me a beer before problems start!"


The bartender looks confused.


This goes on for a while, and after the fifth beer the bartender is totally confused and asks the man, "When are you going to pay for these beers?"


The man answers, "Ah, now the problems start!"

Future Dates to Remember!!
2010 MMBA Conference
May 15-18, 2010 Arrowwood 
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Bar Idea of the Week
Hold a Special Beverage Party
Work with your vendors on a promotion that focuses on a specific brand of spirits and a signature drink with the featured beverage.
At the recent MMBA Boot Camp, attendees participated in a fun, interactive Mojito 101 event that can be reproduced at any location.
For more information on bringing this event to your establishment, contact Jeff Lange at Bacardi USA.
When opportunity knocks, some people complain about the noise while others spring into action.
Which kind of person are you?