Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(December 27, 2009 - January 2, 2010)
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As I See It...... 
Inventory Control 

January 1!  Happy New Year! Today is a day to pig out, lie on the couch and watch football, right?


Not if you have to go to work and do a complete inventory.


Lately, I've been talking to people inside and outside the alcohol industry about the dreaded long hours they were about to put in doing year end inventory.


For those going through this process, what if I told you a better way - cycle counting.

Cycle counting is an inventory management procedure where small sections of inventory are counted on a regular basis during the year. So, one week you count the vodkas, the next the Canadians, the next the red wines, the next the sparkling wines and so on.

As a result, a year-end inventory is not needed, only a spot check of a certain number of items.

Some of you are saying," Sounds good but I do an annual because that's the way my auditor likes it."

Truth is, most auditors like cycle counting better than a year-end because constant attention is placed on the inventory control process and errors are easier / quicker to detect and correct.  (If an error is found January 1, if may have occurred January 2 of the previous year.  What good is that?)

Bottom line, if you have to do a full inventory, knuckle down and get through it.  But after you rest for a few days, talk to your auditors about moving to cycle counting.  If you need more information, MMBA directors and I can help.  Just let us know.

(Note: We will be talking more about cycle counting and other concepts at the February MMBA Boot Camp.)

Happy New Year to Everyone!!!

Paul Kaspszak, MMBA Executive Director

LMC Seeks Member Input on Lawful Gaming
Pull Tabs 
By Scott Kelly and Jennifer O'Rourke
     League of Minnesota Cities

Depending on your perspective, you may see provisions in the 2009 omnibus gambling bill (2009 Chapter 124, SF 1284) as either welcome mandate relief or as an unwanted reduction of city authority over lawful gambling-the only type of gambling subject to municipal regulations.

Lawful gambling is the operation, conduct, or sale of bingo, raffles, paddlewheels, tipboards, and pull-tabs. Nonprofit organizations conduct lawful gambling and use their profits on "lawful purposes" as provided in state law.

Cities may, through ordinance, adopt gambling regulations more stringent than state law or prohibit lawful gambling altogether. They may require organizations to contribute a percentage of their net profits to a fund administered by the city and require all or a portion of its expenditures be spent within the cities' trade area. Cities may even charge an investigation fee or gambling tax on organizations conducting lawful gambling within the city.

An eligible organization must be licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board (Board) to conduct most types of lawful gambling. In addition, an organization is also required to obtain a state-issued premises permit to conduct lawful gambling at any specific location. The Board may not issue a premises permit unless the permit application includes approval from the home rule or statutory city where the premises is located. While cities do not have the authority to suspend or revoke state-issued gambling licenses or permits (or even require an additional local license or permit), the ability to withhold approval on a permit renewal had been seen by some as a strong incentive for an organization to comply with local regulations.

Organizational licenses and premises permits-once issued for two-year terms-are now perpetual and valid unless revoked or suspended by the Board, terminated by the organization, or are otherwise considered lapsed. Following approval of the initial permit application, cities have no ongoing or direct role in an organization's premise permit eligibility. City officials may pursue violations of any local regulations and can (and should) bring concerns regarding the conduct of lawful gambling to the Board's attention, but any decision regarding a state-issued permit will be made by the Board alone. 

Some city officials have voiced concerns over these legislative changes. The League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) would like to hear from more member cities to determine if these concerns are widely shared and whether amendments to the gambling statutes will need to be pursued during the 2010 legislative session.   

This subject is addressed in more detail in the League's information memo, Lawful Gambling.

For more information or to provide feedback on the legislative changes, contact Jennifer O'Rourke, LMC, at jorourke@lmc.org or (651) 281-1261; or Scott Kelly, LMC, at skelly@lmc.org or (651) 281-1224.

Traits of Successful Retail Salespeople
 Top Retail Salespeople...

 1. Are able to relate to people easily. They can build rapport very quickly; understanding people are different and each type requires appropriate approach and conversation.

2. Let the customer talk most of the time (preferably 80% of the time) by asking open ended questions to discover the needs and requirements of the customer.

3. Can recognize and relate to the objections and do not get defensive when handling objections.

4. Are able to identify and prioritize the requirements of the customer; and not just the apparent ones but possible hidden needs like status and prestige.

5. Know their products or services inside out and are able to find a good match between customer requirements and what the product and/or service can deliver.

6. Talk about benefits rather than features. They are able to express benefits in a simple yet effective and relevant fashion.

7. Always look for ways to improve their skills and knowledge. They attend seminars , read books and listen to tapes and CD's to discover new ways of increasing their effectiveness and productivity.

8. Are determined to win. They clearly understand the definition of success in their environment and the rewards that are attached to attaining it. They like to talk about their major achievements and look forward to doing even better.

9. Are self confident and generally happy people. They don't necessarily show their burning desire to win to the outside world.

10. Like to help others when they can afford the time, however they also clearly understand that time is the most important resource they have and the only one that can not be recovered.

Wine Writer Against Wine in Grocery
wine glass 
In his recent Minneapolis Star Tribune column, wine writer Bill Ward said...
Status quo in Minnesota: We're going to be hearing more and more about having wine in grocery stores.  I hope that's all we do: hear about it.
The current system works just fine; as one wholesaler who has worked in other states told me, "it dumbs down the wine" to have it next to the cereal. 
Besides, any grocery that wants to sell wine can do so with a separate entrance.  Byerly's has some of the better wine outlets in town, and the Kowalski's in Eagan is a gem.
South Dakota Driver Had .708 BAC
South Dakota authorities say a woman found passed out in a stolen delivery van earlier this month registered a blood alcohol content of .708 - nearly nine times the legal limit and a possible record for the state.

Meade County State's Attorney Jesse Sondreal said Wednesday that 45-year-old Marguerite Engle, who recently moved from Minnesota, was found slumped over the van's steering wheel along a highway on Dec. 1.

He says the highest blood alcohol content state chemists he spoke with could recall was a .56. The state's legal limit is .08.

Authorities say Engle missed an initial court hearing Dec. 15, but that they found her Monday in another stolen vehicle, and that she had been drinking.

She was being held on two counts of driving under the influence. It wasn't immediately clear if she was facing other charges.

Her attorney declined comment.

Future Dates to Remember!!
2010 MMBA Boot Camp,
February 22 - 24, 2010 Breezy Point
2010 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day
March 1, 2010
2010 MMBA Conference
May 15-18, 2010 Arrowwood 

Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Savage Liquor Stores Raise Money for
Make a Wish

This year's
fall wine tasting at the Savage Municipal Liquor store raised $7,649 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation, city officials say.

"These gifts will help to create memories of hope, strength and joy that will last a lifetime for a child and family dealing with a life-threatening illness," the foundation's executive director, Tom McKinney, told city officials in a letter of gratitude this month.

Robbinsdale Liquor Operations Help Pay for City Parks & Services
In a recent newspaper article, Robbinsdale city manager Marcia Glick promoted the importance of the city's municipal liquor store.
Purchases make at the liquor store provide profits that stay in Robbinsdale and help support city services and pay for park improvements, she said.
Tip of the Week
Remind your employees about making the
"add-on" sale (off-sale product, on-sale food etc.)
Place HiSam signs about your facility..
When was the last time you did something for the first time?