Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(December 13-December 19, 2009)
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As I See It.....
Now is a good time of year to let our customers know how much we appreciate them.
We had our annual Customer Appreciation Party last Sunday.
We distribute tickets to the customers and give away prizes on the hour.
Our party was from noon until 5 PM, so we had five drawing times.  The tickets are only good for that hour, then we start over.
The prizes are things we have collected from distributors and stuff we want to get rid of, such as some liquor or wines that did not sell.
I wrap the liquor in a bag and call it "Mystery Booze."
The customers look forward to this every year and I get some products off my inventory before the end of the year.
We have the lottery at the store and we work with them to provide prizes.  If customers buy so many tickets, they get a prize.  This increases our lottery sales and the customers can win some nice things.
We also put out free food.  All the tables and the bar had salted in the shell peanuts and flavored pretzels on them.
This year we put out roast beef, ham, potato salad, buns and beans.
Keep the food simple, so you don't have to spend time tending it.
Some of my customers bring their holiday specialties to add to our food.
Our customers look forward to Customer Appreciation every year, and it creates good feelings for everyone.
We ran a Tom & Jerry special and we offered happy Hours prices.
We had a great day in the bar and everyone was VERY happy!
Happy Holidays!!
Ton Buchite
50 Lakes Bar & Bottle Shop
MMBA Director 
For the Food Shelf
Two Harbors Food 
Tops in the state, that's quite a feat.
A food drive by the municipal liquor store in Two Harbors brought in more than 7,800 pounds of food in October, leading all stores that took part in the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association's second annual food drive.
Because it gathered more food than any other store in it's sales category, it picked up an extra $1,000 for area food shelves as well.
Donated food will go toward shelves in Silver Bay and Two Harbors but much of it will be a part of a walk-in event at the American Legion basement.
Details are pending on what has become a vital and popular service in a bad economy.
Pictured here are Jon Chance, a sales manager for Miller Coors, a sponsor of the event; Carole Carlson from the Salvation Army; Brian Hachey from the MMBA; Vicki Wick, Two harbors liquor store manager; Anne Davies, liquor store employee; and, seated, Lori Carlson, a liquor store employee.
The food drive ran Oct. 1-31.
Actual food donations or cash were accepted, with each dollar counting as a pound of food.
Product Knowledge:
Use It Appropriately
 By DMS Retail Management

I cannot stress enough the importance of product knowledge when it comes to making sales. Those who have learned everything they can about the products they sell have a distinct advantage over those who don't. Given the option, customers would choose to talk to the person who knows the most about the product they are considering.

Good product knowledge will help even the most reserved sales associate. It gives them confidence knowing they have something of value to tell the customer.

Make no mistake about it, in the sales business you had better know your stuff.

Having said all that, I must also point out that overuse of product knowledge can be a very bad thing. How, you say?

I went to a specific store to purchase a specific product. As I entered I was greeted with a warm, welcoming smile and a very enthusiastic 'hello'. The salesperson approached me and started to tell me about a current promotion. She did a great job letting me know how much she knew about the product. I was impressed with her presentation of the product and, of course, her knowledge of the ingredients and where they came from and how good the ingredients would be for my skin and, and, and.

The only problem is that the associate did not stop talking about the product long enough to find out what I needed or wanted. She did not find out why I was in the store in the first place.

Listening is more beneficial than talking, particularly because you need to figure out what your customer needs and/or wants. You will get your chance to dazzle the customer with your knowledge of the product only if you can keep the customer engaged long enough to start building rapport. Don't blow it early by going on and on about a product that your customer may have no interest in whatsoever. To figure this out ask questions and listen carefully to what she is saying and then use your knowledge appropriately. Otherwise, it's a waste of your time and theirs. Your time aside, customers of today do not feel warm and fuzzy about someone who wastes their time. Don't be that someone.

Always remember that your objective in using product knowledge in the sales process is to procure an immediate or future sale, not to showcase your talents.

There's This Bear.....
There is this bear, right, and he walks into a bar.
He goes up to the bartender  and says "Can I have a large Gin and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Tonic Please?"
The Barman replies "Yeah sure, but what's with the big pause?"
The bear holds up his paws and says "I'm a bear!!"  
Future Dates to Remember!!
2010 MMBA Boot Camp,
February 22 - 24, 2010 Breezy Point
2010 MMBA / MLBA Legislative Day
March 1, 2010
2010 MMBA Conference
May 15-18, 2010 Arrowwood 

Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Sell With Music
Businesses with have "light jazz" playing as a background music have been shown to experience as much as a 19% sales increase 

How do leaders earn respect?

 By making sound decisions, admitting their mistakes, and putting what's best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.