As I see it... |
As I see it......
With the weather as warm as it has been it is hard to believe the holidays are just around the corner. Therefore the vendor holiday shows are upon us.
Holiday shows are not just about getting the "big" deals. They are a great way to educate yourself and your key staff on the products we have in our stores.
It is an opportunity to get out of the stores and talk with upper management, product distributors and other store managers. You may find a casual conversation may open your mind to new ideas or products.
Prepare for those upcoming holidays and maximize on those sales opportunities.
Your employees can help make a larger ring by tasting products at the shows and becoming more knowledgeable. Most likely, they will not like everything they taste. However, tasting puts them in the position to describe a product to our customers.
Next, when they get back to the store, get them out from behind the counter to hand sell to your customers. Holidays bring customers into our stores that we may not see on a regular basis, and they are looking for some guidance from us when making those important dinner or gift selections.
Plan for your holiday success, and see you at the shows!
Lara Smetana
Voyageur Bottle Shop (Pine City) Manager
MMBA Director
Dan Bahr to Retire |
After 38 years in the liquor business, Bemdiji Liquor manager Dan Bahr has decided to retire.
Dan says he will miss the people the most - associates as well as vendors in the industry.
He also says he will miss MMBA and the good that comes from sharing ideas. He encourages members to keep talking to each other.
His plans are to be done with work on the 30th of September and be on the city's payroll until the 31st of October with unused vacation and comp. time.
Finally, he says, "It's been a good run, stay in touch. I will miss you all." MMBA wishes Dan the best and thanks him for all of his hard work!!! |
MMBA Invited to Midwest Expo |
The Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association (MLBA) is inviting all MMBA members to their upcoming Midwest Expo on October 4.
Each MMBA member can receive two free admissions. Additional admissions are available for the MLBA member price.
Put Sunday Liquor Issue on Ice |
The following is a recent editorial from the Indianapolis Star Newspaper....
As always, the Indiana General Assembly will have a full plate when it convenes next year. Education, welfare, local government reform, legislative redistricting and a host of other tough issues will compete for the finite hours and finite funds allotted to lawmakers. Just how much room should be carved out for the pressing matter of selling booze on Sundays? In a clash of lobbying titans, a legislative study committee is re-examining the six-day limit on alcohol sales by establishments other than restaurants. Grocers, pharmacies and big box retailers want the change. They say it will make life more convenient for consumers, and fatten the state's treasury in the bargain. The liquor stores say no. They warn that Sunday sales would force them to stretch a six-day budget over seven days and expose them to unfair, potentially lethal competition from the mega-chains. Meanwhile, experts on alcoholism and advocates for temperance question how more hours of availability for this abundant drug can fail to result in more arrests and traffic fatalities. If there's a little guy in this fight, it's the one making the non-monetary argument. As with the celebrated Beer Baron battles of two decades ago, this alcohol-induced brawl involves high stakes for special interests and little value for the consumer-taxpayer each side claims to have at heart. Whether it is to the legislature's credit or due to a lobbying stalemate, it is rare if not unprecedented to see Sunday retail sales reach the front burner in the Statehouse. The Interim Study Committee on Alcoholic Beverages, which has only advisory power, pledges to hear all sides and separate fact from emotion and alarmism. That's commendable; but let's hope committee members and their colleagues keep the "cause" in perspective. It is logical to "modernize" the law, as proponents put it, and extend to stores permission to dispense a legal product -- permission that was denied restaurants not so many years ago. Yet, state and local restrictions on alcohol are manifold; and generally accepted as reasonable by the public. Leaving them in place means giving public safety the benefit of the doubt. Convenience, rather than real need, is not a compelling reason for change. Nor is the vague promise of a tax bonanza. Bottom line: The legislature, and its study committees, will confront many issues that demand action to save Hoosiers from hardship. Here is an instance in which it will do no harm to do nothing. |
Terri Traen in Rogers |
KQRS Radio personality Terri Traen recently made a promotional appearance to a huge crowd at the Rogers Muni. Bar.
Her appearance was held in conjunction with a Miller High Life promotion.
Here is a picture of Terri (center) with manager Gary Buysse and assistant manager Lori Kolstad. |
Tax Exempt Purchases |
An MMBA member recently asked if all church alcohol purchases are tax exempt, or just sacramental / ceremonial wine?
According to Minnesota Statutes, only wine purchased by an established religious organization for sacramental purposes is tax exempt.
Furthermore, under 297A.70, the exemption for qualifying nonprofit organizations is limited to purchases of items used in the performance of the charitable, religious or educational functions of the exempt organization.
The item or service must be sold directly to the exempt organization.
The sales tax exemption does not apply to the following, so they must pay sales tax on: prepared food, candy, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages, including catered food . lodging . gambling equipment and supplies . most motor vehicles . 6.2% car rental tax and 5% car rental fee.
BONUS Idea of the Week |
You can differentiate your facility from the competition by selling products and providing services they do not - like the October MMBA Food Drive! | |
Future Dates to Remember!! |
MMBA Food Drive
October, 2009
2009 MMBA Regional Meetings
October 13
October 14
October 20
Red Wing
October 21
October 27
October 28
Fergus Falls
Ask A Director |
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
Pelican Rapids
Dan Bahr
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak
Alcohol / DWI |
An MMBA member recently asked if an alcohol server must check the back of IDs for "No Alcohol / DWI" restrictions.
It has historically been the opinion of Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement that alcohol retailers are not obligated to refuse the sale of alcohol to anyone with this restriction. It is a law enforcement issue, and not a retailer responsibility.
Nowhere is it found in (Liquor Statutes) Chapter 340A. that requires retailers to refuse service with this type of restriction.
Idea of the Week |
Have a Clock Sale
Have a sale where the specials change each hour.
Consider extending your hours earlier and later for this event.
Have the better sales items during the slack hours. |
When you fail to do your homework and necessary research, you are simply giving your competition an advantage over you.
Why would you want to do that? | |