As I see it, the longer I am in the business, the more new and repeat products I see and have to decide if it will sell in my store.
As managers, we are constantly presented with new products by our suppliers and sales staff. This fact is a given, since new products are the mainstay of our industry.
Currently, I see more and more flavored drinks entering the market as younger drinkers, as well as some older ones, want alcohol but they don't want it to taste like alcohol.
So we are constantly forced to make a decision on what to keep, what to put in and what to simply get rid of. Since our facilities are not getting larger, most of us need to replace poor selling products on our shelves with new potential sellers.
Don't hesitate to take new products. But I encourage you to first do some research, including asking other managers if it is selling and in what sizes.
In addition, see what supplier tools are available to help you merchandise and sell the product.
Remember, purchasing is a two way street. Sales representatives want product in your stores. But, we can't carry everything.
We should try to carry customer's first, second or third choice and watch for repeats on the shelves. This is especially important in smaller facilities.
Old inventory is not doing you any good. If the product has been on the shelves or in the back room for a long time, get rid of it and try something different.
On a different note, MMBA regional meetings are starting to be scheduled. Please check your calendars when you receive notice of time and location and plan to attend. These meetings are very informative and a good way to meet other managers in your area.
Finally, don't forget there is a network of managers and others you can contact for advice and perspective. I highly encourage you to use that network, and to contact MMBA if you need assistance.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Bahr
Bemidji Liquor Manager
MMBA Director