Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(August 2-8, 2009)
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As I see it...
New Products
     As I see it, the longer I am in the business, the more new and repeat products I see and have to decide if it will sell in my store.
As managers, we are constantly presented with new products by our suppliers and sales staff.  This fact is a given, since new products are the mainstay of our industry.
Currently, I see more and more flavored drinks entering the market as younger drinkers, as well as some older ones, want alcohol but they don't want it to taste like alcohol.
So we are constantly forced to make a decision on what to keep, what to put in and what to simply get rid of.  Since our facilities are not getting larger, most of us need to replace poor selling products on our shelves with new potential sellers.

Don't hesitate to take new products.  But I encourage you to first do some research, including asking other managers if it is selling and in what sizes.  

In addition, see what supplier tools are available to help you merchandise and sell the product.
Remember, purchasing is a two way street.  Sales representatives want product in your stores. But, we can't carry everything.
We should try to carry customer's first, second or third choice and watch for repeats on the shelves.  This is especially important in smaller facilities.
Old inventory is not doing you any good.  If the product has been on the shelves or in the back room for a long time, get rid of it and try something different.

On a different note, MMBA regional meetings are starting to be scheduled.  Please check your calendars when you receive notice of time and location and plan to attend.  These meetings are very informative and a good way to meet other managers in your area.

Finally, don't forget there is a network of managers and others you can contact for advice and perspective.  I highly encourage you to use that network, and to contact MMBA if you need assistance.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Bahr
Bemidji Liquor Manager
MMBA Director 

Employee Breaks 
An MMBA member recently asked about legally required employee breaks.
According to Minnesota Statute:
 177.253 Mandatory work breaks.

    Subdivision 1.    Rest breaks.  An employer must allow
each employee adequate time from work within each four
consecutive hours of work to utilize the nearest convenient

    Subd. 2.    Collective bargaining agreement.  Nothing in
this section prohibits employers and employees from establishing
rest breaks different from those provided in this section
pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement. 

    Subdivision 1. Meal break. An employer must permit each employee who is working for eight or more consecutive hours sufficient time to eat a meal.

    Subd. 2. Payment not required. Nothing in this section requires the employer to pay the employee during the meal break.

    Subd. 3. Collective bargaining agreement. Nothing in this section prohibits employers and employees from establishing meal periods different from those provided in this section pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement.

Click Here for More Information
Wine Making Class
Wine Making 
This week, MMBA received the following question:

I've been approached by the C.E.R. (community education) program director. She is lining up a wine making class consisting of 4 sessions and wanted to know if they could do it at the new (exclusive) liquor store. They will actually be making wine. Is this legal for us to have such a thing? What, if any laws are there on this? I told her I'd get back to her as soon as I find out whether or not we could or even wanted to have this. Any ideas?

According to Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement:
A exclusive off sale store is not authorized to sell wine making supplies, nor are they authorized to allow wine making on their premises.  Wine making can take place at an establishment operating for that purpose.  The language is below.
A commercial establishment in which individuals make wine on the premises for personal and family use only and not for resale, using ingredients or materials or both supplied by the establishment, is not required to be licensed under this chapter if the establishment is operated in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, title 27, section 24.75.
No person under the age of 21 years may participate in the making of wine in such an establishment.
Alcoholic beverages may not be sold or otherwise provided to customers of an establishment described in this section unless the establishment holds the appropriate license for such sale or provision

Will This Scam Ever Stop??? 
MMBA received several messages this week similar to this one......
Just thought I'd let you know that the Elmore Municipal just received a fax from Tarry Heller, purchasing manager of D & D Catering and Party Supplies.  He is looking for Moet Chandon Nectar Imperial Rose and Louis Roederer Cristal Champagne 750.   Hmmmm
The new angle to this scam is the mention of D & D Catering.  
He is also sending email requests.
Future Dates to Remember!!
July 1st
 MN Tax Adjustment 
MMBA Regional Meetings
 Fall of 2009
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Dan Bahr
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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New Laws
Speed Limit
Effective August 1, it is now legal for drivers to exceed the speed limit by 10 mph when passing another vehicle going the same direction on a two-lane highway with a speed limit of at least 55 mph.
Several other bills became law (none alcohol related, but interesting anyway)
Interesting Promotion
Discount Sign
The above sign was seen at a metro wine shop.
 It could be a good idea or bad idea - but it is an interesting idea!
A duck walks into a bar and says, "I'll take a shot of bourbon and put it on my bill."