Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(July 5-11, 2009)
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As I see it...
Horse Shoe
As I see it...
We need to promote our business and entice people to stop. One way to do this is to provide entertainment.
From our horse shoe courts, pool tables, and dart machines that are enjoyed by our league players and everyday customers to Texas Hold-em, meat raffles, and bar bingo, customers can find something they like to do.
If you are not conducting meat raffles you should. The people love it. We are the site for our volunteer firemen's charitable gambling. Not only do we benefit from the customers who participate in the meat raffle but the raffle benefits our firemen's relief association.
Bar bingo also has been very successful. We added mega bingo about a year ago and it adds a new twist to our bingo program.
Our free Texas Hold-em draws a nice crowd on an otherwise "dead" night. We run it ourselves and staff is kept to a minimum.
We also have a small area in a corner dedicated to a "library." The sign says "Take one-Leave one." We do not police the library and have never run out of books. Some people take more than one and others leave more than one.
Also some customers have taken it upon themselves to leave used movies. These are welcome to vacationers and locals alike.
In conclusion, if you can provide some things for people to do, they will come.
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes Bar & Bottle Shop Manager
MMBA Director 

Catholic Charities ID
Catholic Charities 
MMBA director Joyce Zachmann from Spring Lake Park has reported quite a few young kids in her store with Catholic Charities Id's attempting to purchase alcohol.
The Id's have no birth date on them, and the kids have what looks to be the yellow form that the driver's license dept gives out with renewed/clipped licenses. 
Of course, sales are not being made to these individuals since the yellow driver's license form (which might be valid) is not accompanied by the clipped old license.
Beer Tastings in North Carolina Grocery Stores 
Beer Tasting 
This article illustrates how alcohol deregulation is a slippery slope.... 

Source: Citizen Times
July 6th
Free beer could be coming to your local grocery store.

State lawmakers may soon allow retailers to offer shoppers free samples of beer the same way some offer wine.

Supporters say beer tastings would help North Carolina's burgeoning craft brewing industry advertise itself. It's a way for a brewer to gain notice in a beer aisle with expanding variety.

"You can talk about it all you want," said Highland Brewing owner Oscar Wong, "but until you get that cup to the lip, the customer doesn't really know, 'Would I or won't I like it?'"

Microbreweries like Highland could be offering free tastes soon. State law will allow tastings starting Oct. 1 if a bill authored by state Rep. Thom Tillis becomes law.

The bill passed the House this month and is moving through the Senate, where a key committee endorsed it last week.

The bill would treat beer just like wine, which lawmakers cleared for tastings in 2001. Tillis, R-Mecklenburg, said wine tastings have drawn no complaints or abuse.

Criticism of his proposal comes from social conservatives who say beer has more potential for abuse than wine.

Beer is "disproportionately consumed in hazardous amounts," said the Rev. Mark Creech, director of the Christian Action League of N.C., which says beer accounts for 81 percent of all alcohol drunk in such excessive amounts.

It's also "the beverage of choice for underage drinkers," Creech told lawmakers.

Tillis has tweaked his proposal in response to those concerns, limiting tasting to four 2-ounce beers instead of six as he originally proposed.
But he says Creech's predictions are off the mark. The tastings would attract high-end, craft breweries looking to market to a wealthier demographic, he said.

If the bill passes, retailers could pay $100 for a permit to hold a tasting.

Or a brewer or vendor could pay $200 for a permit to offer tastings and sell its product at shopping malls, trade shows and festivals.
Winemakers can already obtain such permits. "We're saying, 'Just give us an even playing field,'" Wong said.

Fifteen years ago, Wong opened the first of what are now seven Buncombe County breweries, with two more on the way. Since then, state law has changed to become more welcoming to craft brewing.

A lobbying campaign persuaded lawmakers in 2005 to lift a ban that kept beers' alcohol content from topping 6 percent.
Beer with up to 15 percent alcohol content can now be sold.

Municipal Liquor Revenue to Fund Park Construction
PlaygroundWith airport expansion, Richfield lost some of its parkland and some of the more pleasant sounds of summer - the crack of baseball bats, cheering and umpires making their calls.

The Richfield City Council soon started to work on finding new space for summer park activities.

At a recent meeting, the council approved a contract with Ebert Construction to begin renovations at Lincoln Park Athletic Complex.

The plans approved include four ball fields (ranging from 210 feet to 220 feet to the center fence), 75 parking spaces, playground equipment and landscaping improvements at Lincoln Park, 7500 Pleasant Ave.

The contract can be amended if further construction options are decided, including field construction, two batting cages, concession stand and storage building roof replacement and two additional outfield fences.
The approved contract will be financed through municipal liquor store proceeds and the city's Capital Improvement Program.

Future Dates to Remember!!
July 1st
 MN Tax Adjustment 
MMBA Regional Meetings
 Fall of 2009
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
 Pelican Rapids
Dan Bahr
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Steve Grausam
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Michelle Olson
E-Mail Me
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak

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Cristal Thief's New Approach
The Cristal Champagne thief, reported in an earlier newsletter, is trying a new approach.
Several MMBA members have reported receiving a fax from "Mike Yan" that says:
EMAIL BACK AT: williamskautoparts@hot
ail.com ASAP

Obviously, do not respond to this fax.

It is not enough if you are busy.

The question is, "What are you busy about?"