Dan Bahr from Bemidji started out his recent "As I See It" column by saying he would rather be fishing. I will start out by saying I would rather be golfing. Maybe this Saturday I will go golfing -- maybe???
"Unexpected problems, aren't they fun???
SUMMER finally arrived last Saturday & it came in style. Hot
& sunny -- PERFECT beer drinking weather.
Not only was it the first day of Summer, it was also our town's Friendship Festival... My only problem was "HELP"... Have you ever had that problem?
On Monday one of my part-timers gave me his 2 day notice. He worked Monday, Wednesday & was gone..
Another employee's Father who lives near Rochester had a
massive stroke, therefore he was gone (only temporarily)..
No problem, I hired another part-timer to help get us
through this, right? WRONG!
During her training on Friday night, in just one hour at the till she managed to mess up the monies, the credit card sales & the check totals. Needless to say, Friday night was her only night working here... So I called in a former employee to help us through this first day of summer.
WRONG AGAIN! City hall called me Monday to inform me that former employees are just that -- former.. If they are no longer employed by the City - they can not work for the City. However, I think I solved that particular situation. I had her fill out another application & take it to City Hall & hope the council approves it..
This week I also hired 2 more part-timers with the hopes that I never get caught short handed again.
To sum it all up, this week I hired back one former employee & 2 new employees.
Now I feel much better about the help situation - especially with the 4th of July coming next Saturday & being in the middle of some of the best lakes in the State.
I honestly believe "IF" the weather cooperates, the 4th of July could easily be the biggest day this liquor store has ever seen.
Many of you are aware I do Beverage Alcohol (Server) Trainings (BAT) for MMBA.
I do a training every year for some facilities & some facilities every other year. Some of it depends on what
your insurance company requires.
No matter what, I firmly believe everybody should have this training.. "ANY" questions, feel free to call me (work) 218-863-6670 (cell) 320-766-3871.
I think MMBA is truly a great association to be belong. There are members in the association who are always there to help, not to mention Paul. "IF" you ever have a question or need help, I know Paul is just a phone call away.
MMBA Members, PLEASE support those who support you,
I know some of you will get a laugh out of this.. a month ago
I had Paul send out an email blast looking for Lambic Beer.
(Editors Note: Lambic is a very distinctive type of Belgium beer.
Unlike conventional ales and lagers, which are fermented by carefully cultivated strains of brewer's yeasts, Lambic beer is instead produced by spontaneous fermentation: it is exposed to the wild yeasts and bacteria that are said to be native to the Senne valley, in which Brussels lies. It is this unusual process which gives the beer its distinctive flavour: dry, vinous, and cidery, with a slightly sour aftertaste.)
Some of you responded - Thank You! But you know where I found
it? Right here in Pelican Rapids. We have a very small
distributor here called Upnorth Distributing, they have it.
Boy, did I feel like a fool!
For those of you who have had me for BAT trainings & have met Mona-Marie (who is usually with me) -- well this Saturday we will be getting married.