As I see it... |

Making New Friends and Learning That is what the MMBA Conference is about.
If you were able to attend this month, you were one of the lucky ones. There was loads of information for you to pick up and take back to your store.
I noticed many people talking about their store at the dinner table, asking questions and getting answers. This is a great way to get information from your fellow MMBA members. The seminars were also information packed. Here is an item that I picked up that was interesting and helpful to me and maybe to you too.... One tip from Tom Shay was to make a shopping check list for your customers.
For example, if they are looking to make Margaritas: Tequila Triple Sec Margarita Mix Lime Juice Salt Glasses You could also add a recipe card with that. That is just for starter, the list is endless of what you could do with this information.
Tom Shay has many tips and information to help your business on his website, be sure to check out his calculators.
There was also a Wine Blending Seminar which was very interesting. I had never done this before so it was quite exciting to blend my own wine, yummy!
Bob Nicols is the man to contact if you are interesting in doing a Wine Blending Seminar: Bob Nicols 952-469-1633 There are so many people to meet, so much to learn, if you have a chance to go to the MMBA Conference next year, do so. If you have any questions just contact one of the MMBA Directors. Our names and contact information are on the side of this newsletter.
Don't forget to check out Tom Shay's web site for more information.
Have a great summer!
Virgene Shellenbarger
MMBA Director
Liquor Hutch (Hutchinson)
Nevis Position Opening |
 The City of Nevis is accepting applications for the position of On-Off Sale Liquor Store Manager.
This individual oversees and administers the day-to-day operations of the On-Off Sale Municipal Liquor Store.
Preferred requirements include knowledge of small business operations including management, inventory control, budgeting, marketing, promotions and customer relations.
Must be able to work a combination of days, nights, weekends, and holidays and lift 50 pounds.
Salary range $30,000 to $35,000 DOQ.
Application forms available at Nevis City Office, 104 Main Street West, P. O. Box 108, Nevis, MN 56467, (218) 652-3866. or at
Completed application, resume and release forms due in Nevis City Office by 4:00 p.m. June 12, 2009.
Equal Opportunity Employer. |
Drunk in Public? Can't Carry a Gun |
Minneapolis Star Tribune
June 3, 2009
Even if you have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, you can't pack a pistol in a public place if you are drunk -- and your own bar is considered a public place, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday.
A three judge-panel took up the question of what constitutes a public place when they heard the case of James J. Gradishar. He had gotten a conviction thrown out in St. Louis County District Court by contending that his Duluth bar was not a public place, but rather a private business where he has a right to carry a gun, just as he can in his private home.
But because the public has access to the bar, it's considered a public place, appellate judges Michelle Larkin, Natalie Hudson and Renee Worke said. They returned the case to St. Louis County for a new trial.
The Duluth city attorney had asked the Minnesota Court of Appeals to hear the case and reinstate the conviction.
In May 2008, Gradishar had been in the Duluth bar he owns and manages, Norshor Experience, when he struck up a conversation with an off-duty officer. Gradishar mentioned to the officer that he had a gun in his pocket, and that he had a gun permit. He also acknowledged drinking that day.
The officer administered an alcohol breath-test. Gradishar allegedly had a reading of 0.15 percent, and the officer cited him for having a gun while drunk in a public place.
New Delaware Liquor Store Targets Women Shoppers |
It's a liquor store that wouldn't be out of place on Oprah Winfrey's list of her favorite things. The mantra for Outlet Liquors, a new store on Route 1 just north of Rehoboth Beach, could easily be: "If you build it, the women will come." The 20,000-square-foot store, the biggest liquor store near Rehoboth and Dewey beaches, was created with only women in mind. From the $30,000 limestone women's bathroom to the entertainment lounge area with live music and flat-screen televisions tuned to the Food Network, this isn't your ordinary booze shop. "Women shop for all the groceries and all the clothing, but alcohol was the thing where you have these cold package stores with some guy behind the counter with a scruffy beard who hasn't showered in a month," says Alex Pires, a partner with the Highway One Inc., which owns the store. Highway One also owns Dewey Beach Liquors and several popular Dewey bars -- the Bottle & Cork, The Rusty Rudder and Northbeach. With the summer season under way, this new party starting behemoth offers yet another option on the crowded Route 1 for both women and men, as well as a new stage for local musicians. The store, which opened in the space that formerly housed a Salvation Army and a Safeway supermarket before that, is about three miles north of Dewey Beach. On Saturday, plenty of women were at the store as singer/guitarist Paul Cullen, who specializes in romantic music perfect for wine tastings, performed Chris Isaak's "Wicked Game" in the center of the store. First-time customers Margie Crouch and Toddy Chase, both of whom have summer homes in Rehoboth Beach, reacted just as Pires would have hoped when they saw the women's bathroom for the first time. "Oh wow, very impressive. You wouldn't expect to find that in a liquor store," Crouch said as her equally impressed friend marveled at the rest room. A chandelier hangs from the bathroom ceiling, vases of flowers sit along the sinks and each stall is totally private, with its own floor-to-ceiling door. "I want women to come in here and say, 'I get it. This store's for me,'" says Pires, who credits his wife for helping design the bathroom. So why did Pires open the massive store during an economic downturn? It all came down to opportunity. "One day I drove by and saw a for-lease sign. I never thought the Salvation Army would leave here," he says. As it turns out, the rent for the space had been raised. Pires smiles when asked if he thought long about opening a massive liquor store during a recession: "No. One day." Even though the decision was quick, Pires studied the liquor store industry before deciding his target market would be women. Women would be drawn to a store that was clean, had immaculate bathrooms and was laid out like a supermarket, with wide and clearly labeled aisles, he determined. Soft colors and soft music fill the space. "I think women want to do the shopping, I really do. Not guys," says Pires. The centerpiece of the store is the entertainment lounge. There are eight oversized armchairs and four flat-screen televisions, tuned to channels like the Food Network and the Weather Channel. | |
Future Dates to Remember!! |
July 1st
MN Sales Tax Increase
Fall of 2009
MMBA Regional Meetings
February 22-24, 2010
MMBA Boot Camp
Breezy Point Resort
MMBA Annual Conference
Arrowwood Resort
Ask A Director |
Gary Buysse
Bob Leslie
Pelican Rapids
Dan Bahr
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Toni Buchite
50 Lakes
Bridgitte Konrad
North Branch
Paul Kaspszak
What is Social Host? |
The MMBA Office recently received a question on the general concept of "Social Host" ordinances.
Large and small communities throughout Minnesota and the United States are considering and implementing these laws.
According to, laws prohibiting furnishing alcoholic beverages to underage persons target the provision of alcoholic beverages to underage persons.
In contrast, social host liability laws (also known as teen party ordinances, loud or unruly gathering ordinances, or response costs ordinances) target the location in which underage drinking takes place.
Social host liability laws hold non-commercial individuals responsible for underage drinking events on property they own, lease, or otherwise control.
The Minnesota House Research staff has prepared a comparison of dram shop and social host. Click the link below to see that document.
Need to Get Rid of Old Product? |
Every facility has some old product or product that just didn't sell for whatever reason.
One way to get rid of the merchandise is the "Daily Knockdown Sale" or "Dutch Auction."
This is an announced policy that each day, or every third day or so, you reduce the prices on these items displayed in a special area. Each time you knock them down another 10%-20%.
The purpose is to give customers an incentive to purchase the item now, or take the chance it might not be there at a later date, at a lower price. |
Every Customer has the Potential to be a Big Spender, and Should be Treated Accordingly
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