As I see it... |

A Riedel Wine Glass Seminar is a great way to offer your customers an unique tasting and a whole new insight into the tasting wonders of this wine glass.
Currently, The Wine Company is offering tasting seminars with the Flow Glass Series. This glass is great, as it's stem is very durable and still remains elegant.
We have scheduled a seminar towards the end of April at The Three Crows Restaurant in Delano. The Wine Company brings in the wine for tasting and the facilitator. They require a minimum of 40 people to hold the event.
The restaurant will receive a fee per attendee and I will take preference sheets for the wine being tasted as well as special pricing for the wine glasses being used.
There is really no emphasis on food and wine pairings with this event, so we will only offer maybe crackers for pallet cleansing.
At the end, the customer walks away with the knowledge and proof that a wine glass can affect the taste and smell of the wine, and a set of 4 glasses.
If you have never attended a Riedel tasting and get the opportunity, I would highly recommend taking advantage of this learning experience.
Rock On!
Nancy Drumsta Delano Wine and Spirits
MMBA Director
Wirtz Beverage Group Unifies Brand |
March 9th
Wirtz Beverage Group announced that the company will bring together its national portfolio of wine, spirit and beer distributorships under the Wirtz Beverage Group name.
State affiliates will begin doing business in May 2009 under Wirtz Beverage Illinois, Wirtz Beverage Iowa, Wirtz Beverage Minnesota, Wirtz Beverage Nevada and Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin.
"This move is the latest step in our strategic organizational alignment aimed at becoming the leading premium total beverage alcohol distributor by 2012," explained W. Rockwell "Rocky" Wirtz, Wirtz Beverage Group President. "With the help of our corporate team, we have put the infrastructure in place to provide a best-in-class model. Now our state affiliates can leverage their reputation for quality with the resources, efficiencies and innovation of a national distributor."
Companies included in the initiative are Griggs, Cooper & Co. and Mark VII of Minnesota.
Mr. Wirtz indicated that the initiative is aimed at driving more support to the company's multi-state operations while also serving as a platform for future strategic partnerships with compatible entities.
Assuming the title of Senior Vice President/General Manager to manage state operations are Julian Burzynski for Wirtz Beverage Illinois, Kevin Ryan for Wirtz Beverage Iowa and Wirtz Beverage Minnesota, Ray Norvell for Wirtz Beverage Nevada, and Dick Deutsch for Wirtz Beverage Wisconsin.
"Our strategic alignment gives each state the flexibility to address the dynamics of their unique supplier and customer relationships while our national brand provides the necessary resources and efficiencies to deliver top-line growth," noted Wirtz. "Together, Wirtz Beverage Group is differentiating itself from the competition by using innovation and transparency to deliver for our premier partners."
New Poll Shows Massive Opposition to Sunday Sales of Liquor in Texas |
 March 10th Source: PR Newswire
According to a new statewide poll conducted by Baselice and Associates and released today, the vast majority of voters oppose allowing liquor stores to be open on Sundays. Texas voters oppose the proposal by a margin of 67 - 29 percent.
The survey of Texas voters was conducted between February 24 - 26, 2009 and has a margin of error of +/- 3.5 percent. In response to the poll numbers, Fred Marosko of the Texas Package Stores Association released the following statement. "The majority of liquor store owners, like Texas voters, are overwhelmingly opposed to opening on Sundays for several important reasons.
Customers aren't asking for longer store hours. Those polled strongly feel that shopping for liquor is already convenient enough. So owners would face increased overhead that could devastate their bottom lines, even though their customers feel well-served by the stores in their communities and by the system as it stands.
And most importantly, DWI fatalities on Sundays reportedly increased 'sharply' after Sunday liquor sales were approved in New Mexico. Since Texas is currently third in the nation for alcohol-related highway fatalities, it's no surprise that legislation with this track record faces sharp opposition.
The Sunday sales legislation is being pushed by out-of-state liquor distillers who, simply put, want Texans to drink more liquor. Their legislation is overwhelmingly opposed both by Texas voters and local Texas businesses, and is a bad idea all the way around."
According to the poll, eighty-one percent of all Texas voters believe that current liquor store hours already provide enough time and convenience to shop for alcoholic beverages. And almost two-thirds of all voters agreed that bars being open on Sunday does not justify opening liquor stores seven days a week.
When informed that New Mexico saw a sharp rise in Sunday alcohol-related vehicle fatalities after a law passed allowing liquor stores to be open on Sundays, 74 percent of those polled oppose changing the law in Texas.
After hearing more about the issue, 67 percent of voters oppose (58 percent strongly oppose) allowing liquor stores to be open on Sundays, compared to 29 percent who favor the idea. Seventy-eight percent of Republicans, 63 percent of Democrats and 62 percent of Independents oppose allowing Sunday sales of liquor in Texas.
Several bills that aim to allow the Sunday sales of liquor have been filed.
You Needn't Be Driving for DWI |
Daryl Fleck was drunk and asleep in his car in the parking lot of his Crookston apartment building when someone called police.
Officers who responded that night in 2007 saw his car keys on the console between the front seats, but found no evidence that Fleck, who was parked in his assigned spot, had recently driven.
Nonetheless, Fleck was convicted of drunken driving, and on Tuesday, the Minnesota Court of Appeals upheld that conviction in a decision that serves as a reminder that a person can be guilty of drunken driving without having driven.
The appeals court said that Fleck's keys were "readily available to him," and there was no evidence he was in the car to do something other than drive. That he may not have intended to drive is "immaterial," the eight-page decision said.
Click Here for Full Story | |
Future Dates to Remember!! |
2009 MMBA Annual Conference
May 17th - 19th
Wine Dinner May 16th
MMBA Regional Meetings
Fall of 2009
Ask A Director |
Gary Buysse
Dan Bahr
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Michael Friesen
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Molly Meyer
Paul Kaspszak
Auctions & Silent Auctions |
Notwithstanding sections 340A.401, 340A.414, and 340A.505, a nonprofit organization conducting a silent auction, raffle, or other fund-raising event may conduct live, on premises auctions or raffles of wine, beer, or intoxicating liquors, provided that funds from the auction or raffle are dedicated to the charitable purposes of the nonprofit organization.
Such auctions or raffles are limited to not more than six occasions per year, and the alcohol may only be auctioned or raffled to persons who demonstrate that they are 21 years of age or older and do not show signs of obvious intoxication.
Nothing in this section authorizes on-premises consumption of alcohol.
Rush City to Build New Municipal Liquor Store |
There will be a new liquor store in Rush City.
After all the talk, the planning and the decisions, Rush City is finally seeing some action.
The Rush City City Council approved a project management contract during the meeting on Monday, March 23, and demolition has started.
Don't wait for others to set goals for you. Start setting them for yourself. | |