Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Newsletter
(February  1-7, 2009)
 Click Here for the
Feb 6th 2009
Hello MMBA Members and Friends,
We are begining a weekly e-mail newsletter that will replace the NABCA updates.  This newsletter will include news from our industry, local trends and maybe even some fun facts. Enjoy and share with all you might think are interested.
As I see it...
Our day at the capitol was again very sucsesfull. We continue to see new members making contact in their area.  It really makes a difference with legislators to see a local face.
I visited with Senator Linda Schied, who was surprised with the amount of money we transfer into our city from our liquor fund. We then discussed the economy and how stong municipal liquor cities will help get through some of the shortfalls.
I highly encourage other municipal liquor managers to provide their legislators with this type of valuable information.
Thanks to the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association and their new executive director Frank Ball for working together with MMBA every year on this very important day.
Tom Agnes, MMBA Director
MMBA Boot Camp
Tuesday, February 24 & Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at Breezy Point Resort
For New Municipal Liquor Managers, Assistant Managers, City Administrators, Council Members, and Seasoned Personnel Who Want To Brush Up On Their Knowledge. The Boot Camp will cover the "basics" of municipal liquor operations (pricing, inventory control, merchandising, promotion etc.) and includes a Wine 101 tasting dinner. 
Sales Tax Increase
Remember, the state sales and use tax rate will increase to 6.875% beginning July 1, 2009.  An additional 2.5% state sales tax must be added to this new rate when selling alcohol. 
In some communities, there may be additional local sales taxes that must be added to the sale of alcohol and non-alcohol items.
Prohibition Days 
Customers are like elephants.  They always remember your bad attitudes, your broken promises, and how you handle misunderstantings.
Future Dates to Remember!!
MMBA Boot Camp
Feb 24th & 25th 2009
2009 MMBA Annual Conference
May 17th - 19th
Wine Dinner May 16th
MMBA Regional Meetings
 Fall of 2009
Ask A Director
Gary Buysse
Dan Bahr
Brian Hachey
Nancy Drumsta
Lara Smetana
Pine City
Joyce Zachmann
Spring Lake Park
Virgene Shellenbarger
Michael Friesen
Tom Agnes
Brooklyn Center
Molly Meyer
Paul Kaspszak

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New Councilmember
Orientation CD
With new councilmembers recently taking their seats, now is a good time to educate them on the positive aspects of your municipal liquor operation.
During the last week of January a CD was mailed to all municipal liquor managers to help in this process.
The CD contains information on the purpose of municipal liquor stores and more.
Free copies of this CD are avaialabe by contacting the MMBA office.