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Volume 9   No. 2                             EFCA West Home                                          March 2009
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T.H.U.D.... Financial drop
 You are no doubt weary of the constant byline in the media, variously described as
 "these difficult days," "these trying times," etc. For purposes of brevity throughout
 this issue, These Hard Unrelenting
Days will hereafter be referred to as Th.(u)D.
Sittin' on the dock of the Bay...ODLW logo
... but by no means "wastin' time" is your upcoming opportunity in Fremont, Saturday, March 28, 9:30am  to 2:15 pm. In light of Th.(u)D. �, this is a great opportunity for you to sharpen your leadership team (one church has pre-registered over 20 attendees). We have a uniquely diverse array of electives. Click here to see the full details of the day. Click here for a list of the electives. Although you can register at the door, we really need your emailed or phoned intent by March 25 (in order to pre-order lunches). Please let Rita know ASAP at [email protected], or (209) 667-5789.
The early Bird gets the game...
 Dave Page is hosting a pick-up basketball game on the morning of
 the One Day Leadership Workshop in F
remont.  Join Dave from
 8:00-9:30 a.m. at the Cornerstone Building (Building C) at Bridges
ommunity Church, 505 Driscoll Rd.  Please e-mail [email protected]
 to register
for the games and/or the conference.  Those participating
 in the game may find themselves feeling Th.(u)D.
Guns 'n Roses (in the church)...
...the response to my admonition last week to develop an emergency response plan was, let's say, colorful. Some contended that, due to Th.(u)D. , media overplays isolated episodes of violence in churches. Others shared even more elaborate examples of security measures than the one I described. Coincidentally, Trinity Church of Redlands (1551 Reservoir Rd. Redlands, CA, 92374) responded by inviting anyone who can to take advantage of  "the best one-day church security training conference in America" on April 30. The accolades for this group are too many to mention, so look for yourself at Center for Personal Protection & Safety. The cost is $250/person with discounts for two or more. Call 509-252-8533 to register, or to inquire about hosting an event.
Center for Protection
Youth Pastors need help, especially during Th.(u)D.�...
...and get it when they network with each other. The So. Cal. Network will gather at FEFC Fullerton (no, we don't know of a Second EFC or SEFC), 2801 N. Brea Blvd., Fullerton, CA - 92835, on May 20 (10am to 1pm) and they're tentatively scheduled for Sept 16. For confirmation, details, or help in putting together a network closer to home, contact Ethan Hedberg at [email protected].
Shiloh equals Shalom...
Bible ...and what better time than Th.(u)D. ,  to take advantage of EFCA West staff
 member Tom and Lynn Garasha's standing offer to open their Shiloh House (in
 Scottsdale, AZ) to pastors and their spouses for a time of refreshment and renewal.
 Once you coordinate the days that work for both of you, you choose what level of
 interaction with others (if any) you want and need. The price (FREE!) is hard to beat.
 Coordinate with them at [email protected] or (602) 571-2013.

Speaking of Blooms in the Desert...Sonoita
...Pastor Chuck Carlson, in Sonoita, weighed in this week with some very counter- Th.(u)D. , encouragement about the progress on their new facility. In fact, they expect to be in by June 1. It had been declared impossible, but they will have constructed 6800 sq. ft. at $71 per sq foot. In fact, because of Th.(u)D. , contractors and subs are coming in at much lower costs than usual. The community has already begun responding to the activity with a 25% increase in attendance before the building is completed. Chuck says the project has bolstered their people to be more invitational, challenged in their faith, and in turn, blessed by their involvement in the work.
Moore Double Blooms...Moore
Smith...not only did Christ Community Church in Laguna Hills recently complete and dedicate their new beautiful sanctuary, but as Pastor Don and Ginny Smith retire from 25 years of loving service to that congregation, January 18 marked the official call of Pastor Charles Moore from Winnetka Bible Church (Illinois). Prior to Winnetka, Pastor Moore founded churches in North Carolina and Kentucky. He has degrees from U. Kentucky (in Spanish), Kentucky College (Law), and Southeastern Seminary (M.Div). His wife Eileen, a former Assistant United States Attorney, is now full-time mother to their son, Joshua. Pastor Don Smith's final Sunday will be April 12.
ABiblend a former Laguna Hills pastor...
 ...Bill Hull, especially concerned about Th.(u)D. , has asked me to remind you one final time
 about his upcomi
ng April 27-30 "Choosing the Life" Convocation in Aliso Viejo. It is indeed a
 unique opportunity to interact with him, Dallas Willard, Ken Baugh, and Eric Sloter in a
 capped 75 attendee format. Go to Choose the Life for more details.

And with a final, resounding Th.(u)D.�...
...I'll run the risk of meddling and broach the subject of finances. From our vantage point, nowhere is Th.(u)D. , more frequently discussed than in the context of ministry budget cutbacks, staff reductions, program cancellation, missionary support cancellation, and building expansion delays. In many cases, the domino effect is predictable: congregations which shrink from Exodus of members, or offerings that shrink because the income of members is disappearing. In other cases, it is more like a panicked run on the bank, as financial stewardship to an unseen God is the first victim in a climate of spiritual immaturity. You've probably already thought about preaching out of Haggai 1 ("Give careful thought to your ways.You have planted much, but have harvested little. You eat, but never have enough. You drink, but never have your fill. You put on clothes, but are not warm. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it."  This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways.), and without hinting that the exegesis parallels a building campaign, let me state the obvious: God knows the circumstances and hearts of His people. I often ponder the question: how many of the nearly 700 ministry leaders who read Zipline faithfully tithe? Please give that some prayerful thought, as I believe our obedience during Th.(u)D. could have a profound impact on the lives of our people.

Working together with you through the Th.(u)D.
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