Ten Year Logo
January 2012 E-Newsletter

State of the Chapter Social - January 10th
Sustainable Building Technology Courses at St. Louis Community College
St. Louis Greenprint 2012
Growing Green Awards Nominations Due January 27
Innovative Solar Technologies Seminar - January 27
C&D Pilot Project & Project Managment Opportunities
Thanks to New & Renewing Sponsors
Welcome New Members!


To initiate, develop and accelerate implementation of green building concepts, technologies and principles that promote environmentally responsible, prosperous and healthy places to
live and work.
February 2:
Conservation Lobby Day in Jefferson City

February 14:
USGBC-MO Gateway Program on Economics of Sustainability

March 29:



Logo Vertegy
Thanks to our 2011 PLATINUM SPONSORS

logo korteNovus Logo

Logo MO Botanical

Thanks to our 2011 GOLD SPONSORS

December 7 High Performance building session speakersLogo ClaycoColorArtLogo

SM Wilson Logo

CNR logoHealthy Planet
Thanks to our 2011 SILVER

Acorn Landscape Architecture

BSI Contractors

Bell Electrical Contractors

Christner, Inc.

ECO Recycling, Inc.

Enterprise Holdings

Express Scripts

Guarantee Electrical Company

Johnson Controls

Landis & Gyr

Lighting Associates, Inc.

McCormack Baron Salazar & SunWheel Energy Partners


National Design Build Services, LLC


Republic Services

St. Louis Electrical Connection

Sheet Metal Workers, Local 36


U.S. Bank

Thanks to our 2011 GREEN

Ameren Missouri
Pure Power

Armstrong Teasdale

Corrigan Company


Green Street Properties, LLC

Hastings + Chivetta

PayneCrest Electric

Solutions AEC

Villa Lighting 
Check us out on:

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USGBC-Missouri Gateway Blog

If you're a Chapter member, you can submit posts for our blog. See blog guidelines.
 If you'd rather connect in person, we offer that option as well! Join us at a monthly program - generally the second Tuesday of every month, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Learn more about Chapter programs.

State of the Chapter Social - January 10th

Join us to kick off the new year at the 4th Annual State of the Chapter Social on January 10, 2012. Meet Chapter members and leaders and take a look back at the successes of 2011 and look forward at plans for the upcoming year. 

Complimentary Mount Pleasant wine and Schlafly beer will be imbibed, appetizers eaten and live music enjoyed. And committee chairs will share information about opportunities to get involved in 2012!   


Be a part of USGBC's vision to create and restore buildings and communities that will regenerate and sustain the health and vitality of all life within a generation!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012
5:30-6:15 pm - Registration & Networking
6:15-7:00 pm - Formal Presentation
7:00-7:30 pm - Additional Networking

Alberici Headquarters, 8800 Page (63114)


Free to all attendees, but please RSVP here.


Thanks to our program sponsor: 



Sustainable Building Technology Courses at
St. Louis Community College

St. Louis Community College is offering two courses at their Florissant Valley Campus on Sustainable Building Technologies. Both courses begin meeting the evening of Tuesday, January 17, 2012.   


Sustainable Energy Technology
Students will learn about energy efficiency and its role in the built environment. They will study energy systems, construction fundamentals, sustainable design fundamentals, and learn how those concepts work as part of a whole building. These courses are designed for students who are preparing for entry-level positions as well as those already working in energy-related fields. Students should have a strong desire to work in the energy field, solve energy efficiency problems and work with industry professionals to improve buildings.

Sustainable Construction
Students will learn to read and analyze construction drawings and other documents, evaluate building materials, examine building systems, and apply principles and practices of sustainability to decision-making processes in all phases of construction. These courses will prepare individuals for entry-level positions and also will prove beneficial to those already working in related fields.

Seating is limited for both courses, and there is no tuition cost for qualified individuals in most of the classes. To determine if you qualify or for more information, contact Carla Jordan at cjordan55@stlcc.edu or 314-513-4633.     

St. Louis Greenprint 2012 

With the input and participation of over 80 companies and organizations, the St. Louis Regional Chamber and Growth Association developed the St. Louis Greenprint 2012 during summer and fall of 2011. Many Chapter members participated in the development of the Greenprint and were also in attendance at its release on December 14. The Greenprint is an action plan for growing the St. Louis regional green economy.

USGBC-Missouri Gateway is excited to partner with RCGA on a High Performance Building Initiative, which is part of the Greenprint's Accelerating the Market for Green Products and Services Intiative. Previously, we partnered with RCGA on three-part High Performance Building Series in 2009 & 2010 that was very well-received and well-attended. We look forward to enhancing this partnership in the coming year.

We are especially excited because the High Performance Building Initiative fits perfectly with a key area of our 2012 - 2014 Strategic Plan - focusing on greening our existing building stock. Look for more programming and educational opportunities this year from the Chapter focusing on greening existing buildings - at our monthly programs, webinars and in-depth sessions and in partnership with other organizations like RCGA.  


Read more about the Greenprint and the High Performance Building Initiative read this entire blog post on the USGBC-Missouri Gateway website!

Growing Green Awards
Nomination Deadline - January 27th

Growing Green Awards Logo 
Do you know a person, company, organization or school that is transforming our built environment into a healthier, more environmentally friendly and prosperous place to live, work and learn?  


If so, nominate them for a Growing Green Award!


USGBC-Missouri Gateway is pleased to celebrate the people and organizations who are helping to ensure that every building is a green building through our 4th Annual Growing Green Awards.


We are now accepting nominations in the following categories: 

  • Community Champion
  • Education
  • Emerging Leader
  • Innovation
  • Operational Excellence
  • Restoration

Nominations are due by 5 PM CST on  

Friday, January 27, 2012   


Please visit the Growing Green Awards page to download the nomination package. 


Winners will be announced at the Growing Green Awards Celebration on Thursday, March 29 featuring Mitch Joachim as the keynote speaker. Save the date!  


 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****  

Thanks to our current Growing Green Award Sponsors:

Arcturis - Sapling Sponsor 

The Healthy Planet - Sapling Sponsor 

Microgrid Energy - Acorn Sponsor 


Help us celebrate those who are transforming the built environment - by sponsoring of the Growing Green Awards! Learn more about 2012 Sponsorship opportunities here  

Missouri Solar Energy Industries Association Seminar - January 27 

moseia logo 


Innovative Solar Technologies and
Best Practices for Building Green Communities


The Missouri Solar Energy Industries Association (MOSEIA) invites you to attend the upcoming professional development seminar: Innovative Solar Technologies and Best Practices for Building Green Communities. A full day program with distinguished speakers, progressive idea sharing and networking opportunities. Limited seating is available for this event and early registration is encouraged.


WHEN: January 27, 2012


WHERE: Town Pavilion Conference Center, Kansas City, MO


KEYNOTE SPEAKERPierre Moses, LEED AP, Executive Manager of Make It Right Foundation    


For more info on registration and cost see event flyer or contact Heidi Schoen, MOSEIA Executive Director, 314-677-4076

C&D Pilot Project & Project Manager Opportunities


ReSource St. Louis and St. Louis County are seeking applications & RFQs for a Construction & Demolition Waste Diversion Pilot Project. 


The Pilot Program seeks to demonstrate that C&D waste diversion is the best-practice solution for a sustainable, economically viable community and will serve as a basis for vital, ongoing education and training accessible to the entire building industry.


The Pilot Program will utilize three waste diversion strategies:

1. Reduction

2. Reuse

3. Recycle or Compost


Two projects will be chosen to participate in the Pilot:a medium-sized (20,00 - 40,000 square feet) construction or remodeling projects and the demolition of a medium to large-sized structure. Do you have a project that qualifies? Download the application here - all applications are due January 31, 2012.  


One project manager will be chosen to manage the Pilot Projects. Think you have what it takes? Download the RFQ here - all quotes are due January 31, 2012.  


For more information, please contact Chris Kalter with St. Louis County Solid Waste Management Program.

New & Renewing Sponsors

Cannon Design - Renewing Gold
Eco Recycling - Renewing Silver
Enterprise Holdings - Renewing Silver
Johnson Controls - Renewing Silver
Microgrid Energy - New Green
Tarlton - Renewing Silver

New Members Joining in the Last Quarter

Just like our sponsors, each member is vital to the success of USGBC-Missouri Gateway and growth of green building! We are excited to recognize the following members who joined the Chapter within the last three months:


Laura Barton, RideFinders, a service of Madison Co. Transit

Kevin Bohnenstiehl, R. G. Ross Construction

James Bornholdt, William Tao & Associates, Inc.

Eric Brault, TME, Inc.

Jessica Bruce, Maryville University

Bart Cannon, Tradebe

David Carrera, Siemens Industry, Inc.

Denise Cooney, Student

Susan Danna, Architect

Julie DeClue, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Eric Eggers, BSI Constructors

Lori Franke, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 

Kevin Gates, Oates Associates, Inc.

Doug Haas, SEMCO, LLC

Michael Hartoin, SCI Engineering, Inc.

Lynnette Hicks, City of University City

Clifford Holcomb, SEMCO LLC

Nicholas Hugeback, Paric Corporation

Scott Keating, Apex Midwest Inc.

Bruce Kothe, St. Louis County

Kurt Kreutz, US Bank

Michael Kulik, Parsons

Ann Mack, Webster University

Allison Macon, Tweaked Green

Patti McClellan

Mary Margaret McMiller, Washington University in St. Louis  

Rakesh Mora, ABNA Engineering

Mark Niemeyer, AAIC, Inc.

Matt Pemberton, SEMCO LLC

Stephen Randolph, Horner & Shifrin

Teresa Robinson, Washington University in St. Louis 

Jennifer Rowan, Southeast Missouri State University

Evin Russell, University of Missouri-St Louis

John Schilling, SEMCO LLC

Alexander Sherfy, Don C. Musick Construction Co.

Alex Smith, SEMCO LLC

Adam Stark, SEMCO LLC

Phil Valko, Washington University in St. Louis 

Nathan Venos, Washington University in St. Louis

Ross Watson, Jacobs

Paul Wilhelms, HOK

Sam Winn, Sam A. Winn & Associates

Rachel Wold, St. Louis University     


Learn more about Chapter or National  USGBC membership.