USGBC-STL Header 03
June 2010
USGBC-STL Program - Greensburg Kansas
Clayton's Green Power Community Challenge
Tour of Green Homes - June 19
USGBC-STL Member Directory
LEED Green Associate Exam Prep
Local LEED Projects
June 8 - 10:
Midwest Energy & Climate Policy Conference

June 13:
St. Louis Open Streets

June 14, 16, 22, 23:

Greening Your Structures (Rescheduled) at Ranken Tech

June 15:
Greensburg Kansas: Three Years into Rebuilding Green from the Ground Up

June 19:

4th Annual Tour of Green Homes

July 13:

USGBC-STL Program - Tour of St. Louis Community College Harrison Education Center

July 23 & 26:

USGBC-STL LEED Green Associate Exam Prep
Logo Ameren
Logo Grainger
Logo Kerr
Logo MO Botanical
Logo Vertegy

December 7 High Performance building session speakersLogo Clayco



Bell Electrical Contractors

Color Art
Integrated Interiors

ECO Recycling, Inc.

Green Street Properties, LLC

Hastings & Chivetta

Johnson Controls

Landis & Gyr

Lighting Associates, Inc.

Novus International


St. Louis Electrical Connection

Sheet Metal Workers, Local 36


Unico System

U.S. Bank

Washington University in St. Louis

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If you're a USGBC-STL member, you can submit posts for our blog. See blog guidelines.
 If you'd rather connect in person, we offer that option as well! Join us at a monthly program - generally the second Tuesday of every month, from 5:30 - 7:30 pm. Learn more about Chapter programs.

Join us for the June 15 Program on Green Rebuilding Efforts in Greensburg, Kansas!

We are delighted to welcome Daniel Wallach, Executive Director and Founder of Greensburg GreenTown, back to St. Louis. Mr. Wallach and his colleagues from Greensburg gave a plenary presentation at Greening the Heartland in 2008. Next week, he will give an overview and update on the progress in Greensburg, Kansas in the quest to make it "America's model green community" just three years after an EF-5 tornado destroyed over 90% of the town. Much has transpired in 3 years and Daniel will discuss what motivated people to take significant action towards achievement of a very ambitious collective vision.

For a sneak peak about the June 15 program, tune into KDHX 88.1 FM tonight at 7 PM to hear Green Jean Ponzi interview Daniel Wallach on Earthworms. If you can't tune in live, catch the Earthworms podcast later!

WHEN: Tuesday, June 15, 2010
5:30 - Registration & Networking
6:15 - 7:30- Presentation

WHERE: Steinberg Auditorium at Washington University in St. Louis * 1 Brookings Dr., Steinberg Hall (63130)

PARKING / TRANSPORTATION INFO: Paid parking is available by permit in the Washington University parking garage or in the Visitor Parking behind the Kemper Art Museum (near Skinker and Brookings Drive). Metered parking is available along Brookings Drive. Free parking is available in nearby Forest Park. Carpooling & Metrolink are encouraged! Visitor parking info can be found on Washington University's website.

COST: Free for USGBC-STL members and full-time students;
$20.00 for Non-Members

RSVP via EventBrite. And for more information, see the full event notice.

Thanks to our Program Sponsors:
Husch Blackwell Sanders, LLP
Straight Up Solar
Sun Chips
Congratulations to Clayton, MO on becoming an EPA Green Power Community!

Last week, the City of Clayton, MO hosted a press conference to announce their Green Power Community Challenge. Green Power Communities are cities in which the local government, businesses, and residents collectively buy green power in amounts that meet targets set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Tour of Green Homes Logo

In the photo above, Clayton Mayor Linda Goldstein at their June 3 press conference says, "In Clayton, we know today that renewable energy is here, in Missouri, and that it is working. We also know that increasing the amount of renewable energy in the Missouri power pool through the purchase of RECs or installation of onsite solar will reduce carbon emissions and promote local economic development."

For further information, see the post on USGBC-STL's blog -
Fourth Annual Tour of Green Homes - June 19

Tour of Green  Homes Logo

Join USGBC-STL, Missouri Botanical Garden's EarthWays Center and the Home Builders Association of St. Louis & Eastern Missouri for the
Fourth Annual Tour of Green Homes!

WHEN: Saturday, June 19, noon - 4 pm
COST: Free!

12 new and rehabbed home sites located around St. Louis and in Metro East. Features feature:
  • Water conservation measures built into an entire development - Rock Hill Trails, Wood River, Illinois (2 model homes)
  • Historic urban four-family completely rehabbed to save energy and water - DeMun neighborhood of Clayton
  • Professional energy audit demonstrations by Home Green Home and Mosby Building Arts at EarthWays Center in mid-town St. Louis
  • New certified-Green town homes and single family infill homes in south and central City of St. Louis, and
  • New custom Certified-Green homes in St. Louis County.
Homes will be staffed by builders, owners and Residential Green professionals to answer questions and discuss YOUR Green Dream House ideas. Visit any or all of the homes on this
self-guided tour.

Download home locations from HBA's website. Learn about Green Home features at

Thanks to this year's tour sponsors:
Laclede Gas Company and Bank of America Home Loans
USGBC-STL Member Directory

A little less than a month ago, USGBC-STL began processing our own membership dues and data. One of the fantastic advantages of this transition is a fancy new member directory. Members have long asked for something like this and we hope you love it as much as Chapter staff and leadership do - be sure to check it out!

The Member Directory is searchable by name, industry sector or LEED Professional designation. And USGBC-STL Chapter members have the ability to share as much or as little information as they wish. Chapter members received an e-mail on May 19 with instructions on logging into your account and updating your information.

Questions?  Contact
Save the date - LEED Green Associate Exam Prep
USGBC-STL is launching a LEED Green Associate Exam prep this summer!

Friday, July 23 and Monday, July 26 - 8 hours each when


COST: $200 for USGBC-STL members and $250 for non-members. Cost includes continental breakfast and lunch both days. Does not include text books - recommended text are USGBC's LEED Green Associate Study Guide and LEED Core Concepts and Strategies.

For more information about the LEED Green Associate Exam, including eligibility requirements, visit the Green Building Certification Institute website.

Look for more information about this class soon at
Congrats to Recently Certified LEED Projects

Congratulations to the following buildings who have achieved LEED certification since our last update in March 2010!
  • BioMerieux Addition to Building 1 - GOLD (NC)
  • Building I at the BRDG Park at the Danforth Plant Science Center - GOLD (CS)
  • Edward A. Doisy Research Center - CERTIFIED (NC)
  • Emerson Global Data Center - GOLD (NC)
  • Renaissance Place - CERTIFIED (Neighborhood Development Pilot)
  • Washington University in St. Louis, Busch Hall - SILVER (NC)
  • Washington University in St. Louis, Umrath and Wohl 1 - SILVER (NC)
Pictured below is St. Louis' first LEED for Neighborhood Development project - Renaissance Place, located near the intersection of Grand and Delmar and developed by McCormack Baron Salazar and the St. Louis Housing Authority. For more information, see the news and notes post on the USGBC-STL website. Photo credit of Sam Fentress Photography.

December 7 High Performance building session speakers