Color Art Integrated Interiors
ECO Recycling, Inc.
Green Street Properties, LLC
Hastings & Chivetta
Johnson Controls
Lighting Associates, Inc.
Novus International
St. Louis Electrical Connection
Sheet Metal Workers, Local 36
Unico System
U.S. Bank
Edible Landscaping & Urban Agriculture - March 9
Join USGBC-STL and the Eastern Missouri Group of the Sierra Club for our joint program on March 9, which will explore how to incorporate agriculture - active and passive - into our living, work and educational spaces. Speakers: - Mary Francois Deweese, Principal and Lead Project
Landscape Architect, Acorn Landscape Architecture
- Gwenne Hayes-Stewart, Executive Director of Gateway
- Mildred Mattfeldt-Beman PhD, RD, LD, Chair, Department
of Nutrition and Dietetics at Saint Louis University
Moderated by Rhonda Schaper, Glorious Gardens
WHEN: Tuesday, March 9 5:30-6:15pm - Registration & Networking
6:15-7:30pm - Program WHERE: AmerenUE Headquarters
1901 Chouteau (63103) COST: Free to USGBC-STL members, Sierra Club members and students. $20 for non-members. RSVP via EventBrite. We will be selling raffle tickets to win one of two seats at the Living Building Challenge Road Show at the program. For more information, see the article below! Thanks to our Sponsor
Pi Pizzaria
Greening the Heartland Scholarship Opportunity
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USGBC-STL is pleased to announced that we are now accepting applications scholarship to Greening the Heartland 2010!
Applications are due March 24, 2010 and scholarships
will be announced before the April 15 Early Bird conference registration deadline.
For information about scholarship eligibility and requirements, please
download the application as an MS Word or PDF.
Thanks to Grainger for making this
scholarship possible! |
Living Building Challenge Road Show - RAFFLE!
 The Living Building Challenge Road Show is coming to St. Louis on April 21! Even better, USGBC-STL is raffling off two FREE seats to the Road Show! What's the Living Building Challenge? It's a green building standard attempts to raise the bar and pushes us to ask: What if every single act of
design and construction made the world a better place?
What's a Living Building Challenge Road Show? A workshop that will share the tenants of the Living Building Challenge and restorative design. Why should you buy a raffle ticket? It's a great deal! Tickets are only $20 for one and $40 for three. A little investment for a chance to win a seat at a workshop worth $345 (including a year-long membership to the Living Building Community) - you can't pass this up! What if you need more information? |
Newly LEED Certified Buildings!
Congratulations to the following buildings who have achieved LEED certification since our last update in December 2009! - Crossroads College Prep - PLATINUM (NC)
- Missouri Botanical Garden's Monsanto Center - SILVER (EBOM)
- UMB - Arnold Branch - CERTIFIED (NC)
USGBC-STL is proud to have played a role in the Crossroads and Missouri Botanical Garden projects by teaming up with AmerenUE to award them both LEED Icentive Grants. At the February High Performance Building Session at RCGA, AmerenUE's Greg Lovett awarded both projects with the second installment of their grants.
With the LEED Platinum certification of Crossroads new Science Wing, St. Louis now boasts 4 commercial/institutional and 30 residential Platinum projects!
USGBC-STL's past chair, Pat Justis, awarded the Missouri Botanical Garden their LEED plaque for achieving Silver certification for the Monsanto Center under LEED for Existing Buildings-Operations & Maintenance. This is the first LEED EBOM project certified in the state of Missouri!
L-R: Arnold W. Donald, Chair of Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) Board of Trustees, Dr. Peter Raven, President of MBG, Pat Justis, past USGBC-STL Chair, Deb Frank, MBG VP of Sustainability and Paul Brockmann, MBG VP of FacilitiesTwo additional projects certified at the Gold level, but are registered anonymously. One certified under Core & Shell in January and the second under New Construction in February. Congrats to these two mystery projects as well!
Water, Water Everywhere . . .
With spring right around the corner (finally!), are you starting to think about spring rains and wet basements? Or are you thinking ahead to summer when your gardens need regular watering? Either way, the two following opportunities may be of interest!
Rain Barrels on-sale through MSD! For the second year in a row, the Metropolitan Sewer District is selling a limited number of rain barrels for $65 each from March 1 through March 31.
To qualify for a rain barrel purchase, you must be an MSD customer and be current on your sewer bill. Payment is required up front with a credit or debit card and all sales are final. Customers must pick up and install their own rain barrels.
To purchase a rain barrel (or two!), contact the MSD Billing Department between 8 am and 5 pm Mon-Fri at 1-866-281-5737. customer service line at
Water Matters Seminar Series starts March 17 Last fall saw a great Energy Matters series (right before the cold weather) and this spring welcomes a Water Matter Series! This is a five-part series that will explore water issues on a global, regional, metropolitan, local and personal level.
The series will be every Wednesday morning from 7:30 - 9:30 am starting March 17 through April 14. It is hosted by Saint Louis University in collaboration with St. Louis Community College and the Harris World Ecology Center at UMSL.
Learn more or register!
Thanks to USGBC-STL Sponsors who have recently renewed or committed!
Color Art Integrated Interiors - New!
ECO Recycling, Inc - New!
Green Street Properties, LLC
U.S. Bank - New!