Children's Health Insurance - E-News from Rhode Island KIDS COUNT
January 5, 2011
Success Stories in Children's Health Coverage

Insuring New England's Children: An Advocacy Success Story shares stories on successful advocacy strategies that have been used to win gains for children's health coverage. Rhode Island KIDS COUNT and other state-based advocacy groups are featured in this new publication from the New England Alliance for Children's Health at Community Catalyst.
Oral Health Commission Summit

The Rhode Island Oral Health Commission's Annual Summit will be held on Wednesday, January 19, 2011. The Commission works to increase access to oral health services for children, adults and the elderly; expand the capacity of the dental safety net providers; and increase training opportunities for the dental workforce. Please see the invitation letter and registration form. Please register by January 7, 2011.

Rhode Island Community Forum on Poverty
child welfare
Elizabeth Burke Bryant was a panel member for Rhode Island: The State of Hope? A Portrait of Poverty community forum sponsored by WRNI and The Rhode Island Foundation. Other panelists included
Andrew Schiff, Executive Director,  RI Community Food Bank; Jim Ryczek, Executive Director, RI Coalition for the Homeless; and Kate Brewster, Executive Director, Poverty Institute. Listen to the broadcast here.
Policy Analyst Position Available 
Rhode Island KIDS COUNT is hiring a Policy Analyst to work on juvenile justice and child welfare issues. Please follow this link for more information about the position. Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume by January 10, 2011.
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In This Issue
starSuccess Stories in Children's Health Coverage
starOral Health Commission Summit
starRhode Island Community Forum on Poverty
starPolicy Analyst Position Available
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Rhode Island KIDS COUNT works to improve the health, education, safety, economic security and development of Rhode Island's children.