Kent County Chamber of Commerce

122 North Cross Street,   P.O. Box 146,  Chestertown, MD 21620

410 810-2968 / 410 778-1406 (fax)
Chamber NewsMay 2010

The Mission of the Kent County Chamber of Commerce is to serve, represent and be the leading advocate for the business interests of its membership in ways that enhance the environment of the business community and quality of life and well being of residents and visitors.

In This Issue
Member News
Focus on New Members
Chamber News & Events
Member Events
Quick Links
Peoples Bank
   This will be my last column as Executive Director of the Kent County Chamber of Commerce. 
   In the past three years we've done much to strengthen the Chamber as the voice of business in Kent County. We added more than 100 members to the Chamber and we increased your visibility in our website and newsletter. Together with SCORE we brought you educational workshops on topics that improve your business. Our legislative efforts included testifying in Annapolis against tax increases on your businesses and supporting local businesses here that want to expand and grow. We brought you periodic meetings with local and state legislators, as well as with Congressman Kratovil. Education has been an on-going focus at the Chamber to ensure the next generation has the skills our employers will need.
   We've faced some difficult times these past two years, but our surviving businesses are well-positioned to thrive as the economy strengthens. Like my predicessor, I will remain an active member of the Chamber and will continue to participate on our committees and in our activities.
   As we bring a new Executive Director onto the job, I ask that you show her your continued support and give her your help to make this Chamber an even stronger organization.
All the Best - Always,
Cindy Genther
Executive Director
Member News Bytes 
APPI, the Chamber's discount energy supplier, announces it has signed Chester River Yacht & Country Club and the Town of Chestertown into its energy program.
Astrachan Gunst Thomas, P.C. announces its name has changed to Astrachan Gunst Thomas Rubin, P.C., adding the name of Julie R. Rubin to the firm name.
Avery Hall Benefit Solutions announces the addition of Diane Foster as Account Executive. Foster can be reached at 410-287-5646.
Galena Dogwood Festival is still seeking youth groups from Kent County to take part in a Kid's Corner Carnival as part of the Festival. Call Barbara at 410-648-5151. Don't forget the Dogwood Festival is May 8!
River Rock Outdoor Store announces the first River Rock Fishing Tournament is scheduled for September 18 at the Kent County Bulkhead. Get details at riverrock@atlanticbb.net.
Chester River Kayak Adventures on Main Street in Rock Hall announces they are now selling Tahe (fiberglass) kayaks and stand-up paddle-boards. Try-out a paddle-board at the the county marina in Rock Hall harbor.
Delmarva Power expanded its Appliance Rebate Program for Maryland residential customers by adding more rebate dollars for the purchase of higher efficiency Energy Star-R products (electric heat pump water heaters, washers refrigerators) Appliance dealers, such as SEARS HOMETOWN STORE in Chestertown can provide efficiency standards info for qualification. Details and rebate applications at
Willow Construction
announces Sr. Project Manager Eric Milhollan has been accepted into the Shore LEadership Class of 2010.
Community Mediation Upper Shore, Inc. seeking office space for 3, plus small conference room. No/low rent preferred starting July 2010. Contact Penni Doyle at 410-810-9188.
Connect the Dots Events offers "Green" wedding and event ideas.  Check them out at
SCORE  invites retired executives to become counselors for new and existing local businesses. Contact Bart Stolp at SCORE to get more information: bartstolp@gmail.com
Kent County High School is seeking volunteers from the business community to help interview seniors as part of their graduation portfolio requirements. Interviewers are needed Tuesdays and Thursdays in May, 8am-noon and 1:00-2:30pm. Contact jkeller@kent.k12.md.us to schedule your time to volunteer.
Kent County High School Post Prom Committee seeks companies or organizations as sponsors or donors for the event. Contact Myra Butler at 410-778-1948 for info or send checks to Kent County Post Prom Committee, PO Box 67, Worton, MD 21678.
Washington College has been awarded $400,000 in EPA brownfields funding to clean up two former industrial sites in Chestertown so the college can use the properties to expand its waterfront presence.
Town of Chestertown offers informational sessions on home and garden practices that are environmentally friendly:
  • May 18: Rain Gardens & Native Plants
  • June 9: Learn How to "Green" Your Home Spaces
All sessions are 7:00-8:00pm at the town office.
Eastern Shore Heritage, Inc., managing entity for Stories of the Chesapeake Heritage Area, is seeking grant applications for small projects that enhance heritage tourism, museum programming, stewardship, and community heritage activities in Kent County. Non-profit groups and governmental agencies may apply for up to $2500, with a minimum dollar-for-dollar match. Eligible non-capital projects include planning, design, interpretation, events and programming. Draft submission by May 10, application by June 14. Contact Elizabeth Watson at 410-778-1460 or ewatson@storiesofthechesapeake.org.
Do you have news you'd like to share with Chamber members? Send it to us and we'll include it in our next issue.
Focus on New Members 
Welcome New Members in April!
Gabriel Designs 
Joyce Hale
119E N. Main St.
Galena, MD 21635
Joyce operates Gabriel Designs at Dogwood Plaza in Galena and her newest shop, Gabriel's of Chestertown at 207 S. Cross Street in Chestertown. Both shops feature unique gifts and gadgets to give or get.
Lab Corp
Debra Campbell
514 Washington Ave., Suite 4
Chestertown, MD 21620
Lab Corp has expanded into this new larger facility, conveniently located next door  to their previous location on Washington Avenue. Complete range of medical testing services. Look for a Ribbon Cutting soon!
RASP Electric
Rebecca Schramm
12721 Bloomfield Rd.
Kennedyville, MD 21645
RASP has more than 20 years of experience in all fields of electrictical installations for commercial, residential and industrial facilities.
Simply Bed & Bread
Cheryl Hoopes
208 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Chestertown, MD 21620
410-778-4359 / 410-778-7594 (fax)
This lovely inn, close to Washington College and the Chester River Hospital, offers two beautiful guest rooms in the heart of Chestertown.
Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings in May
May 7 at Noon
Chesapeake Voyagers
Washington Ave, Chestertown
May 7 at 5:00pm
Cross Street Realtors
May 12 at 3:30pm
Stoltzfus Outdoor Living
Church Hill Rd, Chestertown
May 27, 10:30am
Kent County Community Center
Worton Rd., Worton
Congratulations Gabriel's of Chestertown on your April Ribbon Cutting!
Chamber News & Events Calendar 
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE! - May 20 at Hynson Lounge, Washington College 
36th District delegates give 2010 legislative session business highlights at 9-10am, then Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot joins us at 10-11am to discuss the state's financial condition and get your feedback.
Business people from around Kent County joined Chester River Hospital personnel at the hospital's Cardiac Rehab Center to celebrate the hospital's 75th Anniversary.
Based on response statistics tracked during the past year, the Kent Chamber will sponsor the Trade and Mercantile page on The Chestertown Spy website. "Spy" editor Dave Wheelan plans to spotlight Chamber member businesses on the page and invites businesses to send news and events to him at editor@chestertownspy.com.
May 7, Noon, Ribbon Cutting at Chesapeake Voyagers, 903 Washington Ave. Chestertown.
May 7, 5:00pm, Ribbon Cutting at Cross Street Realtors, 238 Cannon St. Chestertown 
May 12, 3:30pm, Ribbon Cutting at Stoltzfus Outdoor Living, Church Hill Rd., Chestertown.
May 12, 5-7pm, Joint Kent & Queen Anne's Counties Chambers Mixer at Brittland Estates, Church Hill Rd, Chestertown.
May 13, noon, Chamber Board Meeting at the Chamber Office at 122 N. Cross St., Chestertown.
May 20, 9-11am, Legislative Update! at Hynson Lounge, Washington College, with 36th District delegates and Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot.
May 27, 10:30-11:00am, Ribbon Cutting at Kent County Community Center, Worton.
May 29, 9am-3pm, Chamber Trailer at Chestertown Tea Party! Stop by the trailer, next to Emmanuel Episcopal Church on Cross Street.
RSVP for any of these events to Cindy at 410-810-2968 or
kentchamber@verizon.net or on our website!
We still have a few opening for businesses to host mixers in 2010 (June or  September). Our mixers draw more than 50 people to your business location. Call Cindy if you're interested in hosting a mixer. 
Member Events
Apr. 29, Last Oyster Special night at the Fish Whistle! Get your fill before fall!
Apr. 30, Upper Shore Manufacturing & Business Council/Workforce Investment Board Annual Dinner. Celebrate 20 years of service to the Upper Shore. Contact:
Apr. 30 @ 8pm & May 2 @ 3pm, Chester River Chorale Spring Concert: 3Bs - Beethoven, Bernstein and the Beatles at Hotchkiss Recital Hall, Gibson Arts Center at Washington College. Tickets are $15 at Complete Bookseller, Scotties & Java Rock
Apr. 30 @ 6:30pm, May 1 @ 6pm, May 2 noon-4pm, Local Farm Dinners at Cassinelli Winery & Vineyards - a Homegrown & Green project. Contact Marilyn Klompus at: mklompus@gmail.com
Apr. 30, May 1 & 2, Prince Theatre presents: The Boys Next Door
May 1, 10am-2pm, Health and Wellness Fair at the Rock Hall Fire House., sponsored by the Greater Rock Hall Business Association. Free Wellness screenings and demonstrations, plus come meet local health care providers.
May 2, Eastern Shore Land Conservancy's Bio-Dynamic Wine tastings at the Imperial Hotel! Call for details: 410-778-5000
May 5, 9-noon Viral Networking III Using Twitter, Blogs and UTube seminar at Chesapeake College. Cost is $49. Call 410-827-5833 to register.
May 8, 9am-5pm, Galena Dogwood Festival, theme is "Military Appreciation". Parade at 10am. Lots of food, Crafts, exhibits, demonstrations, games, Kid's Corner Carnival.
May 8, 10am-1pm, Fairy Houses and Hobbit Holes at Echo Hill Outdoor School. Guided eco-art, fort-building and woods and each exploration followed by lunch. $45/adult-child pair. Register at 410-348-5880.
May 13, 9am-noon, Starting & Managing your Own Business at Chesapeake College. $25. Contact Valerie at 410-822-5850.
May 14, 4:30-6:30pm, Judy Center Partnership at Garnett Elementary, 3rd Annual Community Block Party. Free food & games and local agency exhibits.
May 15, 9am-3pm, "Boaters Swap" at Rock Hall Landing Marina. Bring your unloved natical items and buy others. Contact dockmaster@rockhalllanding.com for details.
May 18, Upper Shore Manufacturing & Business Council Conference at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills Campus. The 20th Anniversary Conference celebrates "The Convergence of Business and Education" Three presentation tracts: Business, HR, Education. For details and tickets contact:
May 18, 7:00pm, Rain Gardens & Native Plants at Chestertown Town Hall.
May 18, 4:00pm Shore Regional Cancer Center dedicates a new chemotherapy suite to the late Lenny Satchell.
May 29, Chestertown Tea Party Festival