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PlaneTree's website
December 2010
Finding Health and Wellness @ the Library:
A Consumer Health Toolkit for Library Staff
Cover of "Consumer Health Toolkit for Library Staff"      Californians across the state are benefiting from our expertise this year. PlaneTree was recruited by the California State Library and the regional outreach program of the National Library of Medicine to help develop a health reference "toolkit." This extensive document is a professional development tool for public library staff seeking to enhance their health information services for patrons.
     We think you'll enjoy browsing the Toolkit as well. The "Technology and Health 2.0" section links to online patient support groups, organizations with health podcasts, and descriptions of ways that mobile devices and social media are now being used by health consumers. "Health Resources" directs you to great web sites on wellness, prevention, and living well with chronic conditions.
     Usage Tips: Having your own copy will be more efficient than using it on the web; download the large PDF document and save it on your computer. Also note that each topic in the Table of Contents is hot-linked to its relevant page. We welcome your feedback.
Woman's hands tying ribbon on a giftOur 2010 Wrap-Up 
     During the past year, PlaneTree staff and volunteers have helped you and other members of our South Bay community by -
  • training individuals and small groups how to locate personally relevant health information online;
  • providing individualized information on conditions, treatment and self-care;
  • developing popular health lectures that educated and energized participants at Santa Clara County Library (SCCL) locations;
  • researching links for new topics in SCCL's easy-to-use health portal;
  • offering you information about health-related classes and events in the community, plus "News You Can Use."
     If you are grateful that PlaneTree services are in your community, and if you can, please make a tax-deductible donation to the library by mailing a check or by clicking here to securely contribute any amount by credit card. The people we help every day will be grateful for your support of our nationally-recognized, local health library.
Gift-giving Outside the Box
Open cardboard boxOption 1:  For gifts that encourage personal relationships and experiences, fit your budget, and would be appreciated by those who have everything, check out these ideas, which also have small environmental footprints.
Option 2:  Donating to a charitable organization in honor of one's giftee is popular. Let your giftee choose the charity at (Santa wants you to know that PlaneTree is listed there.) You can also use the site to make anonymous donations.
Option 3: To someone who'd like to eat safer and smarter, give the gift of information: a $10, one-year subscription to Nutrition Action. Your fortunate recipient will enjoy well-written articles on topics of broad interest, updates on nutrition research, and pithy Cover of a Nutrition Action Newsletterevaluations of popular convenience and fast foods.
     Empowering consumers to make healthful choices and championing science-based nutrition and food safety initiatives, the  newsletter is published - without any ads - by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a nonprofit organization. CSPI's co-founder and executive director, Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., received this year's CDC Foundation award, which recognizes a person who has made significant contributions to public health.
Frog perched on Earth
    'Tis the season for generating lots of waste. Visit to locate reusing, recycling and disposal sites for -
  • cooking oil and grease (e.g., from deep fryers),
  • electronic equipment and batteries,
  • miscellaneous household goods,
  • fluorescent bulbs and thermometers,
  • pesticides and fertilizers,
  • automotive waste, and
  • medicines. (Note: A special event will be held in Los Gatos on Sat., Dec. 11 for dropping off unwanted prescription drugs.)
    To review which items your curbside hauler will accept or how to sort your waste and recycling, this page has links to all county and municipal haulers in Santa Clara County.
News You Can Use
Cell-Phone Skin Rash

Man talking on cell phone     If you use your cell phone a lot and have a rash where the phone touches your face, you may be allergic to nickel. Learn how to check for nickel on your phone, treat your rash, and avoid dermatitis in the future.

Health Insurance for People with Pre-existing Conditions
     Californians who have been unable to obtain insurance for 6+ months because of pre-existing conditions may now enroll Insurance filesin the California Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP, created as a consequence of the federal Affordable Care Act of 2010). Learn more by exploring the PCIP website.

Diabetes: Holiday Tips & Research on Exercise
     The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has numerous practical tips for managing your diabetes successfully during the holiday season. Many of these suggestions will also be Gingerbread men helpful for folks who are borderline diabetic or who want to avoid gaining weight.
     A recent study found that individuals with Type 2 Diabetes whose exercise programs included both aerobic activity and resistance (or strength) training controlled their blood sugar levels more effectively than people performing only one type of exercise. As reported here, study participants who alternated between the two types of exercise were also more likely to reduce their reliance on medications. If you would like to read a substantive review of research on exercise and diabetes interactions, "Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes: American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association: Joint Position Statement" is newly available.
In This Issue
2010 Wrap-Up
Gifts Outside-the-Box
News You Can Use
Fight Cancer: Exercise
Book Group
PlaneTree Holiday
Healthy Living with

a Health Condition

    You may know someone - or be someone - who would like to better manage a chronic health condition (such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, chronic pain, or anxiety) with lifestyle changes.

    Perfect for people who have a hard time getting out to classes, a "self-management workshop" is free online for anyone anywhere anytime. The interactive Better Choices, Better Health classes help participants learn to optimize their health by setting goals, making realistic plans, and getting support.

Cover of the book "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions"

     The Health Trust and the California HealthCare Foundation have partnered with the National Council on Aging to support local usage of this online program, which is based on Stanford's Chronic Disease Self-Management Program. The Center is led by Kate Lorig, R.N., Dr.P.H., who is also lead author of the classic consumer health book

Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions. We are delighted to announce that Dr. Lorig will be among the speakers in our spring health lecture series.
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Fight Cancer: Exercise
Someone holding weights in a bedroom
    Accumulating evidence has led experts to conclude that current and former cancer patients should not "take it easy." Rather, exercising as frequently and vigorously as possible maximizes your health during treatment and your long-term odds of beating cancer.
    If you are a current or recent cancer patient who is weak or chronically tired due to your illness or cancer treatment, you can get personalized help in regaining strength and stamina from the YMCA and Stanford Prevention Research Center. New sessions of their free, 12-week, Living Strong Living Well program will begin in January at ten locations in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties.
Book Group
Snoozing bulldog with a party hat
     Giving members a chance to rest up from celebrating the New Year, the PlaneTree book group will not meet in January. Stay tuned; check our website in January for February's selection.
PlaneTree Holiday
Easy chair before a lit fireplace
    Beginning Monday, December 20, PlaneTree staff and volunteers will take time off to enjoy winter festivities with family and friends. We'll reopen on Tuesday, January 4. We wish you a peaceful holiday season and a happy, healthy 2011!
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