If you don't read any other news I send out this year, please read this one.  It is full of info I know you will not want to miss. Save it to refer back to and forward it to your friends.
New Wednesday Classes!
April 4th

Join us on Wednesday nights for small group Bible study. Children pick from a variety of topics to aid them in their quest for truth.

  • 4's & 5K- Preschool Fun,Teachers: Tabitha Brown & LeeAnn Hostler
  • 1st Grade- People of the Bible, Teachers: Angela Hollingsworth & Heidi Emmert
  • 2nd-4th Grade may choose between the following:

Faith Girls, Teacher: Ginger Conkin

Wars of the Bible: Bobby & Jessica Gamble

Praise Team: Alan Wells

Science in the Bible:Kim Hunt & Gurley

Missions class: Leyla Haverlock ** By application only.

Click here to see the letter from Ms. Leyla ,

Click here to download the application  

Fuse 56

5&6 Grades will be studying Revelations (Precepts)
Teacher: Ellen West

We offer a Narnia Class from 5:30-6:30 each Wednesday! This will allow children who participate in dance to eat from 5-5:30 and then join us in class.
** Please note if your child is not in this class they will be expected to remain with the parents until the next class begins at 6:30 PM.


For more information please contact Melinda Upchurch, or 423-956-6695


Important Notes for Parents Concerning Wednesday Programming:

  1. Once your child commits to a class, he or she will stay in that class for the semester.
  2. All children will be encouraged to memorize scripture during the week. We ask that parents support their children in their efforts. Small prizes will be awarded to encourage memorization and other disciplines, but the main goal is for children to hide God's Word in their hearts!




Easter: CSI Jerusalem

  We will have a exciting investigation of the death and resurrection of Christ this Easter, April 7 & 8.   

 Here is a sneak preview of what to expect: 


In the Apex foyer you can get a child safety kit from the Sheriff's Dept.

Inside the Apex visit the science labs listed below. 

Toxicology Lab: "All Things New"

                        Purpose: Lab demonstrates how God can take something like sin in or lives and forgive us (initially by his death on the cross) and make us something new and beautiful.


Ballistics Lab: "Jesus as our Target (focus)"

                        Purpose: Lab demonstrates how hard things can be when our focus is not on God yet how simple tasks/life is when God is our singular focus


 Forensics Lab: "Go into all the World"

            Purpose: The colors from the brown M&M spread onto the coffee filter symbolically just like we as individuals should spread out into the the world to spread the good news about Jesus-He's ALIVE!!

 Evidence Locker Lab: "Have You Seen Him?"

            Purpose: This lab demos the significance of Jesus being missing from the tomb on the third day. Now we (only kinda-sorta of course) know how Mary Magdeline and Mary Jesus's mom felt when he wasn't even there!


GOAL: Children are to figure out what is missing from the three "crime scenes"


            Break Room: "The Snack Lab"

                        Purpose: To nourish the children


Then experience exciting worship and scientific teaching!



I still need a few volunteers for Easter and would love to have your help:))
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Melinda Upchurch
Children's Minister
Celebration Church
Visit my blog
In This Issue
New Wednesday Classes
Easter: CSI Jerusalem
Parent Meeting
Camp Placid
Fuse 56 Retreat Pictures
VBS: Mission Camp
Serve with us :)
Parent Meeting
  There will be a brief parent meeting after all three service March 31 & April 1. This is a great time to find out what is happening this summer and ask questions.
parent meeting
Camp Placid
Last day for Early registration @ $90 is April 1.  Don't miss the deadline :)
akua makana
Llamas & Pajamas Retreat Pictures
The 5th & 6th graders had a blast last weekend on the Fuse 56 Spring retreat.  To see more pictures check out our facebook page
Llamas & PJ Group shot
VBS: Missions Camp
Join us June 13-15, 9am-2pm to learn all about missions. Missions camp is free however, Registration is required (we have to know how much stuff to buy:))  Click here to download registration form.  4 year old - 6th grade will enjoy the stories of Beth Guckenberger from back to back ministries.  The children will enjoy worship, teaching and real life application.  They will get to serve!
VBS: Missions Camp
Children's Ministry volunteer positions available
Hang out at the coolest place on earth... The Children's Ministry!

The children are in need of 3 Saturday night teachers, 2 Sunday 11am teachers and youth assistants.  Please let me know if you are interested in investing in the lives  of these children.

You will get paid in hugs, laughter, and high fives, but the eternal rewards of leading a child to Christ are far greater.

Celebration Church / 429 Shipley Ferry Road / Blountville, Tennessee 37617 / 423-323-3969