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Have you seen our new series of video lessons about David's life?

David's Life in the Psalms is now
available for free on dtbm.org, and for purchase on DVD in the DTBM store.
The Life Changing BookBYT Cover
(Psalm 19:7)
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Turn with me to Psalm 19:7 "The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." (KJV) Here God tells us that His Word is to be our TEACHER, the Word is identified as a DIVINE TEACHING. God says, "In my Book I give rules for living!"


What God is saying is that if you were a castaway on a desolate island somewhere and only had a Bible, you could see the utter transformation of a society and the people of that society by the proclamation and reception of the WORD. No other books, ministries, schools, clinics, counselors, support groups, or media needed! Witness the work of Jonah in pagan Ninevah!


  • God's truth that totally transforms
  • God's testimony absolutely trustworthy
  • God's statutes giving directions to only secure place in the universe
  • God's commands giving a clear portrait of God's non-optional absolutes
  • God's condition is fearing Him, lovingly acknowledging by my actions God sees me
  • God's judgments, His final word on everything! Non-negotiable living


All of these reveal the Word in a whole new, powerful and refreshing way.

  • They give us God's purpose and plan for His Word.
  • They are His review on this new product He has manufactured.
  • They give us the operator's manual for this new high-powered instrument. 


So THIS INDISPUTABLY proven book when taken by faith is powerful. Today the question is do you let it change your life?


Do you read the Word daily? Do you eat it by memorization? Do you seek God in His Word first? Or second after the newspaper, TV and so on? You can test your spiritual temperature by the entry level we give the Word in our daily life!


To continue reading about this life changing Book, click here.

Yours Because His,  

John Barnett, Pastor and the entire DTBM Staff



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  � 2012 Discover The Book Ministries | A Nonprofit 501C3 Bible Teaching Ministry  
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