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John Barnett

Pastor John Barnett


Word-Filled Resources from the Ministry of John Barnett




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John's newest book,
David's Spiritual Secret , is now
available online. This
book traces David as a
young man and how
he resisted peer
to sin;
David as a young
married man with job
, and the
struggles of job loss;
David in his career
and making godly
, then his
midlife crisis and sins
with Bathsheba; and
finally how David
shows us the way to
live well to the
end for God

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Cave of Troubles   
(I Samuel 22)
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As we go into the harsh conditions of the cave of Adullam we can start to see the emotional and physical furnace of adversity and affliction that David had entered. 

     1 Samuel 22:1-4  "David therefore departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. So when his brothers and all his father's house heard it, they went down there to him.  And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.  Then David went from there to Mizpah of Moab; and he said to the king of Moab, "Please let my father and mother come here with you, till I know what God will do for me."  So he brought them before the king of Moab, and they dwelt with him all the time that David was in the stronghold.

One truth gripped my heart the longer I studied this passage-this event is so relevant to our world today. 

Often we are struck with the question in our minds--does God have any insights for me a 21st century believer faced with such challenges at work and at school? In other words, how do you make it in the classroom and workplace of America today? 

*    David found the key, and wrote down how God helped him to minister to these desperate men. The group that came to live and work around him was so representative of what the culture around us is all about. They were distressed, drowned by debt, and discontented with life. Isn't that an apt description of an average American these days?  
*    David also learned how to not get dragged down by those around him. As we read these verses note the emotional condition of everyone that joined up with David. They were a very needy group. And in all their need, they invaded the life of someone just coming out of the pits. It was just the right recipe for a relapse by David into despair and a return into the pits. But the good news is-that didn't happen, and the reason why is just what we are going to learn from God's Word.

Cave life yields great discoveries about God. David sings them in Psalm 142.  Listen to the confessions of this caveman: "Lord of  Refuge, You are my Portion" ( v.5),  "O Listening One, hear my cry and  Rescue me" (v.6).  "My God who Provides the righteous to gather about me, You are Sufficient" (v. 7). How's your world? Caving in? Why not look out of your need and find the courage needed in the One David found sufficient!

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Yours Because His,
John Barnett, Pastor and the entire DTBM Staff


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