Maui Beach
Reflexology Research ProjectAugust 16th Issue


Do you have a longer second toe? If so here is a video explanation of a longer second toe. Even if you don't have a longer second toe, you will have family, friends and clients who do. The video also has simple, cheap and effective techniques to de-stress your feet.. 


Medicine is turning to reflexology to do what it can't. It's medicine as a hybrid-all the advantages of advanced science and targeted touch. It's the best of both worlds to make medicine work, save money, and, oh yeah, get people well again. It doesn't have to be "either-or medicine". The medical hybrid of medicine and reflexology just makes sense.





Barbara and Kevin Kunz

Reflexology Research Project


Do you have a longer second toe?



Do you have a longer second toe?


Much of the world's population have longer second toes. Longer second toes are not a defect rather than are a genetic variant. If we were running around in the wild longer second toes wouldn't be much of a problem. Because of the modernization of the foot's environment with shoes and flat, hard surfaces the longer second toe has caused not only stress to the feet but also to the rest of the body as well.


High Tech / High Touch: Medical Hybrid- Why medicine needs reflexology




The studies show the value of reflexology as it helps with recovery from surgery, doing what medicine can't: pain reduction when pain killing medicine isn't enough; speedier wound healing; quicker restoration of bowel and bladder functions; and help to reduce anxiety, a common recovery-interfering post-surgical emotion. In addition to improving quality of life for patients and providing a possible intervention for nurses looking for solutions, such improvements thanks to reflexology have financial consequences: earlier discharge from the hospital as bowel and bladder functions return earlier as well as savings in the lessened use of pain medication.

Read More 
Latest eBook
Relax and Refresh: Reflexology Help with Stress and Anxiety
Stress and Anxiety eBook
We have just issued our latest eBook on stress and anxiety. in it we have
  • Fully illustrated technique descriptions
  • How and where to apply technique
  • Fully descriptive basic reflexology technique
  • Insights from 24 studies about reducing stress and anxiety
  • Tips, hints and insights into using reflexology to combat stress
Evidenced Based Reflexology Research
Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists

One of the well touted myths about reflexology is hat there is no research on it. This is simply untrue. There is a lot of research on reflexology and it is of very high quality as this research document demonstrates. 

Barbara Kunz feels that if you read the first two chapters you will never look at reflexology the same ever again. It as she puts it gives you a great grounding in the factual side of reflexology. 

"I could hardly put it down." writes Dr. Nancy Stephenson, Nursing Professor and Reflexology Researcher

"Revolutionary." says Erma Sylvester, Reflexologist.

Build some confidence today with these great research documents.  



What videos do you want to see?

Are there videos you would like to see? Let us know. footc@mac,com Thanks for viewing. 


Barbara and Kevin Kunz

In This Issue
Do you have a longer second toe?
High Tech / High Touch: Medical Hybrid
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The Successful Reflexologist- 99�

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Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists- $1.99 

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Evidence-Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers $4.99 

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