The above picture is our favorite place to walk on rocks. It is called Grandma's Beach on the island of Maui. The name has to do with it's gentle waves which allow novice surfers to get started. It is a great place to relax and study stress relief.
In this newsletter we introduce you to the gentle but effective technique of double thumbwalking. Double thumbwalking is indeed an easy way to get the foot to relax. And by experimenting a bit which directions and the areas you work on the foot.
Also we have decided that each and every reflexologist and self helper will benefit from eBooks that explore the research presently available, the technique of double thumbwalking and the ways of a successful reflexologists. So we have dropped the prices dramatically so they are accessible to everyone.
Finally Skype brought us to the 20th anniversary of the Maine Council of Reflexologists. It is a great way to conduct lectures when resources are tight. If you are interested in having us in your hometown for your association or organization contact us for details.
Sincerely, Kevin Kunz Reflexology Research Project |
Latest eBook
Relax and Refresh: Reflexology Help with Stress and Anxiety
 We have just issued our latest eBook on stress and anxiety. in it we have - Fully illustrated technique descriptions
- How and where to apply technique
- Fully descriptive basic reflexology technique
- Insights from 24 studies about reducing stress and anxiety
- Tips, hints and insights into using reflexology to combat stress
Double Thumb Walking Technique Kevin, I used your double thumb technique and paid special attention to the middle cunieform both on two clients today and on myself. Wow! Got great results! Thank-you so much for the information! I especially liked how the double thumb(or finger) technique opened up the forefoot and toes resulting in a huge reduction of tension in the neck and shoulders! I used it on the lateral aspect of the foot to really work the arm and elbow with a resulting miracle (according to client). And working the cunieforms and metatarsal joints with a loosening technique and rotation on a point really helped the intestines return to normal action. Thank-you!!! Wendy Decker Download this eBook today. |
Why We Are Cutting Prices
We want you to succeed whether as a reflexologist or a self helper and maybe even a family helper. We have decided to make these eBooks at a price anyone can afford.
Our evidenced based reflexology research series sold at $29.95 to a $100 dollars. While we sold a lot at these prices we felt we wanted even more readers to be aware of the incredible research on reflexology. So we slashed the prices.
We also slashed he price of the Successful Reflexologist. There are alot of simple practices that can blooster your practice.
Finally we have dropped the price of the double thumbwalking technique. We have really seen this technique make very big changes in the feet. And we would like you to try it.
Evidenced Based Reflexology Research

One of the well touted myths about reflexology is hat there is no research on it. This is simply untrue. There is a lot of research on reflexology and it is of very high quality as this research document demonstrates.
Barbara Kunz feels that if you read the first two chapters you will never look at reflexology the same ever again. It as she puts it gives you a great grounding in the factual side of reflexology.
"I could hardly put it down." writes Dr. Nancy Stephenson, Nursing Professor and Reflexology Researcher
"Revolutionary." says Erma Sylvester, Reflexologist.
Build some confidence today with these great research documents. Specials |
Skype Classes

Donna wrote: "I attended the 20th celebration and meeting of the Maine Council of Reflexologists yesterday in Augusta, Me. Your skype session where you explored the field of research for today's reflexologists was fascinating and enormously informative. You inspired all of us to the challenge of trying to do some case studies here in Maine. Your breadth of knowledge and your williingness to share with so many is a tremendous gift to all of us. Thank you from the depth of my heart for your generous spirit. I hope one day to meet you and to shake your hand and thank you in person. Kindest regards, Donna
Today's skype session
Hi Kevin and Barbara....yeah Barbara, I could hear you in the background adding in information, too. :)) I want to honor you both for your wonderful information in today's skype session! Thank-you SO much for sharing with the Maine Council of Reflexologists and being part of our 20th anniversary celebration! I think you being with us today really made this the best meeting ever! I thoroughly enjoyed your WONderful knowledge, answering our questions and showing us your two thumbs approach! And I heard so many people say how they LOVED the skype session with you! You have so much to offer us! We are all just thrilled with our skype session with Kevin and Barbara Kunz!! And you have many of us really thinking seriously, at the least about doing some case studies and some thinking about who would be a good match to run a reflexology research study. After we ended the call, we broke into groups to talk about what really interests us among our clientele, what health issues we would really be interested in seeing how reflexology works and in the dosing idea of frequency, duration and strength of signal.
Thanks again!! I hope you can come do a workshop for us some day in the future! Wendy Decker
Success Breeds Success!!!
Your success is our success. If we can help you both develop confidence in your reflexology skills and a tone of credibility in your practice (as demonstrated through research) it is a win-win situation.
We wish you the best of luck with your reflexology pursuit.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz
It's the Stress, Stupid!!! | Awhile back I did a blog on stress. It was a takeoff on the saying ,"It's the economy, stupid." The AMA had just come to the conclusion that stress was a major factor in most illness. Bottom line is that we are all subject to stresses that are some much different than our fore bearers.
But stress can be addressed particularly with reflexology. And if high blood pressure is a killer than stress is mass murderer.
Try our latest edition to our eBook offerings. |