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Reflexology: Hands-on Path to
Improved Life for Millions of Cancer Patients? What Research Shows
Reflexology Research in Cancer Care:What it means for cancer patients

Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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You never know what you'll find until you look. Simple but true words. It wasn't until I looked at the 25 reflexology and cancer care studies by profession of researcher that I discovered an a very interesting fact: 24 of these studies were conducted by nurses (and a 25th by a group of psychoimmunologists). A further examination detailed the credibilty bestowed by nurses in charge of research-and by further extension to reflexology and reflexologists. The studies were conducted within specifications of scientific research: publication of results in professional journals (nursing or oncology); use of control groups (12 studies) or pre-test/post test methods (8 studies); as well as measurements and analyses by standard methods (e.g. the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and ANOVA respectively). Thank you, nurse researchers, for bringing to bear on reflexology the power of your profession.
The A-Maze-ing Big Foot
Pain The a-maze-ing big foot is what it's called by those who've seen the a-maze-ing photo. Planted with green hedges in a concentric foot pattern, this maze in Conholt Park in Wiltshire, UK is a truly spectacular sight.
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Reflexology: Hands-on Path to Improved Life for Millions of Cancer Patients? What Research Shows
Research shows that reflexology helps cancer patients improve the physical and emotional symptoms of the cancer experience. From chemotherapy to symptom management and from post-operative care to palliative care, research demonstrate reflexology's effectiveness at alleviating pain, relieving anxiety, easing nausea and more for cancer patients.
Moreover, the research has been conducted by nurses world-wide-twenty-four studies in ten countries. Analysis for the ebook Reflexology Research in Cancer Care What it means for cancer patients brought out this very interesting fact (among others). And, these positive research results could be signaling a profound shift: the integration of reflexology into medicine and oncology care in countries around the world.
For the 28 million people fighting cancer worldwide-a number made famous by Lance Armstrong's use of the number 28 on his team's Tour de France jerseys-and the 1.3 million diagnosed each year in the US alone, findings from the reflexology research offer potential, potential for improved quality of life and easing of their symptoms. Speaking to such potential are the results realized by the total of 1,173 cancer patients participating in the 24 studies.
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The Successful Reflexologist Builds a Business Focus, focus, focus. Or so reads the opening of The Successful Reflexologist. It seems to be a winning strategy. Focus on marketing and research, for example, has proven to be a successful strategy for several reflexologists seeking to recruit new clients and build toward inclusion in the medical community.
Here's what some reflexologists have had to say about their strategies.
Erma, Albuquerque, NM
Goals: Grow her business. Recruit new clients. Pursue reflexology as applied to cancer patients.
� Phase 1: Become more informed about research. Erma read Evidence-Based Reflexology for Researchers and Health Professionals � Phase 2: She creates interest and recruit new clients by handing out foot reflexology charts to all she encounters. � Phase 3: Erma uses the research brochure Can Reflexology Help Me? to recruit new clients. The result has been 2 or 3 new clients. Moreover, she's was included in the networks of these new clients. Result? One new client passed the brochure on to a co-worker who then became a client.These new clients, both health professionals, lead to an introduction for Erma to two hospitals' Cancer Care Clinics and Cancer Support Groups. � Phase 4: Using the brochure, Can Reflexology Help My Cancer Care? as a calling card, Erma got on the schedules now to do presentations for the cancer support groups at the cancer care centers of the two hospitals. One is distributing the brochure.
Jan, Savannah, GA
Goal: Approach a cancer care facility Actions taken: Jan ordered Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists; Can Reflexology Help Me?; Can Reflexology Help My Cancer Care?; The Kunz & Kunz eBook Collection.
Result: "I am really appreciative of all of your help and your wonderful brochures-they were received by the Cancer Institute here with great interest and I have been asked to be a member of their Integrative Program Planning Board. I have no doubt that your cancer brochures were the greatest help in making that happen."
Peter C., Ontario, Canada
Goal: Grow his business Phase 1: " The Successful Reflexologist: I read it twice. Awesome!" Phase 2: While browsing through Chapters Bookstore in Ancaster, Ontario, Peter noticed the store's Event's Calendar. "One thing lead to another," as Peter says and, if you're in the vicinity of Meadowlands Mall in Ancaster, Ontario in September, he'll be there to demonstrate and explain reflexology while the store displays the reflexology books he suggested.
What's your story?
Reflexologist Ebook
How can you speed up your
results with your reflexology clients? Get your clients involved in self
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This Reflexologist's Ebook collection makes
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*This is a
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Total Reflexology for the Hands
 Latest Kit from Barnes and Noble Whether you'd like to improve your health or simply relax, reflexology experts Barbara and Kevin Kunz are here to help. Using innovative reflexology techniques, the authors take you step-by-step through the practice of tapping into your body's natural healing power by applying pressure to areas on your hands. Kit includes: - instructional book
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What Is Reflexology?
 This pamphlet makes a great first impression with your clients. It
answers their questions before they ask them. It is a glossy, four color
process, double sided. One of the first questions you need to be prepared to answer is What is reflexology? It is is not just the definition but it is also the benefits of reflexology that need to be addressed. Other questions can arise such as What is the history of reflexology or How does reflexology work. Having answers in hand can make the difference for your business.
Full color, professional, two-sided glossy paper pamphlet. Personalize
with your name, business name, email address and/or phone number. Free Pamphlet Preview |
Can Reflexology Help Me?
Build instant credibility into your reflexology practice. Did you know that there is research that shows what reflexology can do for your prospective client? "Can Reflexology Help me?" is an easy and effective way to show that reflexology is not just a feel good service but has therapeutic value. Hand it to your client, family or friends and see how it works to add credibility to your reflexology services. This landmark pamphlet was created from research analyzed in a year-long project and presented in Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists and Evidence-Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers. Full color, professional, two-sided glossy paper pamphlet.Personalize with your name, business name, email address and/or phone number. Free Pamphlet Preview
People Love Charts!!! They never throw them away. Buy foot and hand and we will personalize them for free. The charts work well with new and old clients alike. These charts are great for health fairs, demonstration and talks on reflexology.
Just one new client can more than justify the cost of these charts.
The charts can be personalized with your name, business name, email address and/or phone number.
Let these charts work for you 24/7. Spread the word about your reflexology practice.
Now is the time for reflexologists to position themselves for the transition to the mainstream. Research is increasingly opening doors. Some of these doors are hospital doors. These doors are opening because many issues like pain are very difficult to solve.
Those who are seeking out knowledge about research and reflexology have a greater chance to be rewarded for their efforts than ever before.
All the best,
Barbara and Kevin
Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project