Reflexology Research Project Press Release
Reflexology Research Project Announces

The Successful Reflexologist

Albuquerque, NM  July 12, 2010 - Reflexology Research Project announces the release of Barbara and Kevin Kunz's latest book, The Successful Reflexologist. Drawing upon their over 30 years of reflexology experience the Kunz's guide you through the steps to developing a successful reflexology practice

The Successful Reflexologist is a 50 page eBook. Available for download.

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So what makes a reflexologist successful? Ask any number of reflexologists and you'll get any number of opinions. We asked this question of ourselves and some surprising-to us anyway- answers popped out.
Most surprising: all the answers are there. It's just a matter of communicating-getting the word out, letting others know about:
� Your business
� What reflexology does
� Your reflexology results
� Reflexology results shown by research
� How you're on the client's side, seeking healthful results
� How you can get the positive attention you deserve from the medical community

Easier said than done you might say but, put into perspective with focus and a do-able list is created:
� create buzz about your work
� show something happens during a reflexology session
� show you're on the client's side
� show your skills include those important to the medical community
Creating buzz
� Start by working on all the feet you can-providing sample sessions to friends, family, neighbors, co-workers-and get results. You'll create word-of-mouth buzz as satisfied individuals tell others.
� Grow your business by using the complimentary session. Give certificates for a complimentary session to likely propsective clients.
� Distribute promotional materials. Make contact with 100 people when 10 people you know pass on to others 10 reflexology charts and/or brochures with your name and phone number on them.
Show something happens during a session
� The best sales tool ever-after you've worked on one foot, ask the client (or sample session receipient) to get up,  take a few steps and note the difference in feeling between the two feet.
� Once they're seated again, ask for another comparison between the two feet -their color.
� Call the day after the session to see how the client is doing. Relaxed? Other benefits? As time passes so too will the effects. By calling the day after the initial session, the effects of your session should still be evident and plant the idea of further sessions.
� Talk about research, passing on to the client that a single reflexology session has been proven to: create relaxation; reduce anxiety; diminish pain; improve blood flow to the kidneys, intestines and feet, decrease the heart rate and blood pressure; increase oxygen stauration and lower respiratory rate.
Show you're on the client's side
Let the client know you're there, help the client realize you're on their side-the two of you working towards the same goal-their improved well-being by.
� Demonstrating self reflexology techniques the client can apply to speed up reflexology's effect.
� Assess stress cues of the feet, drawing inferences about the stress in the client's body and noting how your work will change the stress cues and the body's stress level.
Show your skills include those of importance to the medical community
� Awareness of reflexology research showing positive results for health concerns, e. g. cancer care.
� Awareness of areas that prove credibility within the medical community: research demonstrating reflexology's safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness and mechanism of action
� Literature noting the above to be send to or left with medical personnel for their further consideration
� Education in: a mechanism of action that explains how reflexology works and assessment in terms familiar to the medical profession-the S.O.A.P.P. formula.

Find our more in the e-book The Successful Reflexologist, Starting and Growing Your Reflexology Business.

Buy The Successful Reflexologist and Receive a free bonus!!!
Order Today for only $19.95... and Get 25 personalized charts for free! Save $39.95

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Free Chart order ends 7/19/2010. $12.00 postage and handling will be added. Your total will be $31.95 ($19.95 plus $12.00). Offer is available outside the US. (Additional postage will be charged for the charts.)

Important!!! Please include the information you would like on the charts to personalize them. We suggest two lines of information. Your name or business name and a contact number(s) works the best. A website or email address can be included..

Please email us if you need additional information.
Reflexology Research Project
  Barbara Kunz

Reflexology Research Project
Kevin Kunz