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Must Have Research
Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family $9.95
Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Reflexology: Health at your fingertips
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Hand Reflexology
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Reflexology Deck (DK Decks)
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Free Reflexology Information
Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists (Evidenced Based Reflexology Research)
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Evidence-Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Three newly reported reflexology research studies support an emerging trend: reflexology use for improved quality of life. Both the studies and recent observation of individual's use show that reflexology is playing an expanded role, becoming incorporated into a healthy lifestyle. The role of the professional reflexologist has expanded as well into that of a reflexology expert, advising clientele how to create a reflexology lifestyle to maintain and improve quality of life. The shift has come as the more and more consumers are educated about reflexology, driving a demand for more and more information from the professional reflexologist.
Reflexology Research and Quality of Life
What Impact Can Reflexology Have on Our Lives?
Research shows that reflexology improves quality of life for individuals of various ages and those with a variety of disorders. As increasing numbers of individualsparticipate in health seeking activities, such research draws attention to reflexology for inclusion in a healthy lifestyle.
Recent research (see below) demonstrates that for those with Parkinson's Disease, cancer patients and pre-menopausal women, reflexology improves quality of life. These studies follow in the footsteps of previous research which demonstrated improved quality of life for: cancer patients (3 studies); hospice (2 studies); senior citizens (cobblestone mat walking); aggressive children (mainstreaming to regular classroom); constipation / encopresis in children; hypertension (3 stud- ies) and stroke patients.. Read More
The Reflexology Expert and The Reflexology Lifestyle
This is an interesting time for the reflexology professional. This is an interesting time for the reflexology professional. As more and more individuals have learned about reflexology use and have accepted responsibility for their own health, the reflexologist is moving to an expanded role-that of reflexology expert, educating about how to fit reflexology into a healthy lifestyle taking into account an individual's available time, money and needs.
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The Reflexology Party

Just as an open house is held to showcase a house for prospective buyers, a reflexology party gives you the chance to show your skills as a reflexology expert. When we talk about you as a reflexology expert, we're talking about your having the knowledge to serve as an advisor and educator for the reflexology lifestyle. (See "The Reflexology Lifestyle.") Aside from the application of foot reflexology and hand reflexology sessions, expertise includes knowledge and experience in reading the feet for stress cues, research, history, self-help technique application, bamboo walking and reflexology mat walking. This total package shows you to be well-rounded in reflexology and proficient at helping the individual blend all aspects into a reflexology lifestyle for the goal of achieving healthful benefits.
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�bigdesign- Image from Bigstockphoto.com
A recent reflexology party in the Los Angeles area
allowed us to experience the appreciation of the health-seeking
consumer for further, new avenues of reflexology exploration: research,
assessment by reading the feet, hand reflexology technique, self-help
technique, and the reflexology path. In this issue, we have examined the
emerging trend. Try it for yourself. Or help organize one in trade for a session for yourself.
All the best for your health.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project |
Personalized Reflexology Charts
Want to spread the word about your reflexology practice? It is easy with these personalized charts. Add you name or the name of your business and your telephone or email address.
People love charts. Try this simple marketing trick. Give some to your family and friends and ask them to pass them on to their family and friends. In no time the word has spread. Order lots and see your business grow.
Now is the time to remind people of your services.
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Reflexology Marketplace
Reflexology Research Project maintains one of the most popular reflexology web sites on the Internet. We have 15,000 to 20,000 hits a day.
We have decided to accept advertising from reflexologists, reflexology teachers and schools, reflexology product producers, CAM practitioners, teachers and schools and CAM product producers. We are offering this service at a very reasonable introductory price starting at $25 (US) a year.
Be seen across the Internet.
For details- click here
� VladGavriloff Image from BigStockPhoto.com
Complete Reflexology for Life
"I was on the phone with my pharmacist to see if the hissing sound in my ears was tinnitus caused by new medication I'm taking. (She thought it was more likely the one that I just got off.) Anyway, I opened up my reflexology reference book under tinnitus and it said to work the web between the pinky and ring fingers. Was that ever sore! Within five minutes the hissing was gone (it's been worsening over the past few weeks) although the reflex was still very sore. Right away I noticed that my ears felt warm, as if I had been rubbing them into circulation although I hadn't touched them!"
Isn't that wild?! I love my "Complete Reflexology for Life"!
ryanandbaby commenting on the Reflexology Forum.
Now available as an e-book.
Promote Reflexology
New Lower Prices!!!!!! Wear your reflexology interest proudly with these customized products from our Reflexology Store.
There are may items to choose from including all kinds of clothing, tote bags and items for your office.
Come visit the Reflexology Store!!!
Reflexology Resources
Reflexology Forums, FaceBook and Twitter
Come join us on the Reflexology Forums, FaceBook and Twitter. Through the social networking sites, we've enjoyed linking with others to find out how other people feel about reflexology, advice from fellow reflexologists and what trends are taking place. The social sites are and opportunity to add your own voice to the discussion as well as to express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Read More