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Must Have Research
Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family $9.95
Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Reflexology: Health at your fingertips
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Hand Reflexology
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Reflexology Deck (DK Decks)
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Free Reflexology Information
Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists (Evidenced Based Reflexology Research)
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Evidence-Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Renew You, Renew Your Reflexology
With summer over and fall in the air, it's time to renew your reflexology. And this fall there's a lot to help you uplift your reflexology business and healthful pursuits. Underlying this is the opportunity to become self-reliant, keeping yourself healthy with reflexology and helping others to do the same whether you're a professional reflexologist, interested friend or concerned family member.
Self Reliance and Reflexology
Fall is a Time for Renewal
We always like to think of the full potential of reflexology on health self-reliance in terms of a story we heard at a Tokyo conference in 1990. A Mr. Keiichi spoke movingly about this older couple who did not want to be a burden to their children. To take care of their own health and taking advantage of reflexology ideas, they began making their daily trek to the Buddhist temple walking barefooted on the cobblestoned path. Yes, both eventually died but, as he noted, they passed away without pain, like a candle flickering out.
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Renewing Your Reflexology
Get in Touch
Be in touch Keep in touch. Share advice. Share experiences. Be among friends. Now, the Internet makes it easy and breezy with avenues to communicate thoughts and feelings about reflexology. You can have a serious discussion trading professional thoughts. You can have a breezy chat talking about the exhilaration of the reflexology moment where you knew reflexology was for real or the discouragement of reading the thoughts of a medical doctor who was given the wide audience of a Sunday newspaper to disparage reflexology with erroneous "facts."
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Reflexology Resources
Reflexology Forums, FaceBook and Twitter
Come join us on the Reflexology Forums, FaceBook and Twitter. Through the social networking sites, we've enjoyed linking with others to find out how other people feel about reflexology, advice from fellow reflexologists and what trends are taking place. The social sites are and opportunity to add your own voice to the discussion as well as to express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Read More
New Reflexology Products
New Products to Renew Your Reflexology
We have sereval new reflexology products to help you get started in reflexology or to renew your interest in reflexology. From IPhone apps to the Reflexology Path Kit we have designed products to take reflexology with you (IPhone app) or try out some interesting reflexology ideas by walking your way to wellness. .
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Reflexology Marketplace
Reflexology Research Project maintains one of the most popular reflexology web sites on the Internet. We have 15,000 to 20,000 hits a day.
We have decided to accept advertising from reflexologists, reflexology teachers and schools, reflexology product producers, CAM practitioners, teachers and schools and CAM product producers. We are offering this service at a very reasonable introductory price starting at $25 (US) a year.
Be seen across the Internet.
For details- click here
© VladGavriloff Image from
What is reflexology? Is it little fish swimming around your feet and nibbling the calluses off. Is it the painful application of pressure that elicits screams from the client? Is it walking on cobblestone mats?
We as a profession are choosing to define ourselves at this moment in time. We think it is important.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project |
Complete Reflexology for Life
"I was on the phone with my pharmacist to see if the hissing sound in my ears was tinnitus caused by new medication I'm taking. (She thought it was more likely the one that I just got off.) Anyway, I opened up my reflexology reference book under tinnitus and it said to work the web between the pinky and ring fingers. Was that ever sore! Within five minutes the hissing was gone (it's been worsening over the past few weeks) although the reflex was still very sore. Right away I noticed that my ears felt warm, as if I had been rubbing them into circulation although I hadn't touched them!"
Isn't that wild?! I love my "Complete Reflexology for Life"!
ryanandbaby commenting on the Reflexology Forum.
Now available as an e-book.
Personalized Reflexology Charts
Want to spread the word about your reflexology practice? It is easy with these personalized charts. Add you name or the name of your business and your telephone or email address.
People love charts. Try this simple marketing trick. Give some to your family and friends and ask them to pass them on to their family and friends. In no time the word has spread. Order lots and see your business grow.
Now is the time to remind people of your services.
Our Price Starting at: $37.48 per hundred Discount on larger quantities.
S & H:$6.49
Order today
Promote Reflexology
New Lower Prices!!!!!! Wear your reflexology interest proudly with these customized products from our Reflexology Store.
There are may items to choose from including all kinds of clothing, tote bags and items for your office.
Come visit the Reflexology Store!!!