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Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family $9.95
Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Reflexology: Health at your fingertips
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Hand Reflexology
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Reflexology Deck (DK Decks)
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Free Reflexology Information
Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists (Evidenced Based Reflexology Research)
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Evidence-Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family
by Barbara Kunz by RRP Press
Kindle Edition
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Barbara Kunz spent a whole year walking on a cobblestone mat and has written on her experience. Will she continue. The answer is a resounding "yes". When people around you comment on how good you look it is motivating. Reflexology continues to grow at an incredible rate. We are seeing the results daily. It is a strange twist that in bad economic times reflexology flourishes. "Fish Reflexology" gets a big no from US cosmetology boards. These nibbling callus removers seem to scare these bureaucracies. Does Chinese reflexology have an image problem? Particularly now a days that torture has become a real issue the show, The Amazing Race, has given a tortuous portrayal of Chinese Reflexology. Is it an accurate portrayal?
Walking the Reflexology Path:
A Year on the Rocks
A year of walking the reflexology path ... Yes, June 5 will mark the one-year anniversary for me. I'd been using reflexology mats with their synthetic rocks for some twenty years but this was a different pursuit. As opposed to my previous sporadic efforts, this was a frequent and consistent walk on the rocks with a minimum of forty minutes three times a week. At the end of the year, I pause here to ask myself: was it worth it? My answer is definitive: YES. I wouldn't have missed it for the world and I won't be quitting any time soon
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Reflexology Doing Well in Economic Down Times
Explosive Growth of Reflexology
 Trying to buy a book by Kunz & Kunz hasn't been easy this spring. And that's because they've sold out. After a best-selling Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 for Reflexology, Health at your fingertips and Complete Reflexology for Life, publisher Dorling Kindersley is rushing new books into print. While it may be the worst of times for the economy, reflexology books flying off the shelves indicates it may also be the best of times for reflexology.
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US Cosmetology Boards Say
No to Fish Reflexology
A long time practice in Turkey and popularized as fish reflexology in Asia, the professional use of fish nibbling on feet has not been so kindly met in America. According to a Wall Street Journal article, cosmetology regulators in at least fourteen states have banned "fish pedicures."
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Ouch! Reflexology in Beijing
The Amazing Race
"Pain and suffering" is the image that emerged of a reflexology session in Beijing following the April 28, 2009 broadcast of reality show Amazing Race 14. Broadcast in prime time on a major American television network, the show pits two-member teams against each other in a travel contest. Each episode includes a "Road Block" and for this episode the Road Block was reflexology.
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Photo credit- � lovleah Image from
Reflexology Marketplace
Reflexology Research Project maintains one of the most popular reflexology web sites on the Internet. We have 15,000 to 20,000 hits a day.
We have decided to accept advertising from reflexologists, reflexology teachers and schools, reflexology product producers, CAM practitioners, teachers and schools and CAM product producers. We are offering this service at a very reasonable introductory price starting at $25 (US) a year.
Be seen across the Internet.
For details- click here
� VladGavriloff Image from
What is reflexology? Is it little fish swimming around your feet and nibbling the calluses off. Is it the painful application of pressure that elicits screams from the client? Is it walking on cobblestone mats?
We as a profession are choosing to define ourselves at this moment in time. We think it is important.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project |
Complete Reflexology for Life
"I was on the phone with my pharmacist to see if the hissing sound in my ears was tinnitus caused by new medication I'm taking. (She thought it was more likely the one that I just got off.) Anyway, I opened up my reflexology reference book under tinnitus and it said to work the web between the pinky and ring fingers. Was that ever sore! Within five minutes the hissing was gone (it's been worsening over the past few weeks) although the reflex was still very sore. Right away I noticed that my ears felt warm, as if I had been rubbing them into circulation although I hadn't touched them!"
Isn't that wild?! I love my "Complete Reflexology for Life"!
ryanandbaby commenting on the Reflexology Forum.
Now available as an e-book.
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