Imagine your government tells you that there are 4 million reflexologists in your country but that is not enough. The country needs a million more reflexologists to fill it's fitness needs. True this is China with it's huge population. But what do they know that we don't.
And the idea that reflexology is a form of fitness program is hard for most Westerners to get their mind around. We think of fitness as athletics and exercise programs.
Then there is the building of reflexology paths not only in parks from one end of China to the other but now also in housing developments. And it is all part of a national fitness plan.
Maybe the NHS is starting to get the picture in the UK. A recent study showed that CAM practices can actually save money for the health care systems. True it is a small pilot study but it is hinting at what the Chinese seem to know already. This is all about saving money and promoting better health.
A Million (More) Reflexologists Wanted
Explosive Growth of Reflexology in China
 At least a half million to a million reflexologists with increasing skills are needed to keep up with the growing market for reflexology in china. The current estimate of over four million reflexologists are not enough to keep up with the demand according to the China Association of Foot Care Office. Read More
Reflexology Fitness
Today's Reflexology Fitness Pursuit
Thousands of years of cobblestone building materials utilized to construct paths and roads lay the foundation for today's reflexology fitness pursuit using reflexology paths in China. Tracked for years by Barbara and Kevin Kunz of Reflexology Research Project, historic use of reflexology paths has meant enhanced walking on specially built cobblestone paths in parks, circular areas of cobblestones or tree-lined walks with grassy areas and park benches. Now a national program for fitness has built on scientific research of the paths to add to reasons for inclusion of reflexology paths in sports and fitness parks.
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Housing Developments in China
Include Reflexology Paths
"Scientific exercise, healthy living" has come to a chain of themed housing developments in China. And, the reflexology path is a part of the infrastructure of such developments. Common to condominium complexes throughout the rest of Asia as tracked over the years by Kunz and Kunz, this is the first known inclusion of reflexology paths in Chinese real estate development.
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Photo credit- � ngothyeaun Image from BigStockPhoto.com
Major Government Study- CAM Saves Money
A major government study from Northern Ireland found that reflexology benefits patients and saves money for the National Health Service (NHS). And, it is among complementary and alternative therapies that should receive NHS funding.
"The researchers concluded: 'Not only has this project documented significant health gains, but also the potential economic savings likely to accrue from a reduction in patient use of primary and other health care services, a reduction in prescribing levels and reduced absenteeism from work....'"It is recommended that DHSSPS (Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety) and the project partners examine ways of integrating complementary and alternative medicine within primary care.'"
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Photo Credit- � lisafx. Image from BigStockPhoto.com
Reflexology Marketplace
Reflexology Research Project maintains one of the most popular reflexology web sites on the Internet. We have 15,000 to 20,000 hits a day.
We have decided to accept advertising from reflexologists, reflexology teachers and schools, reflexology product producers, CAM practitioners, teachers and schools and CAM product producers. We are offering this service at a very reasonable introductory price starting at $25 (US) a year.
Be seen across the Internet.
For details- click here
� dmitrii_designer. Image from BigStockPhoto.com
Is this the shift in the paradigm that reflexologists have been waiting for? Will our health care systems evolve as economic pressures mount?
Only time will tell.
Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project |
Complete Reflexology for Life
"I was on the phone with my pharmacist to see if the hissing sound in my ears was tinnitus caused by new medication I'm taking. (She thought it was more likely the one that I just got off.) Anyway, I opened up my reflexology reference book under tinnitus and it said to work the web between the pinky and ring fingers. Was that ever sore! Within five minutes the hissing was gone (it's been worsening over the past few weeks) although the reflex was still very sore. Right away I noticed that my ears felt warm, as if I had been rubbing them into circulation although I hadn't touched them!"
Isn't that wild?! I love my "Complete Reflexology for Life"!
ryanandbaby commenting on the Reflexology Forum.
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