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The Reflexology Mom
Reflexology's Skeptics
Tap shek fitness
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Reflexology: Health at your fingertips
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
List Price: $15.00
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Hand Reflexology
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
List Price: $17.95
Our Price: $7.79
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Reflexology Deck (DK Decks)
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
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Our Price: $4.75
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December 2008

Reflexology: Health at Your FingertipsReflexology: Health at Your FingertipsReflexology: Health at Your Fingertips

With the changing of the calendar from one year to the next, it seems that reviewing the past and looking forward to the future are natural things to do. As we transition form 2008 to 2009, several things stand out, among them:
� The reflexology mom is back, changing with the times to include     reflexology in care for her family.
� Reflexology's skeptics have shifted attack strategies. It's now all about the money spent to fund research, services and education.
� Reflexology on the Cheap. Make your own portable reflexology mat to benefit from the enhanced walking in place.
The Reflexology Mom
Mom Power is Back.
Reflexology Mom
Thirty years ago and more, reflexology was fueled by mom power. Drawn to reflexology were mothers concerned about helping a child's health problem, interested in seeking family wellness outside of the medical model, or living in a rural area with poor accessibility to medical care.
And, now, she's back. The reflexology mom, we'll call her. Her primary motivation remains thesame: helping a loved one or loved ones. This admirable character extends the care of her family and their needs, taking into her own hands through reflexology their health and well-being.
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Photo credit- � yanc Image from
Reflexology's Skeptics Change Strategies
Skeptic Reflexology and reflexologists have long been a target for skeptics. The idea, reflexologists, and those who use the services have been lambasted for years. Of late, skeptics have grown desperate and reflexologists are gaining an upper hand.

Skeptics' strategies are no longer involve a discussion based on research and science but opinion portrayed as facts. Skeptics' attacks and talking points now target: funding for reflexology research, payment by governmental agencies for reflexology service providing, and educational degrees in reflexology. The illogic of such efforts includes criticizing monies spent on research, no matter the success or cost-saving benefits demonstrated by reflexology application. It would seem the general message is: You don't have any research and we plan to block any attempt to allocate funding.

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Photo Credit- � lisafx. Image from
Reflexology on the Cheap
Feet on rocks Tap shek fitness or walking the reflexology path is encouraged by the Chinese government. Tap
shek translates as "stepping stone" thus providing a double entendre meaning. It is both a stepping
stone to fitness and constructed of stepping stones. So popular is tap shek fitness in China that magazines run contests for cheap ideas. A recent winner: put rocks in a bag, tie the bag closed and
walk on it.

� ngothyeaun. Image from
Our feedback from the Evidenced Based Reflexology Series has been positive. More research is coming out everyday. And Texas is still a mess.

Always something interesting.


Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project
Evidence- Based Reflexology for Health Professionals and Researchers

Our Price: $100.00
List Price: 199.00
Limited time Offer

Evidence-Based Reflexology for Reflexologists- $29.95

Evidence-Based Reflexology for You and Your Family $9.95

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Want to spread the word about your reflexology practice? It is easy with Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertipsthese personalized charts. Add you name or the name of your business and your telephone or email address.

People love charts. Try this simple marketing trick. Give some to your family and friends and ask them to pass them on to their family and friends. In no time the word has spread. Order lots and see your business grow.

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