Reflexology Research Project Newsletter
In This Issue
Olympics and Reflexology
Dosing and Reflexology
Expectant Mothers Helped
Premature Infants
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Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $15.59
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Reflexology Deck (DK Decks)
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
List Price: $12.95
Our Price: $5.71
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Issue:  August/2008
New Interactive Foot Reflexology WidgetReflexology: Health at Your Fingertips

Reflexology is being offered in the Olympic Village. Are the Beijing Olympics the tipping point for reflexology? When Nixon visited China in 1970 it was the tipping point for acupuncture in the US. Will the exposure of reflexology to athletes, journalist and spectators enhance it's image as was the case with acupuncture?

We are announcing a new and revolutionary research documents to be released this September. It is the first time that the idea of "dosing"  has been studied. How long, how often and how much  reflexology technique application is key to the success of the reflexologist.
Research points to the benefits of reflexology for expectant mothers and premature babies. This is a growing part of reflexology practice with keen interest worlwide.
Reflexology at the Olympics
Beijing Olympics Unlimited Reflexology for Athletes

With an estimated 5 million reflexologists in China according to  the Chinese government it  was  bound to happen that the athletes encounter reflexology. But we would not have guess the athletes would have unlimited reflexology at the Olympic Village according to one New Zealand blogger, Crystal Bretschger.

Blogger Site

� PCUMMINGS. Image from
Evidenced Based Reflexology Document
Lifestyle foot photo Launches a New Era in Reflexology

The Reflexology Research Documents by Barbara and Kevin Kunz will launch a new era for reflexology and reflexologists.The Research Documents are series of written works comprising 250 pages of information about research. Among written works is a data base of 165 studies. Included are results and formulas for reflexology technique application: how much, how often and how long technique is applied to achieve the results.
Photo Credit- � Image from
Expectant Mothers Helped by Reflexology
Expectant Mother Ten studies show the impact of reflexology on issues important to expectant mothers. Research shows that women given reflexology work during pregnancy or labor experienced shorter labor times and less analgesia use. In addition, reflexology work aided with the problems of retention of the placenta and primary inertia during labor, helping the women avoid surgery or medication.
Photo credit- � Millan Image from
Premature Infants and Reflexology
Premature baby Feet the Size of a Postage Stamp

They called her the "poop" nurse, a title she proudly wore. We met her some twenty years ago, a nurse with an interest in reflexology.She worked at a Lubbock, Texas hospital and whenever there was a new born who had failed to defecate for the first time in a timely manner, she'd get the call. She'd apply a little reflexology and "get them to do what I want" as she put it.

Research shows a role for reflexology even smaller infants, the premature baby while a recent Daily Mail (England) article shows the impact of a simple touch to the foot.
Photo Credit- � luchschen Image from
We are predicting that the exposure of reflexology at the Olympics, new research and the increasing popularity of reflexology in general points to a bright and promising future for reflexology.

Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project
People Love Reflexology Charts
Personalized Charts That is why reflexology charts are a great way to spread the word about your reflexology practice. Or simply your interest in reflexology.

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The Reflexology Store
Reflexology T-Shirt We have opened "The Reflexology Store" on Cafepress. Display your interest in Reflexology with these high quality items. These reflexology products make great gifts.

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