Reflexions: Journal of Reflexology Research Project
Reflexology Research Project Newsletter
In This Issue
Brain Imaging
Handy Stress Relief
Sinus Relief

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Kevin and Barbara Kunz
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Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $15.03
Buy Now


The more we look at the functional magnetic resolution studies the more interesting the results. Imagine for the first time answers are available for questions that we all think about.

We have had some great news. Both Total Reflexology Kit and Complete Reflexology for Life have become best sellers. Total Reflexology Kit is pretty well sold out throughout the Barnes and Noble chain. And 20,000 copies of the Complete Reflexology for Life were sold to just one retailer alone.

Brain Imaging and Reflexology
fMRI Specific Reflex Area Work Linked to Specific Part of the Brain
Research has verified a basic tenet of reflexology: reflexology technique applied to a reflex area
impacts a specific, reflected part of the body. Using fMRI, Hong Kong researchers verified their
hypotheses: (1) reflexology technique applied to the inner corner of the left big toe would activate
the right temporal lobe and (2)"fMRI is a useful tool to investigate the central neural pathway of reflexology." Reflexology technique applied to a reflex area reflecting a part of the brain activated that part of the brain.

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Handy stress relief
Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips Here is a fast, easy way to reduce stress.

 Try "The Squeeze" from  Complete Reflexology for Life  (p.145)

Grab one hand with the other and gently squeeze. The working hand is positioned around the targeted hand. I like to wrapped my working hand around the knuckle level and then move up and down the hand.

When you squeeze you may feel some pain. Back off a bit and reapply. Reposition your working hand and start squeezing again. Always work within your comfort zone and use sense when working with injury or arthritis.

I feel like I am "working the kinks out" when I do this. And I love to go up into the fingers. Do it everyday and even several times a day if you use your hands a lot.

After awhile the pain fades away and your hands will feel a lot more flexible. Because the hand helps set the tension level for the rest of the body it helps you relax overall.

Love it.

Kevin Kunz

Photo Credit- Ruth Jenkinson
Reflexology Work for Sinus Infection
Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips As good as medicine?

British researchers have shown that antibiotics don't help those with sinus infection. Patients given antibiotics got better no more quickly than those given a placebo. The study's lead author,
Dr. Jan Williamson of the University of South Hampton in England, suggests that physician focus
"on effective remedies that improve symptom control."

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We look forward to 2008 as the year that reflexology starts to receive the attention it really deserves. We hope you have a happy and fruitful 2008.

Stay Tuned.

Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project