Reflexions- The Journal of Reflexology Research Project
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Reflexology Pain Research

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Reflexology Research
Kevin and Barbara Kunz
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November 7th/2007
Total Reflexology
Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips Give the Gift of Health
Word has it that Barnes and Noble is expecting to sell out of these kits before Christmas. 
Everyone we have shown Total Reflexology Kit wants it. In fact, one woman bought eight for her family and friends feeling it was such a bargain at 14.95 and would take care of a lot of her hoilday shopping needs.

So get your Total Reflexology Kit today before they sell out. This is an exclusive at Barnes and Noble. Also available at Barnes and

Reflexology has been demonstrated to be effective with pain in a variety of studies. The latest study studies the effect on the pain threshold. This is a very interesting read.

Also the PT's in Taipei seemed to be upset over the folk traditions like cobblestone paths based on reflexology. But they might have a tough time getting them removed. The residents who walk those paths daily might not want to give them up.
And in the Editor's Corner we talk about the role of stress in almost every health condition and why stress hasn't gotten the play it should until now.
Reflexology and Pain Research
Shoulder pain
Difference in how individuals handle pain
New research shows that reflexology makes a difference in how individuals handle pain. British researcher Dr. Carol Samuel of the Department of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of Portsmouth, UK notes; "It has been claimed that reflexology is useful in the treatment of various conditions including such things as migraine, arthritis and multiple sclerosis. The aim of the
present study was to investigate whether foot reflexology attenuates acute pain in human volunteers."                 

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                                   Photo: �
Cobblestone Paths Questioned in Taipei
Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips Risk to Seniors Cited
Care should be taken when walking on cobblestone paths. The potential for irritation of the elastic tissue on the soles of the feet is possible if the pebbles are too small. So warns the director of the National Federation of Associations of Physical Therapists (Taiwan, Chien Wenjen). "Like many exercises popular with the elderly, the pebble walkway exercise is based on folk medicine principles, ie reflexology. Practitioners of reflexology believe that massaging pressure points on the sole of the foot corresponding to different parts of the body can improve general health...
                              Photo: �ngothyeaun,
Editor's Corner
Reflexology: Health at Your Fingertips It's the Stress, Stupid

Politicians are quite fond of saying,"It's the economy, stupid." This is a phrase to describe why people vote the the way they do. Until the Iraq war it held up pretty well as a truism.

Recently the American Medical Association in a commentary in its Journal said that stress is a "powerful risk factor".

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                            Photo: �Aurelio,
Complete Reflexology for Life - Read the Reviews
Complete Reflexology for Life
by Barbara Kunz by DK ADULT
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $9.95
Buy Now
We are working on some really interesting research studies and hope to have a new publication out soon.

In the meantime we wish you good health.

Barbara and Kevin Kunz
Reflexology Research Project