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            Savvy Marketing Tips

for the SME
(Small to Mid-size Enterprise)





2011 is off to a roaring start. I am on the road a lot the next few weeks speaking at various events, so was looking for some new videos to add into my presentation. I came across this great clip  to show what happens when you don't understand your customer. It definitely inspired my topic this issue.


I hope you enjoy both! 


Strategies for Success

Cidnee Stephen

More Marketing Tips


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5 Ways to LOSE a Prospect

 by Cidnee Stephen


If you've been around long enough, you may recall an old song called "50 Ways to a Lose a Lover". Well here are 5 guaranteed ways to lose a prospect.







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 HubShout is an affordable Internet  
 marketing service that improves your
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 Check them out


A superb resource if you want to create killer presentations.


Generousity Marketing via Social Media 

KLM  According to

  Trendwatching, 2011

  could very well be the 

  year of  R.A.K. (Random Acts of Kindness) Marketing.


I LOVE this video on how KLM took Social Media Marketing to the ultimate level and garnered 1 million impressions on Twitter alone!


Can you do something on a much smaller scale for your business and put a smile on your customer's face?


Check out this video.


 6 Ways to Market on Foursquare without a location

With the surge of Foursquare and Facebook Places, retail outlets are finding some highly effective ways to market and promote their locations online.


But what iFourSquaref you
aren't a retail store? What if you don't have a physical location at all? Can Foursquare still help you market your business?


Absolutely. In a world of limited budgets and low-traffic locations, businesses must creatively approach Foursquare's already available options.


Here are a few options your business should consider.

Upcoming January Events
January 31st, 2011 - Don't Feel Slimy about Selling



Feel like you need a long, hot bath after reading a sales training book? Here's a great way to sell more without feeling dirty. Influence others in an ethical way... and attract the right kind of buyers in 2011.


More info HERE.  


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We help small business owners like you develop a cost-effective marketing system to generate quality leads.  Our strength lies in our ability to uncover your prospect's typical buying patterns and then match these with a right marketing tools.

Through our unique discovery process, our clients gain clarity and control over what lead generation activities to implement and when, in order to be the most efficient with their time and their money.  Finally we show them how to systematize and automate their marketing so that it will work for them 24/7 - even when resources are stretched thin.

If you would like just a taste of what we can do, request a complimentary Marketing Mini Audit today.