indie bookstore entrepreneur
Autumn 2010
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Managing for
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The Art & Science
of Retail Bookselling

Bookstore Entrance

A mini workshop retreat
for new owners/managers
& aspiring leaders

Nov. 2-3, 2010
Franklin, MA

Click here for details.

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Autumn PathAutumn
The fall frontlist is abundant with so many wonderful books and the holidays are just around the corner.

Autumn, the harvest season, is the time of abundance. There is more media time spent on books and authors than ever before. How will you bring people into your bookstore ... and keep them coming back throughout the year?
5 low-cost, no-cost ways to
your sense of place.

When it's now possible to download books within seconds, getting people to take time to come into the bookstore requires our ongoing attention. Creating an engaging sense of place is one of the most important competitive advantages the Internet will never match.

Where will your efforts make the most difference?

1) First impression -- If the exterior of your store and window displays are inviting -- motivating customers to come inside -- what theStacked Tablesy first see sets expectations for the entire store. Use a beautiful or interesting table at the front entrance and get merchandise up to eye level. A decorative item for height will create a space where the customer does not race through the store, but stops to look.

2) Focus -- Visual clutter detracts from the goal of creating a sanctuary from the hectic world outside. Clear the front of the store of tall spinner racks and other obstructions so the customer can focus on what you have presented.

Little book display3) Surprise and delight --
Books have become a commodity, so present special books you've chosen that a customer would never discover online. By doing so, you'll create a wonderfully 'serendipitous discovery'.

Slatwall and lamp4) Illuminate -- Little touches of light are a simple and affordable way to attract attention to an area and create a mood. Floor lamps, table lamps and accent lamps break up general ceiling lighting with a softer touch -- and make a corner or special display more noticeable.

5) Create a lasting impression -- What's the last thought you'd like your customers to hold as they leave the store? Whether it's at the cash wrap or something along the traffic path out of the store, how do you make people feel glad to have stopped in?

a sense of place is one important reason
people want to shop at an indie bookstore.
the season for gift-giving.

Gift wrapped book
Many customers appreciate that you offer shipping services.
Are you making the most of the opportunity?

E. Shaver Books in Savannah, GA offers a beautiful sage green wrap (with subtle stripes) all year long and uses a decorative label and flat ribbon as their signature look. There's no damage to the bow in transit, so the gift looks beautiful upon arrival.

Gift to ship
What else goes in the package in addition to the gift?

Think about the promotional items you can include to inspire a return visit and another purchase.
  • Promotional bookmarks that invite people to your website
  • Your most recent newsletter, flyer, or catalog
  • Handwritten, personalized note
The package above arrived from Pages of Manhattan Beach, CA. The brown Kraft paper with raffia arrived in perfect condition ... every piece was color-coordinated and included the store's logo and web address.

gifts coming from an indie bookstore
should be noteworthy.

unmistakably indie.

Atticus KidsA number of retail studies show that if kids are happy, their attendant grown-ups will stay in a business longer than if a child is making a fuss.

What could be more a part of our mission than encouraging kids to read ... and in the process, creating a space they are always ready to visit?

We loved visiting Atticus Books & Tea Room in Ruidoso, NM. Their tiny kids area came alive with some hand-made trees, colorful placement of a vendor fixture, and items on the steps and railing.

Dressing up your kids area could become a project for an art class, artist co-op, or creative customer.
Also, think about what might engage a child's creativity and attention. Here's a little customer cuddling a large stuffed animal at BookTowne in Manasquan, NJ. Especially during the holiday season, you could sell a few of these pricey toys -- along with a related book --  to adoring grandparents!

make kids happy
to be in your bookstore.

more inspiration in free publication.

Time to ReadYou can find more ideas for creating a unique and memorable sense of place with our 35-page publication Image Matters. It's part of our 10 module series Managing Today's Bookstore: The Lifelong Learning Series and is available to you free if you email Mark at

enhance your sense of place.

  growing bookstore management
skills & insights at mini workshop retreat

If you'd like to know you're focusing efforts where they'll make the most difference ... or would like to see an employee gain a 'big picture' perspective of retail bookselling, please join us. The retreat is especially designed for new owners/managers and aspiring staff you'd like see take on more responsibilities. Tuition is just $169 ($119 for additional people from the same store) and includes a working dinner.  The program is open to booksellers in all regions.

The Art & Science of Retail Bookselling 
November 2-3
Franklin, MA (outside Boston)

And if you like what you see in this free e-newsletter, please pass it on by using the "Forward email" link below.

Mark & Donna Paz Kaufman
Paz & Associates