Congratulations Abound  

In the last few weeks, University College faculty and staff have continued to garner recognition for their excellent work. While future issues of the newsletter will spotlight students, programs, and individuals who illustrate the distinctiveness of the college, this issue is dedicated primarily to sharing the many awards and accolades.

I just can't say it enough: Thanks for your dedication and service.


Faculty receive national recognition
Tonya Jones was honored at the Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education's national conference in Kentucky. Jones received the Atom Ant Award from the association for her exemplary work assisting non-traditional students' transition to college life.

Deborah Mixson-Brookshire will serve as the keynote speaker for California State-Fullerton's annual Technology Day in November.
A decade in U.S. News & World Report
For each of the 10 years that the magazine has recognized institutions with excellent First-Year Experiences, Kennesaw State University has appeared on the U.S. News & World Report list. The 2013 "America's Best Colleges" edition marks a decade of national notice for University's College's work with first-year students. Again this year, KSU is the only institution in Georgia to appear on the annual list, which features 23 institutions including Notre Dame, University of Virginia, Stanford, and the University of South Carolina.

For the full listing, click here.
LDRS faculty focus on scholarship
Debbie Smith's article "Facilitating the Development of a Global Mindset through a Cultural Experience" was just published in The Journal of Leadership Studies. Smith was also inducted this summer as Secretary of the Association of Leadership Educators for a two-year term.

Rian Satterwhite's book chapter "Halting the Decline: How Leadership Theory and Practice can Address Global Biodiversity Loss" is featured in SAGE Publisher's Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook, published this month. Satterwhite will deliver two presentations at the International Leadership Association's annual conference in Denver.
UC student, alum also receive praise
KSU's chapter of Phi Kappa Phi, a national honor society, recently announced that Plamen Mavrov, an honors student and international affairs major, was awarded one of the society's Study Abroad Grants.  These grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. Mavrov won one of the 50 grants awarded this year.

CSL alumnus Joe Wittig completed a two-year commitment to Americorp and is now in Moldova as part of the Peace Corps. Wittig, who graduated in 2009 with a BBA, joined LINK in his first year on campus (2005) and completed the three-year program prior to his graduation. To follow Wittig's experiences in Moldova, read his blog .
Remember to back up previous classes 
As the transition to D2L continues for spring semester courses, faculty should remember that the student information in their courses will not migrate. Therefore, it is imperative for each instructor of record to back up pertinent student information including the gradebook, discussion boards, e-mails and assessments, according to the KSU D2L website. Members of the UC Distance Learning Committee will be holding an open lab session later in the semester to help faculty back up required material from spring, summer, and fall courses.

DL Tip for the Month:
Is your Vista grade book full of students who are not on your class roster? ITS does not remove students who drop or withdraw from your course, so you must do it.For course security and personal sanity purposes you will want to take care of this once drop/add has concluded and again after the last day to withdraw without academic penalty. Here's how:
1) Go to your Vista grade book and check the boxes next to the names of the students who are not on your Banner roster.
2) Scroll to the bottom of the grade box and select "unenroll."
3) Pick "OK" when you are asked if you really want to unenroll the students.
4) The students are now unenrolled, but still appear in your grade book in red. To make them disappear completely go to the box in the upper right hand corner of your grade book titled "grade book options" then select "hide unenrolled member data."
ESL Study Center celebrates anniversary
David Schmidt, director of the ESL Study & Tutorial Center, proudly announced the Center's 10th anniversary at the recent Conversation Partners Program luncheon. Schmidt, who has served as the Center's leader since its inception, says the one-on-one attention given to international students is what sets the Center apart from other campus resources. He noted that he sometimes spends up to an hour with one student working on writing, presentation, or other skills necessary for college-level success. International students also use the Center to study, work with small groups on class projects, and just relax.

University College commends Schmidt, his tutors, and all of those international students who take advantage of this campus resource on a decade of service.
September 2012
Congratulating Award Winners
National Recognition for FYP
Spotlight on Scholarship
Distance Learning Update
Quick Links
Calendar Items
Oct. 8-13
Homelessness Awareness Week
- CSL is one of the primary sponsors of this annual event and is encouraging UC faculty, staff, and students to participate.
- Sleep Out is the 11-13th (42 hours).
- For a detailed listing of events and Sleep Out information, please visit the HAW2012 website here

Oct. 9 - UC Grants Information Session
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.
LB 430

Oct. 10 - Wear Your CSL Colors Day
- Grab your favorite CSL shirt and show your Center pride

UC Distance Learning Workshops
Oct. 11 - Respondus Walk-In
4 - 6 p.m.
LB 461

Oct. 16 - D2L
9:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
UC 125
* RSVP by 10/9 to Deborah

Oct. 23 - Vista and D2L Drop-In
8 - 9 a.m.
UC 125

Oct. 23 - iClickers
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
UC 200

Oct. 25 - Webinar on Engaging and Retaining Online Students
12:30 - 1:45 p.m.
UC 200

Oct. 29 - D2L
11 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
UC 125
* RSVP by 10/22 to Deborah 
Kennesaw State University | 1000 Chastain Road, MB #2401, Kennesaw, Georgia  30144-5591

Dr. Ralph J. Rascati, Dean
p: 770-499-3550 | f: 770-499-3464 | e: