I am sending this to you, because I think you might be interested in this workshop. If the word "negotiation" brings to mind cut throat, win-win, manipulative, insincere, or legalistic, this workshop is for you! In my years of working with executives and consultants, the one skill that seems to be lacking, yet is the most neglected, is negotiation. Let me walk you through the Jim Camp Start with No negotiating system, an effective and practical method that takes the pain out of negotiating. If you are unable to make it, please forward this to others in your company or those you think might be interested.


Have a nice week!



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Negotiation Workshop
January 16th, 2012 
January 27th, 2012


How to Negotiate and achieve Dramatic results, Delight your Customers and Minimize conflict

For the first time, Allan Tsang is presenting a workshop on the techniques, methodology, approaches, and secrets that he uses to advice and coach executives and consultants.  This 4-hour, intensive, interactive workshop is for both new and veteran leaders.


This session is about becoming outstanding at a variety of basic and advanced negotiation approaches.

Participants, through a combination of discussion, case studies, role-plays, and preparation material will learn high-powered approaches:

  • How to overcome obstacles at the bargaining table and achieve results you want
  • Which mindset and behaviors are dangerous and prevent success
  • How to interpret objections and resolve conflicts
  • How to overcome internal resistance and use result-oriented communications to build better work relationships across your organization (e.g. the negotiation between a product owner and a ScrumMaster)
  • How to have a powerful set of principles, strategies and tactics to negotiate everything
  • How to avoid haggling and get what you want reasonably
  • How to have real and meaningful collaboration with your vendors, customers and partners
  • How to overcome other manipulative and persuasive methodologies
  • The art and science of rational decision making in the real world
  • Communicating in a diverse/cross cultural setting
  • How to formulate strategy and encourage engagement and adoption
  • How to provide feedback, confront, and challenge a customer while building a deeper level of trust

In addition, every participant will:

  • Receive a FREE copy of the book Start with NO...The Negotiating Tools that the Pros Don't Want You to Know *
  • Receive 30 minutes of phone coaching to be used within 60 days after the session to maximize application of the concepts.

* Distributed at the session.


Start the Next Year With Some Great Negotiations

Take away the skills to reach a new level of effectiveness or jump-start your practice/business. There is simply no other professional development training on negotiation of this quality in this region.


Date: January 16th, 2012 or January 27th, 2012

Time:8am - 12pm

Location:Hilton Garden Inn, Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540) 552-5005

Tuition:$97 (includes 4 hours of development, breakfast, book, handouts, advance work, and 30 minutes of phone coaching)


Discounts. Take 50% ($48.50) off the fee for a net tuition of $48.50:

  1. If you register prior to December 15, 2011
  2. If you're an existing client (Want to join the Coaching Program? Click here to learn more)
  3. If you sign up with someone from your firm or if you refer a friend, you each qualify


Cancellation policy: 100% credit toward any of Allan's future workshops without time limit. There are no refunds unless the program is canceled by us.


Special Offer from Allan:

The first nine people to register will receive ONE FULL HOUR ($200 value) of coaching that can be used within 6 months and can be transferable.

January 16th Workshop

Tuition - $97
Pay Now

I want the 50% Discount (Net $48.50) because I am:
Registering before December 15th, 2011
An existing client
Referring a friend or have been referred
Pay Now 
January 27th Workshop 


Tuition - $97
Pay Now 


I want the 50% Discount (Net $48.50) because I am:
Registering before December 15th, 2011
An existing client
Referring a friend or have been referred
Pay Now 

I hope you take this opportunity to improve yourself and your leaders and to better equip them for the coming year. I look forward to seeing you all at the training.




Allan Tsang

Mobile: (540) 392-4668