Thomas Cribbs

Homes of Life in Central America

Guatemala, May 2012

In This Issue
Educational Opportunities
Manuel's Story
Local Church Sponsors Community Festival
Sweet Dreams for Kids
Prayer Requests

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Educational Opportunities
GraduationSchool is something we as North Americans often take for granted.  We have a right to a good education, but in Guatemala, education isn't a given.  Many kids don't have the opportunity to go to school, so graduating from High School is a huge accomplishment.  Many parents of today's teens in Guatemala did not have the opportunity to go to school, but they've been able to give their kids this opportunity, so their child's graduation brings much pride and thanksgiving.  For many families in the San Andres area, the current generation is the first to receive a High School education.


Education provides not only book knowledge, but hidden benefits we don't even notice.  It's these hidden things that make it difficult for those without an education.  School teaches us how to learn, how to concentrate and focus, how to process, how to retain things, and how to think critically on our own.  Without an education, adults have a hard time learning new things and retaining new information, not because they aren't intelligent, but because they didn't learn these things in school as a child.  All these things put a whole new light on the blessings and benefits of education.

Norm and Vickie
Norm and Norm Sutton


Praise the Lord for Hogar de Vida where many kids who wouldn't have had the chance to go to school are now able to go.  Thank you to the donors and child sponsors who make this possible.  If you would like to sponsor a child at Hogar de Vida, the normal monthly donation is $30. Check out the enclosed Sponsorship Program for other sponsorship opportunities. You can use the Donate Here options on the sidebar to make your first payment, or to set up automatic withdrawals from your checking account or credit card.  Be sure to designate a child sponsorship and indicate Guatemala or Costa Rica.


Vickie Sutton, Missionary

Manuel's Story
Manuel 2Manuel, now 15 years old, came to Hogar de Vida when he was 11.  He came with two brothers, Julio and Santiago, who are now 17 and 12.  Julio was previously featured in the February edition of this newsletter.


Manuel's mom was working in Guatemala City while Manuel was working for a lady cutting beans. The authorities discovered that the three brothers weren't living in the best of conditions and brought them to Hogar de Vida.  At first, he didn't like it here.  He wanted to be with his mom, but that wasn't possible.  In a year, he had decided that he was being well taken care of and this place was okay.  But Manuel still misses the love of his very own mom and dad.


Manuel's mom put him in school for the first time when he was 8.  He struggled and didn't get past the first grade.  But since arriving at Hogar de Vida he has worked hard and has progressed to the 6th grade.  His studies are very important to him. He wants to graduate from High School and go on to college.  His goal is to be a professional in some area.  Right now he is leaning towards being a policeman.


In his free time, Manuel likes to listen to music and draw.  He has become a very good artist and last year, he was asked to paint a mural of Winnie-the-Pooh on the outside wall of the elementary school.  He did an awesome job.  Manuel also enjoys soccer and basketball.  You will very rarely see him walking since  his favorite transportation is his bicycle. 


Manuel accepted Jesus into his heart shortly after he arrived at Hogar de Vida.  But right now, he is going through a hard time spiritually and needs to find new friends who will be better influences.  Please pray for Manuel in this area.

Local Church Sponsors Community Festival
Big Tent Seven years ago, the local church, Torre Fuerte (Strong Tower), dedicated San Andres, Sajcabaja, El Quiche, Guatemala, to the Lord.  Every April since then, they celebrate the anniversary of this dedication.  Torre Fuerte is the church that the directors, workers and the kids of the Hogar de Vida attend.  All are involved in leadership and ministry at the church.

This celebration is a 3-day event with a big tent, stage and seating set up in the park in town center. Special speakers and singing groups come in for special services throughout the weekend. Torre Fuerte also cooks a meal for the town people free of charge.  A cow is butchered and a huge pot of stew and tamales are made.


All of Hogar de Vida is very involved with the preparation and carrying out of this big weekend.   The Directors and workers all volunteer their time to help set up in the park, butcher and prepare the cow, cook the meal for the town, as well as meals for the special speakers and singers. 


They also help with crowd control at the services and pray for those in need.  The kids are all involved as well.  The older boys all helped with the set up while the girls helped with the making of tamales, tortillas and stew.  Several of the younger children participated in a skit that they presented on Saturday.  And the youngest kids participated by going and seeing the clowns perform.  Fun was had by all.


This year's celebration was a huge success.  Many people heard the word of the Lord and accepted Him as their Savior.  That is what this is all about - the body as a whole working together to further the Kingdom of God!  Amen!

Sweet Dream for Kids

from Generous Donation

Mattresses Arrive

In the past, the kids at Hogar de Vida slept on wooden beds with a foam mattress on top. This worked well for a season, but the foam mattresses were getting thin and it was time for something new.  Little did we know that God had something new and improved in mind. 

Last month, due to the generous donation of a Hogar de Vida partner, a big truck drove into the Home of Life compound.  The truck was just full of mattresses and box springs with legs.  One for each kid in a regular size bed, with enough extra to replace the wood and foam beds that are used by the teams as well. 


The delivery triggered a major spring cleaning event and rearranging. Excitement was in the air.  The old beds were moved out and the new brought in. The kids were so excited for their new beds!  It took some of them a few nights to adjust to sleeping on something soft instead of the hard bed they were used to, but there were no complaints and they quickly adjusted.  In addition, teams will now have more comfortable accommodations that will especially help those with back issues.


We are so thankful for our ministry partners who bless us with the simple pleasures of life.  May you be blessed in return.

Prayer Requests

Praise the Lord that Lorena a recent high school graduate, decided to stay at the Hogar de Vida and work full time while she takes college courses on Saturdays in a town about an hour away.  Her help is very needed and appreciated.  Pray that God will give Lorena strength and perseverance in her work and studies.


Praise for Luis, the son of Sebastian and Oralia, the Home of Life Directors.  He too just graduated from High School and has accepted a part time job at the Home of Life as a teacher/tutor.  Pray for wisdom and insight for Luis as he works with the kids of the home.  Also pray for strength and perseverance in his studies.


Pray for Sebastian and Oralia, the workers, Lita, Soila, Lorena and Luis, and the Missionaries, Norman and Vickie.  Ask God to give them the wisdom, discernment, insight, understanding and patience needed to raise up the children who God has entrusted to their care, to love and serve the Lord with all their heart.


Pray for each kid at Hogar de Vida, to have a heart for the Lord and a desire to serve and please Him.  Pray that they will work hard and do well in their studies.  Pray for the Lord's protection over them spiritually, mentally, and physically as they go through each day.


Pray for 1 year old Alicia who was recently diagnosed with cerebral palsy.  Pray that God would heal her and that she will be able to walk and play like a normal healthy child.  Also pray for healing for Chepa and Angelita who have physical and mental disabilities as well.


Praise the Lord for His mercies are new every morning!  Praise Him for the family of Hogar de Vida.

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