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Mental Health America Aiken County

Making a Difference...Here and Now 

February Newsletter



In This Issue
News and Events
Uncharted Territory
Women Succeeding



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Nurture Home Panel

Board of Directors:
Liz Neal
Robert Schwartz
Traci Carrier
Paula Turner
Sandra Baxter
Richard Garcia
John Heffley
Wesley Hightower
Linda Hook
Alton Johnson
Terry Kneece
Chrissa Matthews
Denny Michaelis
Shelia Taylor
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Dr.Seuss said it best when he reminded us all "Sometimes the question is more complicated than the answer." After many years at historical Rye Patch, we've known for several months we would need a new venue for Aiken's Cookin' with Celebrity Chefs 2012. We debated and tossed around many ideas. We gathered facts, sought suggestions from long-time friends and still found ourselves putting the location issue on the shelf. 

Thanks to our friends at AllStar Rents we met with the owners of the  Willcox Inn and discussed our event.They listened intently as we described our programs and how they make a difference in the community. Effortlessly, we had our answer. Aiken's Cookin' with Celebrity Chefs will be held at the Historic Willcox Inn on June 8th from 7 to 9.

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Uncharted Territory
Our community continues to recover from     the tragic loss of two Aiken Public Safety Officers and has had many conversations, joining together of groups, and a unified, compassionate response to the families of the loved ones lost. We've all paused to think of the "why?" the "how?" and "what can we do?"  Our community is one of embracing change, even when tragic, and going forward.
In the same sense, our agency has been recognized by the SC American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for our consistent efforts to unify those who have lost a friend or family member to suicide. Our monthly support group to help those grieving the tragedy of suicide has become an "emotional life jacket" for people in Aiken County.
In response to the strength Out of Darkness Walk  
and courage of this group
we will hold our first 
"Out of Darkness" 
Community Walk at 
Odell Weeks in 
September. This
event to honor loveones will raise awareness and support grieving families. It will also serve to generate conversations and responses to people who are struggling, ultimately preventing suicide. It's difficult to know what to say or how to respond to tragedy, it's a road with no map. However, we navigate together and we're stronger and even more committed as a community.
  Women Succeeding
We are so fortunate to have our office just a few steps away from Nurture Home!  In the past three months, three of the women moved from Nurture Home with their precious children. It feels like sending your child out into the world when they leave, so when I heard one of them had dropped in for a visit to Nurture Home, I went over to visit and and give her a hug. I was greeted by a big smile and an excited hug. I listened as she shared the adjustments of moving into her own place and juggling the parenting demands with the job we helped place her in. I nodded affirming that it is a big adjustment and praised her for making the sacrifice to keep her daughter in her school even though it required her rising earlier than usual to get her there on time. I listened as she told of how initially she settled down a little not having to abide by our structure and rules for cleaning, laundry, etc. and how it was a welcome relief. But then, she said "I just put myself back on that schedule and I realized, how much more smoothly my days were!" She shared further that the feedback she gets from teachers on her children and their behavior shows improvement. I returned to my office, recalling just six months ago, this same young woman had broken a rule and was on a slippery slope back to negative choices, when we counseled her and told her candidly, "This is your choice we can help you, if you will let us. Don't get back on that old road. We want to help you choose a different way." I'm so happy she choose the path we offered and "Oh, the places she and her family will go!"
Please consider a donation to Nurture Home. A major fund source for this program was eliminated last year. We have pending sources of funding; but, in the interim support from friends like you can help us help even more women succeed!
Lisa Tindal
Executive Director