

This month's newsletter features an article written by a project partner who is a medical student at the Medical College of Wisconsin. She collaborated with an UNCOM member agency to measure food waste during summer day camp. Her article explores this issue.


In addition, the newsletter lists several upcoming events that are in need of volunteers! Please take a look at the list to the right and make contact if you are able to help.


The "In the News" section contains timely articles from around the nation related to how communities and groups are working to address childhood obesity.


Make sure to peruse the first ever national healthy eating and physical activity standards developed for after-school sites. They contain practical and common-sense modifications that we can all work towards.


Please join us in our mission of working together for healthy eating and active living. We envision a Milwaukee with reduced childhood obesity where the healthy choice is the easy choice.


Thanks for your support of the Milwaukee Childhood Obesity Prevention Project.



David Nelson (MCOPP Director) and

Sarah O'Connor (MCOPP Coordinator)

Childhood Nutrition in a Summer Day Camp

by Delara Bastani, second year medical student at Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW)


Schools throughout the nation employ successful programs to promote healthy eating in children, and summer camps are now increasingly considered as holding promise for similar initiatives. However, there is a gap in our understanding of the current status of healthy nutrition in summer camps and potential summer camp nutrition interventions that might help curb childhood obesity rates.


In order to address this gap, we conducted a study in collaboration with an UNCOM member agency's Summer Day Camp in Milwaukee to understand fruit, vegetable, and milk consumed in a summer camp setting. Camp participants included youth aged 4-12 years, and lunch was served daily. Lunch plate waste of fruits, vegetables, and milk was recorded at five time points over the seven-week camp period. Nutrition data consisted of weighed amounts of food served and weighed amounts of food wasted (left on the plate). By understanding the amounts and types of foods consumed, policies and strategies can be developed to support improved nutrition not only in summer camps, but also in other youth-serving settings.


The study results suggest that fruit, vegetable, and milk consumption rates in the camp are very low, and waste is very high. Fruit and vegetable plate waste in the camp generally exceeded national averages, and each camper consumed only about one-fourth of an eight-ounce milk carton per meal. Whole apples and coleslaw had the highest waste, whereas applesauce and mashed potatoes had the lowest waste.  


Strategies to reduce plate waste in the summer camp such as nutrition education, rescheduling lunch to a slightly later time in the day, and smaller serving sizes should be explored. Particularly interesting is the observation by camp staff that more children accepted milk when it was served in individual cartons as opposed to being poured from pitchers into cups. Similarly, camp staff indicated that fruit was most likely to be eaten if it was cut into pieces rather than served whole. These staff observations coupled with the study results suggest that ventures within summer day camps to promote healthy childhood nutrition should be considered as potential counterparts to school-based programs.


Who We Are
MCOPP is an inclusive coalition with the goal of reducing childhood obesity in Milwaukee through environmental and policy improvements and changes that promote healthy eating and active living.


Our members include leaders and staff from the eight member centers of the United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee (UNCOM), community residents, partners from youth-serving organizations, specialists in the fields of nutrition, exercise science, physical education, public health, medicine, urban planning, and others.


 MCOPP logo

Like us on Facebook
In This Issue
Childhood Nutrition in a Summer Day Camp
Next Meeting
Upcoming Event and Volunteer Opportunities
Next Leadership Team Meeting

Date and time
Tuesday, 9/6/11
12:00 - 1:30pm

Please RSVP if you plan to attend



COA Goldin Center
2320 W. Burleigh

Milwaukee, WI


For more information

Contact Sarah O'Connor


[email protected]

Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities


4th Annual UNCOM Walk for Wellness
Friday 9/9, 5:30-7:30pm, Kosciuszko Park, behind the Kosciuszko Park Building, 2201 S. 7th Street

To volunteer: contact Sarah at (414) 978-2023 or [email protected]


4th Annual MPS Run Back to School

Saturday, 8/27, 7:30-11am,

Wick Playfield at 4929 W. Vliet St.

To volunteer: call (414) 475-8701

To register to run or walk:




Sunday, 10/2, 7:30am

To volunteer: 

Click on the "Volunteer Today" icon on the right side of the webpage.



In the news
Links for more information about healthy eating and active living
Healthy Kids Healthy Communities 


Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010
Grant Opportunities!


Staples Youth Social Entrepreneur


The program supports youth-led organizations using innovation and technology to address social issues

affecting their communities. Technology does not need to be the primary focus of an applicant's organization.

Eligibility: Youth between the ages of 12 and 24

operating entrepreneurial ventures that use innovation and technology to advance social change and make a

positive impact on communities.

Deadline: September 19, 2011.


Ezra Jack Keats Foundation

The foundation is offering funding to be used for the support of programs judged to be helpful to humanity.

These grants will support schools and public libraries for programs that encourage literacy and creativity in


Deadline: March 15, 2012.

Eligibility: Schools and public libraries.

Milwaukee Childhood Obesity Prevention Project

United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee

710 N. Plankinton Ave. Suite 740

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203
