"It's really nice to have them advocating for us on the front lines, every day, and keeping us up to date on all the information we need to make proper decisions. For me personally, it has always been a great reliance that I've had on Phia... I find that they are always very responsive. I can call Adam in the middle of the night and will actually get a text back, in the middle of the night, with an answer."
Kevin Egan, Corporate Benefit Audits |
Dear Reader,
What a month it has been. Typical, not much happens in our industry in July but not this year! Less than two weeks after the historic decision, we here at The Phia Group did a webinar on the Supreme Court case with the largest audience we have ever had. Its great to know we are trusted for our efforts on behalf of all of you. You can listen and see the slides to our webinar by clicking HERE.
Also, just to let all of you know that we will be closing our office Friday July 20, 2012 so that our staff can spend the day volunteering at the Greater Boston Food Bank organizing and packaging donated food. I believe in a day of charity each year at The Phia Group as it brings our staff closer and helps many people in their time of need. Everyone here looks forward to it and I am blessed to be in a situation where we can do this! Well, enjoy this month's edition.
Happy reading!
Adam V. Russo, Esq.
Passion for Subro Blog
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Letter from the Editor
Every month I tell you about my travels - where I've been and where I'm
 | A common scene for many of you. |
going. I am happy to tell you I have recently come back from this years HCAA TPA UNIVERSITY conference in Chicago and it was my last trip of the summer! I am sure many of my fellow road warriors can appreciate that..Now I can finally get to some of that house work I've been neglecting. (not to mention my diet)
Chicago is a fantastic city and truly one of the few places I could picture myself living outside of the great city of Boston. If you have never been, I'd suggest checking it out. Besides the city itself, I had a great experience at the conference. I was able to unite with many of our long time partners and meet some potential new ones.
Everytime I go to an industry event, I usually find that there is at least one thing that I truly take away from it. This past week I was fortunate enough to sit at a roundtable named "Brokers and TPAs". The purpose of this discussion was to allow the TPAs present to speak directly with a broker regarding their practices, what they are seeing in the industry and also air their frustrations.
What I got from this roundtable was the reality that self-funding is growing, but not for everyone. I do not think self-funding through a TPA or an ASO is either right or wrong. Just like the choices we make in our personal lives such as our clothes and our automobiles, everything is not for everyone.
I just have one simple request - Educate the consumer regarding their choices. If I do not know filet mignon is on the menu, how do I know I can order it?
There are many reasons our industry is not necessarily feeling the push discussed in stats during powerpoint presentations across the country. (which I'd be happy to share with you anytime.) But, I truly beleive we will, as having options become a valueable bullet to have in your gun when vying for new business.
Diversification of your offerings seems to be the best way to do this. Our industry's greatest weapon is customization. Whether we are talking about your plan document, domestic tourism or a wellness plan, we are flexible. This is a characterstic that much of our competition does not have. Let's take advantage.
Unless something else comes up, I plan to get back on the road in October when SIIA's conference starts the circuit back up again. By then, I'll have learned even more that I will vow to share with all of you.
Until next month...have a wonderful summer.
- Andrew Milesky
Director of Client Services |
SBC Calculator
by Pamela Migalska
Finally on June 4, the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight published the much anticipated SBC Coverage Calculator, a tool to be used in the first year of SBC creation. As an important aspect of health care reform, plans are required to put together and distribute a Summary of Benefits and Coverage document, with the second to last page providing the costs for a healthy woman to have a normal pregnancy, and a middle aged man's routine treatment of his diabetic condition. While multiple FAQs and clarifications have been published with regards to the Common Medical Events and Important Questions sections of the SBC, up until recently, inquiries as to the Coverage Examples were put on hold. The Departments also provided a free webinars where they went over the usage, applicability, and assumptions of the calculator. For all of the talk and anticipation of the coverage calculator, the final result was a seemingly simple Excel spreadsheet. However, to fully provide comprehensive and accurate results, there are a multitude of assumptions and customization that goes into these examples.
Client Spotlight - Corporate Benefit Audits
The Phia Group has worked with Corporate Benefit Audits since February 1, 2003. Since that time, both organizations have seen much change and growth. Until this day, we have enjoyed a successful relationship serving the self-funded industry. We look forward to many more years with them as a partner.
About Corporate Benefit Audits
Corporate Benefit Audits has a national reputation as a first class claim auditing company specializing in health benefits.
CBA has helped Health Benefit Plans save expenses and time through the evaluation of risk and improved procedural initiatives. We work extensively with benefit plan sponsors, claim administrators, managing general underwriters, stop loss carriers, and reinsurance companies that represent a significant part of the health insurance industry.
Have you considered the exposure your health plans present regularly? Are you aware of legislation requiring you to do so? In a time when a single claimant can exceed 3 million in health claim dollars in just 30 days, you need someone evaluating your exposure. CBA is positioned to help immediately.
Please call CBA at 978-794-3900 to determine if we can help you meet the obligations of your Benefit Plan for years to come. |
The Phia Group in the Community
As an annual tradition, The Phia Group dedicates at least one day per year, where we close our office completely and participate in a charitable event. This year, our staff will be spending the day at The Greater Boston Food Bank, where we will be sorting and organizing food for distribution, as well as making a donation from our entire team.
Please be advised that The Phia Group will be closed for business on Friday July 20th for our annual charity event. Our offices will reopen Monday July 23rd.
If you are interested in learning more or donating to the Greater Boston Food Bank please click here. |
Case of the Month
by Sean Hegarty
The following case relates to a worker's compensation case where the member sustained serious neck and spine injuries and had retained an attorney to help him with this claim against the WC carrier. The member's attorney contacted us right away with a request of our lien and a reduction of the lien amount, stating that this would not be worth pursuing otherwise. We satisfied his request and advised we cannot reduce for medicals until we know what other lien holders there were and what the settlement would look like. We also sent along the plan's language which was very strong, calling for 100% reimbursement.
During negotiations, the member switched representation, retaining a new attorney. Starting from scratch, we again sent our lien and a list of related medicals, paid by the plan along with the plan language calling for 100%. During the negotiation process, the group stipulated that they required full refund for medicals paid related to this injury. We relayed the plan's stance to the member's attorney and continued to work toward a resolution that would make everyone happy. Unsatisfied, the new attorney threatened to re-do the stipulation to hold the member harmless, essentially writing us out of the settlement document. Then we would have been forced to pursue the claim directly against the Workers Compensation carrier, as we would have had to prove that the claims on the list were indeed work related, among other issues. This would have cost more time, money & would not guarantee a reimbursement (causation issues). Instead, we explained the situation to the plan and received settlement approval to negotiate a fair deal with the member's attorney and settled the case for 85% of the original lien amount. - A win all around.
Department of the Month - Phia Group Consulting "PGC"
As the laws affecting plan rights have changed, The Phia Group's services have evolved to include specialized cost containment solutions and ensuring claim cost efficiencies. As The Phia Group expands its service offerings, its mission to reduce the cost of clients' health benefit plans through innovative technology, legal expertise, and personalized service remains unrivaled.
The Phia Group offers specialized cost containment solutions and consults on best practices. From dispute resolution to general consultation, our legal team provides invaluable services in response to the industry's most pressing needs.
Third Party Agreement Review & Revision - Review agreements to reveal conflicts, as well as provide revised terms.
- Stop Loss Contracts - Review both the applicable stop-loss policy and plan document to identify gaps in coverage
- PPO Contracts - Identify issues and consult on solutions
- ASA Agreements - Review or draft Administrative Services Agreements, as well as provide our own template
Dispute Resolution - Assist with grievances and manage conflicts
- Combat Balance Billing - Support negotiation efforts, minimize conflicts, and cease balance billing by service providers
- Defend Claims Processing - Assist in the enforcement of plan terms and defend adverse benefit determinations
- Resolve Stop Loss Disputes - Obtain facts and ensure excess coverage issues are resolved efficiently and effectively
General Healthcare Consulting - Quickly assess clients' needs, recommend options, and develop customized solutions. |
Consulting Case of the Month
by Rochelle Higgins
People want the power to make decisions about their own health care and their family's health care, without having the government involved in their decisions. The after-effects of the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the constitutionality of health care reform has presented a "gap" for those citizens whose state choose not to expand Medicaid. The strike down of the mandatory expansion of Medicaid has created a hole in health insurance coverage that could harm some of the nation's poorest citizens. The bill drafters made no provisions of the reform law to provide subsidies for anyone below the poverty line, because they assumed they would be covered by extended Medicaid. Now that expansion is not mandatory, this leaves poor adults, without children, and parents with incomes below the poverty line, but above Medicaid eligibility without many options. They are ineligible for Medicaid and for tax credit to buy private insurance, but can still be taxed because they do not have health insurance. The upholding of the mandate may not be a total disadvantage because the taxes do not exist yet and some people are not covered under Medicaid anyway. Either way, the decision of having health care should be left to the person or provider of the household, not the government.
What does the reform mean for TPAs? TPAs are not as affected directly by the reform, as the specific employer benefit plans and are still in a good position for the future. In these times, where productivity is key, the checklist for TPAs should start with growth. TPAs should try to expand in size, finding new lines of business or contacts and educate people on how to be good, informed consumers of healthcare.
Wellness at The Phia Group
As some of you may know, we have a wellness program here at The Phia Group. One of the ways we get our staff involved, is to hold wellness related events that are both fun and educational.
Recently, The Phia Group held a Healthy Cooking Contest. The criteria for the winner was to make the most healthy and tasty meal that they could.
To judge the event, Adam Russo and Ron Peck had the tough job of testing all the submissions. After much deliberation and careful consideration - the team of Regina Cattel, Jessica Goscik and Lisa DeCristoforo won for their meal consisting of Vegetable Soup, Salmon Salad, Grilled Chicken Wraps and Frozen Fruit Pops.
Our next wellness event will be a lunch and learn event about substance abuse followed by an in-office visit from a nutritionist.
Spotlight Employee - Pamela Migalska

This month, we would like to place a spotlight on a very special employee here at The Phia Group - Pamela Migalska.
Pam has been an employee of The Phia Group since 2005 when she was just a freshman in high school. She began working with our organization as a file clerk. We even knew back then, Pamela was bound for success.
Pamela's hard work a dedication lead to her being greatly desired within other departments. Because of that fact, Pamela, since 2005, has worked within every major division at The Phia Group and met each challenge head on.
In 2008, Pamela was accepted to The University of Massachusetts - Amherst. With alumni such as Bill Cosby, Richard Gere and Jack Welch (former CEO of GE), Pam was in good company.
She graduated Summa Cum Laude from college in 2012, a double-major in Marketing & Communications. Pam will be taking this degree with her to London, England next month where she will be working on a post-graduate international business certificate.
We will deeply miss Pamela at The Phia Group. Her years of dedication and time spent with our staff, has made her an eternal part of the Phia family. We wish her all the best in her endeavors and know that wherever life takes her, she'll make others better around her.
Upcoming Webinars
Our next webinar will be September 19, 2012 @ 1pm EST
"Doing it For Ourselves!" - Examining the impact of the Supreme Court decision on PPACA, and developing methods to improve the system internally"
To listen or download all past presentations, please click here. |
Where in the World is Phia?!?!
Do you have a picture of yourself, or someone else representing The Phia Group in a fun or exotic place? If so, please submit your photo to info@phiagroup.com, and you may be selected as our quarterly prize winner! |
To view any of our past presentations, please click here. |
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