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in physician education and patient safety.
May 15, 2012
Documentation Concerns?
Doctor taking notes 
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June 1, 2012
Denver, CO
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May 18 and
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Upcoming Seminars


May 18-20, Newark, NJ

June 22-24, Toronto, ON

July 12-14, Denver, CO

Aug. 9-11, Denver, CO

Sept. 14-16, Newark, NJ

Nov. 1-3, Denver, CO 


Documentation Seminar

June 1, Denver, CO

Sept. 29, Louisville, KY

Dec. 7, Denver, CO



Individualized Communication Course

Upon request

New Website!
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We invite you to check out the new www.CPEP_doc.org 

We welcome your feedback.
 "Enough opioids were sold in 2010 to give every American adult a 5 mg Vicodin tablet every four hours for a month." Says Ileana Arias, PhD, Deputy Director of the CDC. (1)
prescription drugs

It is no secret that pain-management prescribing practices are a major concern - but what can be done? Does the prescribing physician in question demonstrate a pattern of dyscompetency in this area? Will a one-day CME course sufficiently address this problem? Or do you need a more comprehensive evaluation and educational plan solution?


Today, opioids are the most-prescribed class of prescription medications in the United States, with hydrocodone as the single most prescribed drug in the US. (2)

Image Pain MngmntCPEP takes an in-depth look at a participant's individual prescribing history and practices by incorporating the Pain Management Assessment into the overall Competence Assessment process. As with every CPEP Competence Assessment, the Pain Management evaluation is specialized to the individual. Is Pain Management the physician's primary specialty or a part of a broader scope of practice? Additionally, CPEP Assessment will address both what the participant knows and what the participants does.
For more information, please contact:


Manager, Assessment Services
(303) 577-3232



(1)  From the Edge of the Cliff: Understanding the Two Phases of Recovery and Becomming the Person You are Meant to Be.  Dawn V. Obrecht, M.D.  Award-winning author, Physician, Fellow of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and Speaker


(2) Responsible Opiod Prescribing: A Clinician's Guide.  Second Edition/Revised and Expanded. Scott M. Fishman, M.D. a leading pain medicine clinician, researcher, teacher, lecturer, and writer. He is Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine and Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of California, Davis. (FSMB Foundation)

 Physician Competence Concerns can be



Join CPEP at our pre-Halloween Learning Summit to explore first-hand all of CPEPs programs and courses to help your board address these frightful licensee matters.


October 29 - 30, 2012

Denver, CO


No expense to you, please be our guest*

(*See registration form for details)


Don't be afraid!  Contact Gerilyn McGaughran at

(303) 577-3232 or click below to register.  

Register Button 

CPEP, Center for Personalized Education for Physicians
7351 Lowry Blvd ● Ste 100 ● Denver, CO 80230
Website ● (303) 577-3232 ● Email