Fall 2012 

Glenn Preminger, MD 2011 

Glenn M. Preminger, MD

James F. Glenn, MD Professor of Urology

Chief, Division of Urologic Surgery

Message from the Chief


I am again excited to update you on happenings within Duke Urology with this newsletter. Our busy spring was culminated by the Chief Resident's Dinner on June 22nd, where we honored our first all-female graduating class. I am proud to report that Jodi Antonelli (Endourology-UT Southwestern), Erin McNamara (Cancer Survivorship-Duke) and Danielle Stackhouse (Reconstructive Urology-Duke) are all enjoying their respective fellowship training. All three physicians hope to continue in academic careers. We wish them the very best.

Duke Urology faculty, fellows and residents at the Chief Resident's Graduation Dinner


In addition, we were sad to say goodbye to our three fellows, Ray Bernal, Josh Lohri and Agnes Wang, who had successfully completed their fellowships. Of note, this was the sixth year of our partnership with the Department of Defense to train urology residents for the Army. We were excited to host a special guest, Colonel John M. Powers, MD, the outgoing Director of Medical Education for the Office of the U.S. Army Surgeon General. Colonel Powers helped us institute the Army sponsored urology resident program in 2006. This program continues to allow us to train the best and the brightest that Army medicine has to offer.


(l to r) Nicholas Kuntz, Mark Anderson, John Mancini,

Danielle Stackhouse, Col. Powers, Drew Peterson, Judd Moul and Abhay Singh


Having just returned from the 33rd World Congress on Endourolgy, it was exciting to see a number of our current Duke Urology faculty members, as well as previous Duke Urology residents and fellows participating at this large international meeting. Such a strong presence at this and other regional, national and international meetings is one example of why Duke Urology continues to be ranked as one of the top ten Urology programs in the country.


(l to r) Tom Polascik, Alon Weizer, Glenn Preminger, Mike Lipkin,

Michael Ferrandino, Ravi Munver and Yeh Hong Tan at the

33rd World Congress on Endourology


One year ago this past July, we expanded our presence into Wake County with the establishment of Duke Urology of Raleigh. Drs. Cary Robertson, Aaron Lentz, Mike Lipkin and Charlie Viviano continue to provide excellent clinical care, and their practice serves as an integral training site for the Duke Urology residency program. Aaron provides an update on Duke Urology of Raleigh in this newsletter.


In our Faculty Highlights section, we introduce Patrick Seed, MD, PhD, who has joined the urology faculty as an Assistant Professor of Urology. Pat has been working closely with Sherry Ross and our PG3 research residents to establish cutting edge research in pediatric urinary tract infections. Pat has been a contributing addition to our faculty, and we believe you will continue to hear more exciting updates on his research in upcoming newsletters.


Drew Peterson, our Vice Chief of Clinical Operations, provides an update on the system-wide implementation of our new electronic medical record, Maestro Care, which will ultimately have a major impact on the way we document and bill for clinical care within the Duke Health System. We have been working closely with Drew and the EPIC team to integrate this new EMR into our clinical practice and research efforts.


Our regional and national educational programs continue to expand. John Wiener, our Vice Chief of Education, provides an overview of various educational opportunities available in Durham and across the country. Please consider attending a Duke Tuesday or a Duke Urologic Assembly meeting over the next year. We believe you will find these educational programs very valuable in terms of content and discussion with colleagues.


The expansion of the Duke Urology Research Database is a primary focus this year. Jon Routh has been working tirelessly as the new Director of Database and Outcomes Research to offer database access to the entire division. We anticipate that the enhanced database will further expand our research activities and ultimately improve the clinical care of our patients.


We now have three pediatric urology faculty members and therefore have greatly increased the scope of pediatric urology research at Duke. Sherry Ross provides an update on various pediatric urology research projects, which typifies one of the reasons why Duke Pediatric Urology was recently ranked as the 27th best pediatric urology program in the country.


We continue to expand our urology faculty with the addition of Nikki Le, who trained at the University of Florida, Gainesville and completed her fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery at UCLA. Mara Monoski, who completed her training in Female Urology and Voiding Dysfunction will be supporting our general urology efforts. We are also excited to welcome back Edward Rampersaud, who completed a Society of Urologic Oncology Fellowship at UCLA after his urology training at Duke. Ed will focus on kidney cancer, testicular cancer, bladder cancer, penile cancer, advanced genitourinary cancer surgery, and the diagnosis and treatment of rare/unusual genitourinary and retroperitoneal tumors. We welcome these well-trained and motivated faculty who will enhance patient care and support our academic and research efforts within the division.


We have made great strides in re-invigorating the Duke Youthful Society of Urology Residents Interested in Advancement (DYSURIA) Society and Charles Yowell provides a rundown of various activities and educational opportunities that might entice you. Please consider joining us to celebrate our three graduating Chief Residents at the Chief's Dinner on Friday, June 21, 2013. We will be honoring our 5th and 25th year graduating DYSURICs during a wonderful evening at the Hope Valley Country Club. We also invite you to attend the 45th annual Duke Urologic Assembly conference which will be held at the Grand Floridian Resort at Walt Disney World on January 24 - 27, 2013. The Victor A. Politano Lecturer at the 2013 DUA will be Peter Carroll, MPH from UCSF, who will discuss the latest issues with prostate cancer. In addition, Vip Patel from Orlando will be speaking on robotic surgery.


And you are certainly invited to the DYSURIA Reception in May at the 2013 AUA annual meeting in San Diego, details forthcoming.


In these challenging economic times, we are always trying to be creative with ways to support our educational mission. We would greatly appreciate your support of DYSURIA with a tax-deductible contribution.  Gifts can be made payable to DYSURIA, and mailed to Duke Urology Administration, Duke University Medical Center, Box 3707, Durham, NC 27710. To make a secure online gift, please visit: www.gifts.duke.edu/surgery.


I value the opportunity to guide the powerful group of residents, fellows, faculty and staff that comprise Duke Urology and I continue to be impressed with the great strides we make in urologic care, research and education. Thank you for your support of our program and please drop me a note or come by to see us in Durham or at one of our other events. I look forward to speaking with you.


All the best,





Duke Urology of Raleigh - Aaron C. Lentz, MD

Happy Birthday Duke Urology of Raleigh!


On July 5th 2012, Duke Urology of Raleigh celebrated its one-year anniversary. This has been a successful and exciting year for everyone involved with the practice. It's hard to imagine that a short while ago we were struggling to find the OR locker rooms! Now, just one year later, we have established ourselves as a central part of Duke Raleigh Hospital.


Our current practice consists of four urologists, one nurse practitioner, and 12 support personnel. Dr. Cary Robertson serves as medical director of the clinic, and after 23 years in Durham, Dr. Robertson's leadership at Duke Raleigh has contributed heavily to our first year success. We provide care for both benign and malignant urologic conditions and performed over 450 urologic surgeries in the past year. Our practice is especially proud that we can offer highly subspecialized care in oncology, reconstructive urology, endourology, and sexual dysfunction outside of the traditional academic center environment. This has opened the doors to new patients by providing improved access to care for citizens of Wake County and eastern North Carolina.

 Duke Urology of Raleigh Staff-2011

(l to r) Aaron Lentz, Helen Tackitt, Mike Lipkin, Cary Robertson and Charles Viviano


Over the past year our practice has demonstrated a determination and "pioneer" spirit, which has led to several successful ventures in Raleigh. In May, the first Multi-disciplinary GU oncology clinic was held at the Duke Raleigh Cancer Center. Focusing on renal cell carcinoma, testicular cancer, bladder cancer, and high-risk prostate cancer, the clinic draws on the expertise of urology, medical oncology, and radiation oncology for complex decision planning. As part of our mission of resident education, the Duke Urology of Raleigh practice is the first Duke Raleigh practice to have a full-time resident. Beginning on July 1st, each PGY-2 resident will spend 3 months rotating with the Raleigh practice. We are delighted to offer this opportunity and strongly believe it will further Duke's outstanding reputation as a top-tier training program.


As we look forward to year number two, we find ourselves presented with new challenges and demands as our practice continues to grow. Our leadership within the hospital has been rewarded with election to several hospital committees including surgical services, cancer services, medical staff review, and utilization management. The additional responsibilities are a testament to our positive impact in just one year of practice.


Lastly, we invite all those interested to visit us in Raleigh. This is an exciting time for Duke Urology of Raleigh and I would encourage everyone to see just how successful an "academic-hybrid" can be.



Faculty Spotlight 

Patrick C. Seed, MD, PhD


It is a pleasure to introduce our newest associate colleague Patrick (Pat) Seed, M.D., PhD. Dr. Seed was recently named an Assistant Professor of Urology due to his extensive efforts in leading one of our basic science research programs and his mentorship of and dedication to the education of Duke Urology residents during their research year. Dr. Seed arrived at Duke in 2006 and is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases. He also has faculty appointments in Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, the Program in Genetics and Genomics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, and the Center for Microbial Pathogenesis. Dr. Seed received his bachelor's degree at Bowdoin College in Maine and completed his M.D. and Ph.D. training at the University of Rochester. He completed his Pediatrics residency and Chief Resident years at the University of Michigan. He was a fellow in Infectious Diseases at Washington University in St. Louis and a postdoctoral associate in the laboratory of Scott J. Hultgren, Ph.D, a leading expert in urinary tract infections.


Dr. Seed has numerous academic interests. In conjunction with the Duke Pediatric Urology laboratory and through collaboration with Dr. Sherry Ross, Pat has been at the forefront in the study of urinary tract infections in the neurogenic bladder and had been the driving force in the development of our novel rat model of UTI in the spinal cord injured rat. Through collaboration with Dr. Seed, we hope to better understand recurrent infections in children with spinal cord dysraphisms.   In addition, Dr. Seed oversees additional research programs in his laboratory. Goals of his research include the study of the molecular pathogenesis of urinary tract infections with an objective of developing novel therapeutics to address the problem of rapidly emerging antibiotic resistance and to study recurrent infections in challenging populations. His interests also include the intestinal and skin microbial communities (aka the microbiome) of premature infants with an objective of understanding how these babies are colonized, the factors that drive the transition from benign colonization to invasive infections and the identification of strategies to reduce invasive infections, and the role of infection in the molecular pathogenesis of preterm premature rupture of membranes with a focus on the interactions of the bacterium Ureaplasma with the fetal membranes as a driver of inflammation and tissue remodeling.   In the clinical realm, Dr. Seed is particularly interested in multi-drug resistant bacterial infections with a focus on challenging infections with Gram negative bacteria.   His clinical focus is primarily on inpatient consultations throughout the Duke clinical services with periodic outpatient consultations particularly with regard to recurrent urinary tract infections in urologically normal and abnormal children.


In addition, Pat finds some of his greatest pleasure in training undergraduate students, doctoral students, medical residents, postdoctoral associates, and medical fellows in the laboratory sciences. As an extension of his interest in mentorship, he directs the Duke Scholars in Molecular Medicine Program within the School of Medicine while co-directing one of the tracks called the Duke Scholars in Infectious Diseases (http://mmscholars.medschool.duke.edu).


Pat is a resident of Chapel Hill, living with his wife Kim, an academician at UNC, and 2 daughters Regan (age 11) and Quinn (age 6). He is the sole defender of Duke Basketball in his family.

Clinical Operations - Andrew C. Peterson, MD, FACS

Wednesday, July 18, was a historic day. Thirty-three of the Duke primary care locations began using Maestro Care for the first time and "After months of diligent work, preparation and practice, we've successfully launched the first wave of Maestro Care" (Jeffrey Ferranti, M.D., chief medical information officer, DUHS).


If we were dealing with a myth or a fairytale I would tell you that "everything went perfectly". However, since this is an EPIC (see last newsletter), we all know that's not the truth.


To paraphrase one of our great leaders from the last decade, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; "There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. These are things we don't know we don't know." Many of the challenges with implementation of this massive project are now becoming evident...or "known".


Most glitches within the first weeks seemed to be technical; voice-recognition software did not sync as planned, printers did not seem to be mapped appropriately, and many computers and systems did not boot up appropriately in the morning of clinic. A majority of these glitches were fixed within one to two days and did not seem to hold clinics and clinicians ransom as originally feared.


There is a dedicated command center working for resolution. On day one, there were 550 service tickets and before the day's end, 275 of those tickets were resolved. On day two the calls and service tickets had already decreased.


Many clinicians noted that the systems organization took some getting used to. The initial user screen, the "In Basket", seemed to not be intuitive to many users. Once again nurses, administrators and clinicians seemed to get a handle on this rapidly.


Chris Samples, vice president, Ambulatory Care Operations for Duke University Hospital was quoted as saying "So far the biggest lesson learned is the importance of training, and training and practicing as early as possible before go-live. We have noticed already that those who invested the most time in training have experienced the most success..."


In summary; "practice makes perfect!" To this end we will be implementing many more training sessions and "personalization labs" where instructors will spend time one-on-one with each user when requested. There will be many more announcements of these training sessions in the spring before we go live. These will be available for your pleasure on the weekends! Until then feel free to use the training that's offered online at the Learning Module System (LMS) on the Maestro Care website at http://maestro.duke.edu.


Despite these observations, we were able to launch the Maestro Care system entering data for 32.6 million encounters, 4.4 million vitals, 3.8 million patients, 2.9 million radiology reports, 333,000 future appointments and 220,000 providers. In just the first day of Maestro Care being live, 1,400 patient encounters occurred and 600 of those encounters were closed; the first charge was received at 9:00 a.m. and 1,140 charges were processed throughout the day; and by 11:00 a.m. there were about 850 people using the Maestro Care system. During the first week of Maestro Care being live, 1,400 trained providers and clinic staff began using the system; 7,700 patients were seen; 75 percent of encounters were closed within 72 hours; and 11,743 charges were processed.


The Division of Urology has been doing an outstanding job of preparing for our day of "go live"! We've almost completed furnishing the engineers our most common outpatient-based templates, the inpatient order-sets have been completed, and initial workflows have been established. The next step will be to develop all operative note templates that we wish to use and then set up the final training sessions. All this will be in preparation of our division "going live" in the spring/summer of 2013!



Education - John S. Wiener, MD 


We are excited to report that the Duke Urology residency program has finally returned to training four residents per year as we had from 1988 to the early 2000s. This past July, we began with four residents in PGY 2 which is now a full twelve months of urology. The PGY 2s will spend three months at our newest rotation at Duke Raleigh Hospital (under the mentorship of Drs. Cary Robertson, Charlie Viviano, Aaron Lentz, and Mike Lipkin), three months at the Asheville VA Medical Center, three months on pediatric urology (the first of two rotations in that discipline), and three months of general urology at Duke. We will continue to add one additional resident per year until the full complement of four residents over the five years of urology is reached.


The annual Chief Residents' Dinner was held on June 22nd at the Washington Duke Inn for the second year in a row. Also for the second year in a row, all three chief residents entered fellowship training upon graduation. Dr. Rudy Andriani was a returning guest to celebrate the 25th anniversary of completion of his training at Duke.


The Duke Tuesday in Urology conference series continues to be strong and popular. Last month, Charlie Viviano's mentor Peter Albertson MD from the University of Connecticut was our visiting professor and he spoke on the epidemiology of prostate cancer. We have lined up an all-star roster of visiting professors for the next year including:


November 13, 2012             Arie Belldegrun, MD            UCLA     

February 19, 2013               Shlomo Raz, MD                  UCLA     

July 23, 2013                        Tom Jarrett, MD                   GWU      


The 45th Duke Urologic Assembly returns to the East Coast in 2013 at the Grand Floridian Resort at Walt Disney World on January 24-27, 2013. The Victor A. Politano Lecturer will be Peter Carroll MD, MPH from UCSF, who will discuss the latest issues with prostate cancer. Also, Vip Patel MD from Orlando will be speaking on robotic surgery in addition to a full agenda of talks from the Duke faculty.


Finally, we are excited to announce that the Duke Urologic Assembly will be returning to its roots at Pinehurst, NC, April 3 - 6, 2014, to celebrate not only our heritage, but the fact that Pinehurst will host the U.S. Open and U.S. Women's Open just weeks following our conference.

Database & Outcomes Research - Jonathan C. Routh, MD, MPH 


Once again, the Duke Urology clinical databases have proved to be a tremendous scientific resource for the division.  Nearly two dozen abstracts were presented by Duke Urology faculty, fellows, and residents at this year's American Urological Association annual meeting, with even more presented at sectional and subspecialty meetings.  In addition, these databases have been used to expand and improve our divisional quality improvement efforts. 


Historically, Duke Urology clinical databases have focused primarily on prostate cancer.  More recently, Duke faculty have expanded these into non-prostate oncology and pediatric urology, among others.   However, with the coming of a system-wide electronic medical record (the Duke MaestroCare system), our goal for the future is to further expand Duke Urology's database efforts to include general urology and all subspecialties as well, while maintaining the high quality of our existing databases.   We are currently working aggressively to develop clinical note templates that can seamlessly integrate patient care encounters into our ongoing clinical databases. 


While we fully anticipate that this will remain a work-in-progress for the next several years, we are nevertheless extremely excited by the potential of this reinvigorated database effort.  Stay tuned for more to come!


Pediatric Urology Research - Sherry S. Ross, MD 

Research in the section of Duke Pediatric Urology continues to move forward and grow at astonishing rates.  With all three attending physicians actively involved in separate and joint research efforts, coupled with the assistance of Jennifer Stout, our clinical research coordinator and our entire team of nurses and residents, multiple facets of research are being explored.  Dr. John Wiener, section head was recently awarded a three year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to include Duke as one of 18 spina bifida clinics in the pilot study of the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry.  The success of this project has been very exciting as we have enrolled 96 patients of the 125 needed to reach the initial year goal, and there is another 5 months of enrollment opportunity!  In addition, Dr. Wiener has joined our colleagues in Pediatric Nephrology and the Duke Center for Human Disease Modeling as project director of an NIH P50 grant in the sum of $850,000 to seek genetic alterations in patients with Congenital Abnormalities of the Kidney and Urogenital Tract (CAKUT) along with their family members!


The newest member of pediatric urology and our research team, Dr. Jonathan Routh has certainly hit the research floor running!   In less than a year, Dr. Routh has published a case report of bilateral partial orchiectomy in a child with bilateral benign testicular tumors, including long term follow-up.  Dr. Jessica Lloyd, under the mentorship of Dr. Routh performed an extensive literature review of continence in the post-surgical bladder exstrophy repair patient.  The outcomes of this review entitled "How dry is dry?" was presented at the AUA national conference in May and has recently been accepted for publication in the Journal of Urology.   In addition, Dr. Routh continues to utilize his Masters in Public Health and has recently completed complex analyses of the KID and PHIS databases to examine the prevalence of complex genitourinary congenital birth defects among newborns and to examine risk factors for stuttering priapism among boys and young men with sickle cell disease.  These abstracts will be presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) conference in October.  In the upcoming year, Dr. Routh will continue to mentor Dr. Jessica Lloyd as they move forward with novel and exciting projects, expanding our knowledge of pediatric urological outcomes, particularly in spina bifida patients.


The Pediatric Urology basic science laboratory continues to push forward in an attempt to better understand complex urological issues at the molecular level.  Under the guidance of our third pediatric urologist, Dr. Sherry Ross and our colleague, and recently named Assistant Professor of Urology, Patrick Seed, M.D, PhD, of Pediatric Infectious Disease,  we continue to learn more about urinary tract infections in the neurogenic bladder.  With support from a DoD grant awarded to Dr. Seed and a financial gift from the Christopher and Dana Reeves foundation, Dr. Rajeev Chaudry discovered a profound difference in the levels of inflammatory markers of rats after spinal cord injury and a significantly blunted inflammatory response after 24 hours of infection when compared to sham controls.   Dr. Chaudry will be presenting this work at the AAP national conference where he is competing with other institutions as a basic science prize finalist!  Dr. Ramiro Madden-Fuentes will continue to work with Dr. Seed and Dr. Ross during the upcoming year on the next phase of this project.  Dr. Ross is also working with Elizabeth Masko, PhD to study the effects of diet on urinary factors predisposing to the development of kidney stones in the pediatric patient.  The results of these studies will be presented at the World Congress of Endourology in Istanbul, Turkey and at the AAP conference in October. 


The Duke Pediatric Urology team is dedicated to expanding knowledge of pediatric urological issues through research in the clinical setting, through outcomes research and in the basic science research laboratory.  Through collaborations with colleagues, the addition of 2 research residents for this year and our team approach to all research efforts, we will continue to make great strides in improving the urological care of children.  

Welcome, New Faculty 


Ngoc-Bich (Nikki) Le, MD


Dr. Le received her medical degree from Jefferson Medical College in 2005.  She completed her Urology Residency at the University of Florida in 2010 followed by a Fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of California-Los Angeles in 2012.


Her clinical interests are in pelvic floor reconstruction (including fistula repair, pelvic and vaginal flaps), pelvic floor prolapse (including mesh-less options for prolapse surgery), male and female incontinence, and voiding dysfunction (including intravesical Botox  injections, interstim sacral neuromodulation, bladder   augmentations, and diversion).



Mara A. Monoski, MD


Dr. Monoski received her medical degree from the Baylor College of Medicine followed by a Urology Residency at Weill Cornell Medical College, New York Presbyterian Hospital from 2002-2008.


Her clinical interests are in general adult urology including hematuria, urinary tract infections, voiding dysfunction, incontinence, overactive bladder, female urology and BPH. 



Edward N. Rampersaud Jr., MD

Dr. Rampersaud received his medical degree in 2004 and a Urology Residency from Duke in 2010.  In addition, he completed a Fellowship in Urologic Oncology from the University of California-Los Angeles in 2012.


Clinical areas of interest include kidney cancer (including all facets of care for both localized and advanced pathology: minimally-invasive techniques, renal-preservation surgeries, and advanced vascular/caval reconstruction as needed); testicular cancer (including the advanced upper-retroperitoneal and vascular techniques required to address post-chemotherapy pathology); bladder cancer (including bladder-sparing protocols, creation of neobladders, and robotic/minimally-invasive techniques); prostate cancer (including robotic prostatectomy and multimodal management of locally advanced pathology); penile cancer (including penile-sparing techniques); advanced genitourinary cancer surgery; diagnosis and treatment of rare/unusual genitourinary and retroperitoneal tumors. 


DYSURIA (Duke Youthful Society of Urology Residents Interested in Advancement)


It is the summer of the 2012 London Olympics and here at Duke Urology we have recently celebrated our own "Gold Medal" Duke Urology Chief Residents who have been sent out into the world as Representatives of Duke Urology. We congratulate each and welcome them to Team DYSURIA. Summer is also the time that each remaining Duke Resident moves up one year in the Residency food chain, assumes a little more responsibility, and inches ever closer to their own Chief Graduating dinner.   Not coincidentally, summer is the time of year that each Duke Urology Attending starts the yearly ritual of pulling their hair out over the "July New Residents Learning Curve". Ah, don't you remember those days...


For the rest of us already part of Team DYSURIA, we are the local representatives of Duke Urology Excellence in our respective communities. Whether our journey as DYSURICs started recently, or started long ago, we DYSURICs all share that common bond of the Duke Urology Training process and owe a debt of gratitude to all those who helped along the way. Since it is never too early to start making plans for TAX preparedness, I encourage all DYSURICS to make such plans now to donate a tax deductible amount for the Year 2012 to help support the Duke Urology community that was then, and still is now, a major part of who we are in our communities.   The donations are used for resident education and preparedness, which is no longer receiving the industry support like it used to, when I was a resident, even just a few years ago.


Thank you all for your support of the Duke Urology Team, and I look forward to seeing you back at Duke soon.


Charles W. Yowell, MD

(Duke BS '92, Duke Med '00, Duke HS '06)


Tax Deductible Contributions in check form can be made payable to:


c/o Duke Urology Administration

Duke University Medical Center

Box 3707

Durham, NC 27710




Congratulations, 2012 Graduates

(l to r) Jodi A. Antonelli, MD, Dr. Preminger, Erin R. McNamara, MD,

Danielle A. Stackhouse, MD



Current Residents:


Chief Residents

John G. Mancini, MD
Suzanne B. Stewart, MD
Brian M. Whitley, MD


Senior Residents (PGY-5)

Mark R. Anderson, MD
Zarine R. Balsara, MD, PhD
David I. Chu, MD


Senior Residents (PGY-4)

Rajeev Chaudhry, MD
Zachariah G. Goldsmith, MD, PhD
Abhay A. Singh, MD


Laboratory Residents (PGY-3)

Jessica C. Lloyd, MD
Ramiro Madden-Fuentes, MD
Nicholas Kuntz, MD


Junior Residents (PGY-2)

Michael A. Granieri, MD
Richard H. Shin, MD
Tara Ortiz, MD
Hsin-Hsiao Wang, MD


Interns in General Surgery (PGY-1)

Anika Ackerman, MD
Melissa Heuer, MD
Joseph Fantony, MD

Recent Publications

Routh JC, Grant FD, Kokorowski PJ, Nelson CP, Fahey FH, Treves St, Lee RS.

Economic and radiation costs of initial imaging approaches after a child's first febrile urinary tract infection.

Clin Pediatr. 51(1): 23-30, January 2012.


Tsivian M, Qi P, Kimura M, Chen VH, Chen SH, Gan TJ, Polascik TJ.

The effect of noise-cancelling headphones or music on pain perception and anxiety in men undergoing transrectal prostate biopsy.

Urology 79(1): 32-36, January 2012.


Zhai L, Polascik TJ, Foo WC, Rosenzweig S, Palmeri ML, Madden J, Nightingale KR.

Acoustic radiation force impulse imaging of human prostates: Initial in vivo demonstration.

Ultrasound Med Biol. 38(1): 50-61, January 2012.


Peterson AC, Chen Y.

Patient reported incontinence after radical prostatectomy is more common than expected and not associated with the nerve sparing technique: Results from the Center for Prostate Disease Research (CPDR) database.

Neurourol Urodyn. 31((1):60-63, January 2012.


Henry GD, Donatucci CF, Conners W, Greenfield JM, Carson CC, Wilson SK, Delk J, Lentz AC, Cleves MA, Jennermann CJ, Kramer AC.

An outcomes analysis of over 200 revision surgeries for penile prosthesis implantation: A multicenter study.

J Sex Med. 9(1): 309-315, January 2012.


Williams CD, Whitley BM, Hoyo C, Grant DJ, Schwartz GG, Presti JC Jr, Iraggi JD, Newman KA, Gerber L, Taylor LA, McKeever MG, Freedland SJ.

Dietary calcium and risk for prostate cancer: A case-control study among US veterans.

Prev Chronic Dis. 9:E39, January 2012.


Loeb S, Carter HB, Catalona WJ, Moul JW, Schroder FH.

Baseline PSA testing at a young age.

European Urology 61(1): 1-7, January 2012.


Stewart SB, Baņez LL, Robertson CN, Freedland SJ, Polascik TJ, Xie D, Koontz BF, Vujaskovic Z, Lee WR, Armstrong AJ, Febbo PG, George DJ, Moul JW.

Utilization trends at a multidisciplinary prostate cancer clinic: Initial 5-year experience from the Duke Prostate Center.

J Urol 187(1): 103-108, January 2012.


Armstrong AJ, Moul JW, George DJ.

What to order from the prostate cancer treatment menu?

Oncology 26(1): 84-88, January 2012.


Moul JW, Dawson N.

Quality of life associated with treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer: A review of the literature.

Cancer Investigation 30(1): 1-12, January 2012.


Tsivian M, Moreira DM, Sun L, Mouraviev V, Kimura M, Moul JW, Polascik TJ. Biopsy accuracy in identifying unilateral prostate cancer depends on prostate weight. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 30(1): 21-25, January 2012.


Moul JW. Prostate cancer: Making the switch from LHRH antagonist to LHRH agonist. Nat Rev Urol 9(3): 125-126, January 2012.


George D, Moul JW.

Emerging treatment options for patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer.

The Prostate 72(3): 338-349, February 2012.


Tang P, Du W, Xie K, Fu J, Chen H, Yang W, Moul JW.

Characteristics of baseline PSA and PSA velocity in young men without prostate cancer: Racial differences.

Prostate 72(2): 173-180, February 2012.


Stephenson AJ, Bolla M, Briganti A, Cozzarini C, Moul JW, Roach M, van Poppel H, Zietman A.

Postoperative radiation therapy for pathologically advanced prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy.

European Urology 61(3): 443-450, March 2012.


Schroeck FR, Krupski TL, Stewart SB, Baņez LL, Gerber L, Albala DM, Moul JW. Pretreatment expectations of patients undergoing robotic assisted laparoscopic or open retropubic radical prostatectomy.

J Urol 187(3): 894-898, March 2012.


Lipkin ME, Wang AJ, Toncheva G, Ferrandino MN, Yoshizumi TT, Preminger GM.

Determination of patient radiation dose during ureteroscopic treatment of urolithiasis using a validated model.

J Urol. 187(3): 920-924, March 2012.


Lipkin ME, Preminger GM.

Risk reduction strategy for radiation exposure during percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

Curr Opin Urol 22(2): 139-143, March 2012.


Nambudiri VE, Landrum MB, Lamont EB, McNeil BJ, Bozeman SR, Freedland SJ, Keating NL.

Understanding variation in primary prostate cancer treatment within the Veterans Health Administration.

Urology 79(3): 537-545, March 2012.


DeNunzio C, Aronson W, Freedland SJ, Giovannucci E, Parsons JK.

The correlation between metabolic syndrome and prostatic diseases.

Eur Urol 61(3): 560-70, March 2012.


Zhang J, Denton BT, Balasubramanian H, Shah ND, Inman BA.

Optimization of PSA screening policies: A comparison of the patient and societal perspectives.

Med Decis Making 32(2): 337-349, March-April 2012.


Caso JR, Tsivian M, Mouraviev V, Kimura M, Polascik TJ.

Complications and postoperative events after cryosurgery for prostate cancer.

BJU Int. 109(6): 949-958, March 2012.


Baust JM, Klossner DP, Robilotto A, Vanbuskirk RG, Gage AA, Mouraviev V, Polascik TJ, Baust JG.

Vitamin D(3) cryosensitization increases prostate cancer susceptibility to cryoablation via mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis and necrosis.

BJU Int. 109(6): 949-958, March 2012.


Tsivian M, Wright T, Price M, Mouraviev V, Madden JF, Kimura M, Wong T, Polascik TJ.

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Tsivian M, Kim CY, Caso JR, Rosenberg MD, Nelson RC, Polascik TJ.

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Tsivian M, Zilberman DE, Ferrandino MN, Madden JF, Mouraviev V, Albala DM.

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Kimura M, Baņez LL, Gerber L, Qi J, Tsivian M, Freedland SJ, Satoh T, Polascik TJ, Baba S, Moul JW.

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The number of high-risk factors and the risk of prostate cancer - specific mortality after brachytherapy: Implications for treatment selection.

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Abern MR, Tsivian M, Polascik TJ.

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Editorial Comment.

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Transatlantic Consensus Group on active surveillance and focal therapy for prostate cancer.

BJU Int. 109(11): 1636-1647, June 2012.


Kimura M, Rabbani Zn, Zodda AR, Yan H, Jackson IL, Polascik TJ, Donatucci CF, Moul JW, Vujaskovic Z, Koontz BF.

Role of oxidative stress in a rat model of radiation-induced erectile dysfunction.

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Prostate cancer treatment unblinded.

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Medical center characteristics associated with PSA screening in elderly veterans with limited life expectancy.

J Gen Intern Med. 27(6): 653-660, June 2012.


  • Agnes J. Wang, MD won 2nd prize in the 2012 Endourological Society Basic Science Essay Contest for her manuscript entitled "Increasing Dwell Time of Mitomycin in the Upper Tract with a Reverse Thermosensitive Polymer."


11/13/2012            Duke Tuesday in Urology      Arie Belldegrun, MD           UCLA            1/24-27/2013        45th Annual Duke Urologic Assembly, Lake Buena Vista, FL

2/19/2013              Duke Tuesday in Urology      Shlomo Raz, MD                 UCLA

7/23/2013              Duke Tuesday in Urology     Tom Jarrett, MD                    GWU

11/12/2013            Duke Tuesday in Urology     Dean Assimos                      UAB

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