Glenn M. Preminger, MD
James F. Glenn, MD Professor of Urology
Chief, Division of Urologic Surgery | |
Message From the Chief
It is my pleasure to present the Spring Duke Urology newsletter. We continue to expand our Urology Faculty and will begin adding residents this summer after the Residency Review Committee approval of the expansion of our residency program. We have a busy Spring in store with 12 presentations at the Southeastern Section meeting in Amelia Island and 24 presentations during the AUA meeting in Atlanta. Our research efforts continue to expand with 20 active research grants including 5 received in the past few months, and a number awarded to Dr. Freedland to support his work on the role of cholesterol, lifestyle interventions, and risk stratification for men with prostate cancer. Of these 20 active research grants that include funding to 8 different faculty members and fellows, 8 are from NIH and 6 from the Department of Defense.
In this newsletter, we highlight Pei Zhong, Ph.D. who has been a long standing member of Duke Urology. I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Zhong for the past twenty-one years, when he first began working in my laboratory as a post-doctoral fellow, while I was an attending at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Since coming to Duke in 1994, Dr. Zhong has made significant contributions to the Department of Surgery and the Division of Urology. This relationship has been a mutually beneficial research and educational collaboration, which has resulted in numerous publications, grants and patents. You will enjoy reading more about Dr. Zhong's recent accomplishments in this issue of our newsletter.
We are excited to announce the recruitment of two new faculty members who will be joining us this summer. Edward Rampersaud, M.D. is completing his Society of Urologic Oncology Fellowship with Arie Beldegrun, M.D. at UCLA Medical Center and Nikki Le, M.D. has spent the last two years training with Dr. Shlomo Raz, also at UCLA in Female Urology. We will be highlighting Ed and Nikki in our next newsletter.
I would like to thank George Webster, M.D. for his 34+ years of service to Duke Urology. George joined Jim Glenn for a Fellowship in 1974, returned to Duke in 1978 and was appointed to the faculty in 1979. During that time, Dr. Webster was acknowledged as one of the pre-eminent clinicians and researchers in the fields of Female and Reconstructive Urology. We are fortunate to have George continue in a teaching and research role after stepping down from clinical practice at the end of 2011.
We hope our alumni will join us to celebrate our three graduating Chief Residents at this year's Chiefs' Dinner on Friday 22 June. We will be honoring our 5th and 25th year graduating DYSURICs during a wonderful evening at the Washington-Duke Inn and Golf Club. Moreover, we will be celebrating the 6th year of our collaboration with the Department of Defense in training Urologists for the Army. We are excited to host Colonel John M. Powers, MC USA as our honored guest. In addition, we have tours of the new Duke Cancer Center available. The Duke Cancer Center recently opened on February 27, 2012. The Urologic Surgery Oncology clinic is on its 5th floor. Alumni are also invited to participate in the second annual Duke Urology Resident-Faculty-Alumni golf tournament on Saturday morning June 23.
Finally, I would like to welcome Charles Yowell, M.D., Chair of our DYSURIA society, who has contributed his inaugural column to this newsletter. We hope to see all of our DYSURICs at the AUA meeting in Atlanta for our annual reception, which will be held on Tuesday evening May 22 at the Omni Hotel, CNN Center.
I am honored to help guide our knowledgeable, innovative and compassionate group of residents, fellows, faculty and staff. We continue to make great strides in Urologic care, research and education. Please drop me a note or come by to see us in Durham or during the AUA meeting in Atlanta. I look forward to speaking with you.
All the best,
Glenn |
Faculty Highlight: Professor Pei Zhong
Pei Zhong, Ph.D. was recently promoted to Full Research Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at the Duke University Medical Center. Pei is internationally recognized as an accomplished researcher and many consider him to be the premier researcher in shock wave lithotripsy and intracorporeal stone fragmentation in the United States, if not the world. Dr. Zhong is often asked to chair various panels and discussions on the topic of shock wave physics and intracorporeal lithotripsy during national and international meetings. Duke Urology has had a long-term and fruitful collaboration with Dr. Zhong on shock wave lithotripsy and intracorporeal lithotripter research over the past 17 years. Pei has co-advised the research work of 31 postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars, Urology residents and medical students. These collaborations have led to multiple NIH grants with a total exceeding $10 million, 8 patents, and more than 49 journal publications and book chapters.
Dr. Zhong has been collaborating with Dr. Cary Robertson on HIFU therapy for prostate cancer since 2008. This collaboration has led to a Pre-SPORE award from the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center, two conference papers, and one NIH RO1 grant and one Department of Defense synergistic idea award application pending for review. He has also worked with Steve Freedland, M.D. in preparation of a NIH Prostate Cancer SPORE program application.
Moreover, Pei has collaborated with Dr. Thomas J. Polascik and Dr. Vladimir Mouraviev on the comparison of the anti-tumor immune response elicited by HIFU vs. cryotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer. He served as a co-investigator on a DoD proposal that Dr. Polascik and Dr. Mouraviev submitted in 2009.
Dr. Zhong has been integrally involved in our Urology Educational program, overseeing the research training of Urology residents, fellows, and medical students. He has given Urology Grand Round talks on shock wave lithotripsy and HIFU. Furthermore, in collaboration with Dr. Glenn Preminger and Prof. John Dolbow of CEE, Pei has submitted a NIH R25 research education program grant application to develop a new course on the fundamentals of shock wave lithotripsy. The goal of this R25 grant is to educate and train engineering students, and to foster their research interest and career development in urology-related areas.
Recently, Pei was awarded the highly competitive NIH MERIT award. Less than 5 percent of NIH-funded investigators are selected as recipients. The MERIT award is "intended to provide long-term grant support to investigators whose research competence and productivity are distinctly superior and who are highly likely to continue to perform in an outstanding manner." This significant acknowledgement of Dr. Zhong's research efforts will allow him and his collaborators at Duke and UNC to continue the innovative research in SWL that will benefit all patients with kidney stones managed by this non-invasive surgical technology.
Pei continues his collaborative efforts with Duke Urology in a number of research areas. We thank him for his educational and research effort and look forward to many more productive years in shock wave and lithotripsy research.
DYSURIA (Duke Youthful Society of Urology Residents Interested in Advancement)
Charles W. Yowell, MD |
Duke Urology Residents, Duke Fellows, Duke Professors, and friends of Duke Urology, I welcome you to a new chapter in DYSURIA's future and our goal of reconnecting DYSURICs to the current Duke Urology Team.
As our established Alumni Society, DYSURIA seeks to support the Duke Urology Residency Program, specifically the acting residents, fellows, and researchers, by directly connecting our Alumni with our current Duke Urology personnel. We congratulate our team for keeping Duke Urology in the US News & World Report's Top Ten for decades in a row, and for placing 8th in the 2011 Rankings.
Let's keep Duke Urology on top: Travel expenses, loupes, presentations at meetings, and other indirect costs for Residents are no longer supported by Industry as it was when I was at Duke. The Residency needs our assistance, and it is time for DYSURIA to answer the call. Even small tax deductible contributions to support our team will be meaningful, and I want you to consider making a pledge to support the residents in training.
As announced by Dr. Preminger, Duke Urology Alumni celebrating their 5th and 25th Year Reunions will be invited back to attend the Chiefs' Celebration as dinner guests at the Washington Duke Inn. The goal of this important new tradition is to get our DYSURICs connected and supporting the program. This ambitious endeavor will take an effort from all of us; and I, Charles Yowell, MD (2006), with the assistance of E. Everett Anderson, MD (1964), along with the help of the current Duke Urology Program Administration, encourage you to welcome the new efforts of DYSURIA in 2012.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you back at Duke soon.
Charles W. Yowell, MD
(Duke BS '92, Duke Med '00, Duke HS '06)
"Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler."
~Albert Einstein as quoted by E. Everett Anderson MD
Tax Deductible Contributions in check form can be made payable to:
DYSURIA, Duke University
Mailings can be addressed to:
c/o Linda Mace
Duke Medical Center
DUMC 3707
Durham, NC 27710 |
Updates from the Vice Chiefs
Andrew C. Peterson, MD, FACS
Clinical Operations
If a tale is an EPIC, it tells the story of the beginning, end, or major transformation of a specific event. For example, Homer's Iliad describes the end of the Trojans, and the King Arthur tales describe the creation of the British people from a group of tribes with no shared identity. MYTHS focus on magical forces such as gods, monsters, trolls and fairies. Myths remain popular even though we cease to believe in the science within them because they give us comfort to explain something out of our control.
Duke has chosen EPIC because of its recognition as the health care industry's leading electronic health record. Designed to offer the seamless exchange of data throughout the organization, EPIC will create a single, accessible, paperless, medical record for each of our patients. This will improve the way we deliver health care across the system. With a focus on tracking clinical quality and safety improvements, EPIC will help to improve our ability to provide consistent, high-quality care with positive outcomes.
In keeping with the true description of an EPIC, the division of urology is just beginning our transformation. We have begun to make lists of the most common diagnoses that we see in each of our subspecialties. Once these lists are formalized, we can begin to create and build templates for use in the system to better manage our daily clinical practice. This stage of our transformation will take significant input from all of the faculty and staff in the division of urology. Our current subject matter experts include Dr. Wiener (pediatrics), Dr. Ferrandino and Dr. Preminger (nephrolithiasis and minimally invasive surgery), Dr. Polascik and Dr. Inman (oncology), and Dr. Peterson (reconstruction and female urology). After these templates are created and validated, training will be the next phase in our transformation to a more efficient, consistent, high-quality division within the Duke University Health System. The final phase of our transformation will be the implementation scheduled to take place in July 2013.
Although there are many warranted and understandable fears regarding EPIC, a smooth transition can be achieved with proper orientation and training. This system will bring many benefits, such as improved workflow efficiency, quality care, error prevention and enhanced clinical decision-making.
If you have any questions about the type of templates being built at this stage of our transformation, please contact one of the subject matter experts listed above.
Remind Me Again Why We Want to Use EPIC
* Universal access to patient data-no more lost data from paper charts. Information can be shared by different clinicians at different locations including home or anywhere there is an Internet connection in the world. All patient information is easily accessible.
* Orders management-significant reduction in transcription errors of patient orders, and legibility is never in question. When you sign the orders, you are notified immediately of medication interactions or allergies you might have overlooked, thereby reducing calls from the pharmacy. Patient safety is greatly improved.
* Promotion of evidence-based medicine-Reviewing order sets helps to ensure that care reflects current recommendations.
Source: "Iron Sharpens Iron: Productivity Tips from Epic Physicians," by Bret Shillingstad, M.D., FACS
Stephen J. Freedland, MD
As spring arrives, we in Urology turn our attention to the upcoming American Urological Association Meeting. Every year, this is a great opportunity to showcase the wonderful depth and breadth of research within Duke Urology. This year is no exception. Collectively, the Division of Urology is co-authoring over 30 abstracts to be presented at the AUA Meeting. This is truly a staggering number and makes Duke Urology one of the most prolific Urology programs in the country.
Although heavily focused on prostate cancer, the breadth is quite remarkable and includes abstracts related to erectile dysfunction, BPH, endourology/stone disease, reconstructive urology, pediatrics, and neurourology/voiding dysfunction. In addition, the abstracts include prospective randomized trials, observational data, and basic science studies. Thus, the full spectrum of Urologic Research will be on display as Duke Urology heads to Atlanta in May.
Of special note, I want to congratulate Dr. David Chu, one of our 4th year residents, who won the AUA Ambrose/Reed Socioeconomics Prize Essay Contest for his essay entitled, "The Effect of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Surgical Margins and Biochemical Outcomes in an Equal-access Healthcare Setting: Results from the SEARCH Database". This is an international contest open to all residents and recently graduated residents for which they select one winner per year. To my knowledge, this is the first time this award has been won by someone from Duke.
In addition, I want to congratulate Dr. Roberto Muller, one of our research fellows, who won 3rd prize in the AUA/ACMI Prize Essay Contest, Clinical Research Category. This is indeed a great honor and continues a long Duke tradition of winning awards at the American Urological Association Meeting in this category. Indeed, Duke Urology Residents, Fellows, and Faculty have won 7 awards in the past 7 years between Clinical and Laboratory Research.
Research does not happen in a vacuum, but rather requires a well-oiled machine and lots of support. To that end, we have spent significant efforts over the past few months to build the infrastructure needed to support our research and provide appropriate oversight. Towards those goals, I want to thank and congratulate three individuals who are taking on increasing responsibilities in our new Urology research organization: Dr. Jonathan Routh, Director of Database Research; Dr. Brant Inman, Director of Clinical Trials Research; and Dr. Sherry Ross, Director of Pediatric Urology Research. While some holes remain (most notably Director of Translational Science Research), I am excited to work with Drs. Routh, Inman, and Ross to organize Urology research providing better oversight and guidance. Specifically, we have developed a system where all new research studies in the entire Division are reviewed by a committee consisting of our Chief of Urology (Glenn Preminger), myself (Vice Chief of Research), the 3 above mentioned individuals as well as other faculty representatives, administrative support staff, grant support staff, and clinical coordinators. This committee will provide oversight of all proposed research activities, provide feedback and guidance to the investigators, and help prioritize which research projects to move forward. It is anticipated that this new process will result in research at the highest levels of integrity and quality. I am very confident that as a team we can elevate Duke Urology research to an even higher level resulting in many impactful papers that will have a far reaching influence on the field of Urology.
John S. Wiener, MD
Pediatric Urology
The Section of Pediatric Urology continues to grow by leaps and bounds in the 2011-12 academic year. With three pediatric urologists, John S. Wiener, M.D., Sherry S. Ross, M.D., and most recently Jonathan C. Routh, M.D., M.P.H., our clinical volume is up 45% over last year. In addition to providing easier and more rapid access to care, we are improving the quality of care with multidisciplinary clinics in fetal urology (prenatal care), pediatric stone disease, pediatric oncology, renal transplantation, and disorders of sexual development. Drs. Ross and Routh have a particular interest in minimally invasive surgery and have developed a robotic surgical program to offer the benefits of minimally invasive surgery to the smallest patients, performing eight robotic procedures on children in 2011.
Other news:
John Wiener is current President of the Society for Fetal Urology and served on the planning committee of the Second World Congress on Spina Bifida in Las Vegas, NV March 11-14, 2012.
Sherry Ross is leading a medical mission trip to Guatemala along with pediatric surgery and other members of the Duke surgical team to correct congenital defects in children for one week in April 2012.
Jon Routh was selected to provide Take Home Messages in Outcomes Research at the American Urological Association annual meeting in May 2012.
Recent Publications:
Wang HH, Huang L, Routh JC, Nelson CP. Shock Wave Lithotripsy vs Ureteroscopy: Variation in Surgical Management of Kidney Stones at Freestanding Children's Hospitals.J Urol. 2012 187:1402-7.
Kokorowski PJ, Chow JS, Strauss K, Pennison M, Routh JC, Nelson CP. Prospective measurement of patient exposure to radiation during pediatric ureteroscopy. J Urol. 2012 187:1408-15.
Routh JC. Commentary to Selective endoscopic treatment of the non-refluxing contralateral ureter prevents new contralateral vesicoureteral reflux. J Pediatr Urol. 2012 Jan 18.
Routh JC, Bogaert GA, Kaefer M, Manzoni G, Park JM, Retik AB, Rushton HG, Snodgrass WT, Wilcox DT. Vesicoureteral reflux: current trends in diagnosis, screening, and treatment. Eur Urol. 2012 61:773-82.
Routh JC, Pennison M, Rosoklija I, Dobbins S, Kokorowski PJ, Hubert KC, Huang L, Nelson CP. Racial variation in timing of pyeloplasty: prenatal versus postnatal diagnosis. J Urol. 2011 186:2386-91.
Routh JC, Gong EM, Cannon GM Jr, Nelson CP. Does a controversial topic affect the quality of urologic information on the Internet? Urology. 2011 78:1051-6.
Routh JC, Grant FD, Kokorowski PJ, Nelson CP, Fahey FH, Treves ST, Lee RS. Economic and radiation costs of initial imaging approaches after a child's first febrile urinary tract infection. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012 51:23-30.
Kokorowski PJ, Routh JC, Borer JG, Estrada CR, Bauer SB, Nelson CP. Screening for malignancy after augmentation cystoplasty in children with spina bifida: a decision analysis. J Urol. 2011 186:1437-43.
Wang HH, Huang L, Routh JC, Kokorowski P, Cilento BG Jr, Nelson CP. Use of the ureteral access sheath during ureteroscopy in children. J Urol. 2011 186(4 Suppl):1728-33.
Welcome, New Advanced Practice Provider
Sarah Yttri, RN, MSN, ANP-C
Nurse Practitioner
DUMC 3162
Durham, NC 27710
Phone: 919-613-6267
Fax: 919-684-8794
Email: sarah.yttri@duke.edu
RN, BSN, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2006
NP, Duke University, 2011
Clinical Interests:
Kidney stones, general urology |
Recent Presentations
Society of Government Service Urologists
59th Annual James C. Kimbrough Urological Seminar
Charleston Marriott, Charleston, SC
January 15-20, 2012
Mark Anderson, MD
Identification of Abnormal Pathology in Ureters Obtained from Surgical Correction of Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) and Ureterovesical Junction Obstruction (UVJO) in Children.
John Mancini, MD
Factors Affecting Patient Radiation Exposure During Ureteroscopy
Abhay Singh, MD
Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer Risk Reduction: Does Race Matter?
Danielle Stackhouse, MD
Is the AUS Complication Rate Higher After a Previous Advance Male Sling?
Mark Anderson, MD
Enhancing Gemcitabine With Hyperthermia Using In Vitro Cell Viability Assay on 5637 T24 Human Bladder Cell Lines
Andrew Peterson, MD, FACS
Surgical Management of Neurogenic Bladder Secondary to Spinal Cord Injury in the U.S.
ASCO GU Cancers Symposium
San Francisco Marriott Marquis
San Francisco, CA
February 2-4, 2012
Awareness, Concern, and Communication Between Physicians and Patients on Bone Health in Nonmetastatic prostate cancer.
Moul JW, Ferenz KS, Mautner BD.
Presenter: Judd W. Moul, MD
Physical Activity and Prostate Cancer Risk Reduction: Does Race Matter?
Singh AA, Antonelli JA, Jones L, Gerber L, Calloway EE, Shuler K, Hoyo C, Grant D, Freedland SJ, Banez LL.
Presenter: Abhay A. Singh, MD
Does Salvage Radiation Therapy (SRT) Change the Biology of Recurrent Prostate Cancer (PCa) Based on PSA Doubling Times (PSADT)? Results From the SEARCH Database.
Muller RL, Presti JC, Aronson WJ, Terris MK, Kane CJ, Amling CL, Freedland SJ.
Presenter: Roberto L. Muller, MD
Heavy Ethanol Intake and Elevated Prostate Cancer Risk Among Men with Previous Negative Biopsies in the REDUCE Trial.
Banez LL, Hoyo C, Gerber L, Moreira DM, McKeever MG, Andriole GL, Freedland SJ.
Presenter: Lionel L. Banez, MD
Is Clinical Stage T2c Prostate Cancer Intermediate-or High-Risk Disease? Results From the SEARCH Database.
Singh AA, Gerber L, Freedland SJ, Aronson WJ, Terris MK, Presti JC, Amling CL, Banez LL.
Presenter: Abhay A. Singh, MD
The Effect of Acute and Chronic Exposure to Acetaldehyde - A Mutagenic Metabolite of Dietary Ethanol - on Prostate Cancer Cells: A Potential Source of Race Disparity Disfavoring Black Men.
Banez LL, Davidson AK, Wiguins E, Allott EH, Calloway EE, Inman BA.
Presenter: Lionel L. Banez, MD
SESAUA Annual Meeting
Amelia Island, FL
March 22-25, 2012
Stephen Freedland¹, Jean-Alfred Thomas¹, Christopher Keto¹, William Aronson²,
Joseph Presti³, Christopher Kane4, Christopher Amling5 and Martha Terris6
1 Duke University, Durham, NC; 2 UCLA, Los Angeles; 3 Stanford University, Stanford, CA; 4 UCSD, San Diego, CA; 5 OHSU, Portland, OR; 6 Georgia Health Sciences University, Augusta, GA
(Presented By: Martha Terris)
Suzanne Biehn Stewart¹, John Madden², Leah Gerber¹, Thomas Polascik¹, Cary
Robertson¹, Philip Walther¹, Stephen Freedland¹,², Judd Moul¹ and Lionel Banez¹
¹Division of Urology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; ²Department
of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
(Presented By: Suzanne Biehn Stewart)
Abhay Singh¹, Lionel Banez¹,², Leah Gerber¹,², Stephen Freedland¹,², Cary
Robertson¹, Michael Ferrandino¹, Thomas Polascik¹, Philip Walther¹ and Judd
¹Division of Urology, Duke University School of Medicine, DUMC, Durham, NC;
²Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Durham, NC
(Presented By: Abhay Singh)
Agnes J. Wang, Michael E. Lipkin and Michael N. Ferrandino
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
(Presented By: Agnes J. Wang)
Suzanne Biehn Stewart¹, Lionel Banez¹, John Madden², Leah Gerber¹, Stephen
Freedland¹,², Cary Robertson¹, Philip Walther¹, Thomas Polascik¹ and Judd Moul¹
¹Division of Urology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC; ²Department
of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
(Presented By: Suzanne Biehn Stewart)
Abhay Singh¹, Stephen Freedland¹,², Leah Gerber¹,², William Aronson³, Martha
Terris4, Joseph Presti5, Christopher Amling6, Christopher Kane7 and Lionel
¹Division of Urology, Duke University School of Medicine, DUMC, Durham, NC;
²Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Durham, NC; ³University of California,
Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA; 4Medical College of Georgia,
Augusta, GA; 5Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA; 6Oregon
Health & Sciences University, Portland, OR; 7University of California, San Diego,
San Diego, CA
(Presented By: Abhay Singh)
Michael Lipkin, Agnes Wang, Greta Toncheva, Muhammad Iqbal, Zachariah
Goldsmith, Gaston Astroza, Michael Ferrandino, Terry Yoshizumi and Glenn
Duke University, Durham, NC
(Presented By: Michael Lipkin)
 | The Duke Urology Team at SESAUA |
Agnes J. Wang¹, Gregory T. Baldwin², Gavin McAlister¹, James C. Gabriel¹, F.
Hadley Cocks¹, Muhammad W. Iqbal¹, Gaston M. Astroza¹, W. Neal Simmons¹,
Michael E. Lipkin¹, Michael N. Ferrandino¹, Glenn M. Preminger¹ and Pei Zhong¹
¹Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; ²Lafayette College, Easton,
(Presented By: Agnes J. Wang)
Agnes J. Wang¹, Nathan B. Smith¹, Gregory T. Baldwin², Gaston M. Astroza¹,
Muhammad W. Iqbal¹, Zachariah G. Goldsmith¹, F. Hadley Cocks¹, Michael E.
Lipkin¹, Michael N. Ferrandino¹, W. Neal Simmons¹, Glenn M. Preminger¹ and Pei
¹Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; ²Lafayette College, Easton,
(Presented By: Agnes J. Wang)
Agnes J. Wang, Zachariah G. Goldsmith, Michael E. Lipkin, Muhammad W. Iqbal,
Gaston M. Astroza, Glenn M. Preminger, Amy M. Neville and Michael N.
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
(Presented By: Agnes J. Wang)
Agnes J. Wang, Muhammad W. Iqbal, Zachariah G. Goldsmith, Gaston M.
Astroza, Michael E. Lipkin, Glenn M. Preminger, Amy M. Neville and Michael N.
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
(Presented By: Agnes J. Wang)
Zarine Balsara, Sherry Ross and John Wiener
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC
(Presented By: Zarine Balsara)
David Chu, Sherry Ross and John Wiener
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
(Presented By: David Chu)
Zarine Balsara¹, Yuping Tang²,³, Rajeev Chaudhry¹, Sherry Ross¹ and Patrick
¹Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC; ²Division of Urology, Department of Surgery; ³Division of Infectious
Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University Medical Center, Durham NC;
4Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Division of Infectious Diseases,
Department of Pediatrics, Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology,
Duke University Medical Center
(Presented By: Zarine Balsara)
Mark Anderson, Unwana Nseyo and John Wiener
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC
(Presented By: Mark Anderson)
Zachariah Goldsmith, Agnes Wang, Michael Lipkin, Muhammed Iqbal, Gaston
Astroza, Michael Ferrandino, Brant Inman and Glenn Preminger
Duke University Medical Center, Durham NC
(Presented By: Zachariah Goldsmith)
Agnes J. Wang, Giao Nguyen, Greta Toncheva, Chu Wang, Natalie Januzis,
Carolyn Lowry, Zachariah G. Goldsmith, Gaston M. Astroza, Muhammad W. Iqbal,
Michael N. Ferrandino, Amy M. Neville, Michael E. Lipkin, Terry T. Yoshizumi and
Glenn M. Preminger
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
(Presented By: Agnes J. Wang)
David Chu¹, Michael Lipkin¹, Agnes Wang¹, Michael Ferrandino¹, Peter Olbert²,
Rakesh Kapoor³, Peter Vijverberg4, Jean de la Rosette5 and Glenn Preminger¹
¹Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; ²Universitätsklinikum Gießen
und Marburg GmbH, Marburg, Germany; ³Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute,
Lucknow, India; 4St. Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands; 5AMC
University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Presented By: David Chu)
AUA Annual Meeting Accepted Presentations
The Effect of Pomegranate Extract Dose on Prostate Cancer Growth in a Carbohydrate Restricted Mouse Xenograft Model
Michael R. Abern*, Elizabeth Masko, Chenwei Wu, Alexis R. Gaines, Salvatore Pizzo, Steve Freedland.
Moderated Poster- MP46
Prostate Cancer: Basic Research VI
Monday, May 21, 2012, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B308
Delayed Radical Prostatectomy in Gleason 7 Prostate Cancer Decreases Time to Biochemical Recurrence: Results from the SEARCH Database
Michael R. Abern*, William J. Aronson, Martha K. Terris, Christopher J. Kane, Joseph C. Presti Jr, Christopher L. Amling, Stephen J. Freedland
Prostate Cancer: Basic Research VI
Monday, May 21, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B315-316
Role of Oxidative Stress in a Rat Model of Radiation-Induced Erectile Dysfunction
Masaki Kimura*, Zahid N. Rabbani, Andrew R. Zodda, Hui Yan, Isabel L. Jackson, Thomas J. Polascik, Craig F. Donatucci, Judd W. Moul, Zeljko Vujaskovic, and Bridget F. Koontz
Podium - POD22
Sexual Function/Dysfunction/Andrology: Basic Research II
Monday, May 21, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B311
Should Clinical Stage T2C Prostate Cancer be Classified as Intermediate- or High-Risk? Results from the SEARCH Database
Abhay A Singh*, Stephen J. Freedland, Leah Gerber, William J. Aronson, Martha K. Terris, Joseph C. Presti, Jr., Christopher L. Amling, Christopher J. Kane, and Lionel L. Bañez
Moderated Poster - MP15
Prostate Cancer: Staging II
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B302
Does Long-Term Aspirin Use Lower Serum PSA Levels? Results from the Duke Prostate Center
Cagri Senocak*, Lionel L. Bañez, Jean-Alfred Thomas II, Roberto L. Muller, Leah Gerber, Cary N. Robertson, Thomas J. Polascik, Stephen J. Freedland, Phillip J. Walther and Judd W. Moul
Moderated Poster - MP77
Prostate Cancer: Markers II
Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B308
Unilateral Prostate Cancer: Analysis of Predictors in SEARCH and Duke Prostate Center Databases
Matvey Tsivian*, Stephen J. Freedland, Lionel L. Bañez, Leah Gerber, Joseph C. Presti Jr., William J. Aronson, Martha K. Terris, Christopher J. Kane, Christopher L. Amling, Judd W. Moul, Thomas J. Polascik
Moderated Poster - MP58
Prostate Cancer: Localized VIII
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B302
Obesity is Associated with Increased Prostate Growth and Attenuated Prostate Volume Reduction by Dutasteride
Roberto Muller*, Leah Gerber, Daniel Moreira, Gerald Andriole, J. Kellogg Parsons, Neil Fleshner, Stephen Freedland
Moderated Poster - MP60
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Epidemiology and Natural History/Evaluation and Markers
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B312
Statins Slow Prostate Growth: Results from the Reduction by Dutasteride of Cancer Events (REDUCE) Trial Roberto Muller*, Leah Gerber, Durham, NC, Daniel Moreira, New Hyde Park, NY, Gerald Andriole, Saint Louis, MO, J. Kellogg Parsons, San Diego, CA, Neil Fleshner, Toronto, Canada, Stephen Freedland, Durham, NC
Moderated Poster - MP43
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Medical and Hormonal Therapy
Monday, May 21, 2012, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B312
Does Salvage Radiation Therapy change the biology of recurrent prostate cancer based on PSA doubling times? Results from the SEARCH Database
Roberto Muller*, Durham, NC, Joseph Presti, Jr, Stanford and Palo Alto, CA, William Aronson, Los Angeles and West Los Angeles, CA, Martha Terris, Augusta, GA, Christopher Kane, San Diego, CA, Christopher Amling, Portland, OR, Stephen Freedland, Durham, NC
Moderated Poster - MP52
Prostate Cancer: Localized VII
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B313
Association Between Family History of Prostate Cancer and Positive Biopsies in a Brazilian Screening Program
Roberto Muller*, Durham, NC, Eliney Faria, Gustavo Carvalhal, Barretos, SP, Brazil, Rodolfo Reis, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil, Edmundo Mauad, Andre Carvalho, Barretos, SP, Brazil, Stephen Freedland, Durham, NC
Moderated Poster - MP67
Prostate Cancer: Detection and Screening III
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B314
Outcomes of Metallic Resonance® Stents in Malignant Ureteral Obstruction
Zachariah G. Goldsmith*, Agnes J. Wang, Michael E. Lipkin, Lionel L. Bañez, Muhammad W. Iqbal, Gastón M. Astroza, Michael N. Ferrandino, Brant A. Inman, Glenn M. Preminger
Moderated Poster - MP41
Urinary Diversion: Bladder Reconstruction, Augmentation, Substitution, Diversion
Date: Monday, May 21, 2012, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B302
Obesity Triples the Radiation Exposure of Stone Protocol CT
Zachariah G. Goldsmith*, Agnes J. Wang, Chu Wang, Giao Nguyen, Muhammad W. Iqbal, Gastón M. Astroza, Michael N. Ferrandino, Matthew D. Belley, Leo Ding, Carolyn Lowry, Greta Toncheva, Terry T. Yoshizumi, Glenn M. Preminger, Michael E. Lipkin
Moderated Poster - MP75
Imaging/Radiology: Uroradiology II
Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B314
The Use of Urinary Diversion and Bladder Augmentation in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury in the
United States; Procedure Selection and Cost
Andrew Peterson*, Lesley Curtis, Alisa Shea, Kristy Borawski, Kevin Schulman, Charles Scales
Moderated Poster - MP11
General & Epidemiological Trends & Socioeconomics: Practice Patterns, Cost Effectiveness II
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B309
The Effects of Cholesterol Treatment Drugs Alone and in Combination on Prostate Tumor Xenograft Growth
Elizabeth M. Masko*, Keith R. Solomon, Nikolaos A. Valilis, Alexis R. Gaines, Michael J. Muehlbauer, Christopher B. Newgard, Mark W. Dewhirst, Salvatore V. Pizzo, Stephen J. Freedland
Podium - POD04
Prostate Cancer: Basic Research I
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Georgia World Congress Center, Thomas B. Murphy Ballroom I
Outcomes Following Artificial Sphincter Implantation after Prior Unsuccessful AdVance® Male Sling
Aaron Lentz*, Andrew Peterson, George Webster
Moderated Poster MP 42
Urodynamics/Incontinence/Female Urology: Incontinence - Evaluation & Therapy II
Monday, May 21, 2012, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B312
A Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial of POMx vs. Placebo Prior to Radical Prostatectomy
Stephen Freedland*, Michael Carducci, Nils Kroeger, Alan Partin, Jian-yu Rao, Yusheng Jin, Susan Kerkoutian, Hong Wu, YunFeng Li, Patricia Creel, Kelly Mundy, Robin Gurganus, Helen Fedor, Serina King, David Heber, Yanjun Zhang, Allan Pantuck
Moderated Poster - MP07
Prostate Cancer: Epidemiology and Natural History I
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B302
How Dry is Dry? A Review of Definitions of Continence in the Contemporary Exstrophy Literature
Lloyd J*, Spano S, Ross S, Wiener J, Routh J
Moderated Poster - MP57
Pediatrics: Congenital Anomalies - Lower Urinary Tract & Genitalia II
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B309
Dramatic Enhancement of Antimuscarinic Resistant, High Amplitude Nonvoiding Contractions by Inhibition of the Sympathetic Nervous System
Matthew O. Fraser*, Paul C. Dolber
Moderated Poster - MP10
Bladder and Urethra: Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology I
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B308
Dramatic Reduction in Urethral Sphincter Activity following Pelvic Nerve Crush in the Rat
Christopher Chermansky*, Qiang Wu, J Christian Winters, Matthew O. Fraser
Moderated Poster - MP10
Bladder and Urethra: Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology I
Sunday, May, 20, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B308
Striking Reduction in Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction following Reactive Oxygen Species Scavenging in the Lumbosacral Spinal Cords of Chronic Spinal Cord Injured Rats
Matthew O. Fraser*, Paul C. Dolber
Moderated Poster - MP59
Urodynamics/Incontinence/Female Urology: Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 10:30 am - 13:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B313
Evaluation of Infection and Inflammation in the Spinal Cord-Injured, Neurogenic Bladder Animal Following Escherichia coli Urinary Tract Infection
Rajeev Chaudhry*, Yuping Tang, Zarine Balsara, Sherry Ross and Patrick Seed
Moderated Poster- MP26
Pediatrics: Basic Research
Monday, May 21, 2012, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B314
Continence Outcomes From Use of Glycerin Compared to Tap Water Alone in Malone Antegrade Continence Enema and Chait Tube Procedures
David Chu*, Sherry S. Ross, John S. Wiener
Moderated Poster- MP22
Pediatrics: Bladder Dysfunction - Myelodysplasia, Voiding Dysfunction, Enuresis
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B308
The Effect of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Surgical Margins and Biochemical Outcomes in an Equal-access Healthcare Setting: Results from the SEARCH Database
David Chu*, Daniel Moreira, Leah Gerber, Joseph Presti, Jr., William Aronson, Martha Terris, Christopher Kane, Christopher Amling, Stephen Freedland
Podium - POD02
General & Epidemiological Trends & Socioeconomics: Evidence-based Medicine & Outcomes I
Saturday, May 19, 2012, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B310
Imaging Modalities and Stone-Free Rates: Results from the Clinical Research Office of the Endourological Society Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Global Study
David Chu*, Michael Lipkin, Agnes Wang, Michael Ferrandino, Peter Olbert, Rakesh Kapoor, Peter Vijverberg, Jean de la Rosette, Glenn Preminger
Moderated Poster - MP75
Imaging/Radiology: Uroradiology II
Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B314
The Association Between Race and Prostate Cancer Risk on Initial Biopsy in a Contemporary, Multiethnic Cohort
Alex R. Gaines, Christopher J. Keto, Leah Gerber, Kathleen H. Shuler, Stephen J. Freedland
Moderated Poster - MP67
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B314
Low Serum Folate is a Risk Factor for Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy: Results from the SEARCH Database.
Daniel M. Moreira
Podium - POD14
Prostate Cancer: Advanced I
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B315-316
Is the Association between Dutasteride use and Prostate Cancer Risk Different in Men with a Family History of Breast or Prostate Cancers?
Jean-Alfred Thomas*, Leah Gerber, Daniel M. Moreira, Lionel L. Bañez, Gerald L. Andriole, and Stephen J. Freedland
Moderated Poster - MP67
Prostate Cancer: Detection and Screening III
Tuesday, May 22 , 2012, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B314
Androgenetic Alopecia at Various Ages and Prostate Cancer Risk in an Equal Access Multiethnic Case Control Series of Veterans
Jean-Alfred Thomas*, Jodi A. Antonelli, Lionel L. Bañez, Leah Gerber, Cathrine Hoyo, Delores Grant, Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, Elizabeth Platz, Elizabeth Calloway, Enwono Eyoh, Kathleen Shuler, Stephen J. Freedland
Moderated Poster - MP14
Prostate Cancer: Epidemiology and Natural History II
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B313
Prostate Cancer Risk in Men with Prostate and Breast Cancer Family History: Results from the REDUCE study
Jean-Alfred Thomas*, Leah Gerber, Daniel M. Moreira, Robert J. Hamilton, Lionel L. Bañez, Ramiro S. Castro, Gerald L. Andriole, William B. Isaacs, Jianfeng Xu, and Stephen J. Freedland,
Moderated Poster - MP07
Prostate Cancer: Epidemiology and Natural History I
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B302
Differential effect of Caloric and Carbohydrate restriction on prostate tumor cancer growth and gene expression in a xenograft model
Jean-Alfred Thomas*, Elizabeth M. Masko, Alexis Gaines, Brian Whitley, Jen-Tsan Chi, WIlliam J. Aronson, and Stephen J. Freedland
Podium - POD04
Prostate Cancer: Basic Research I
Sunday, May 20, 2012
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Georgia World Congress Center, Thomas B. Murphy Ballroom 1
Is Infiltration of Tumor-Associated Macrophages Predictive of Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy?
K. Gollapudi*, C. Galet, T. Grogan, H. Zhang, J. Huang, D. Elashoff, L. Gerber, S. Freedland, M. Rettig, W. Aronson
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 1:00 pm
* Presenter
Post-Graduate Courses:
Office Urodynamics
Course # 107HO
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 7:00 am - 10:00 am
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: A307
R. Duane Cespedes - Course Director, Julian Wan, Timothy B. Boone, Robert C. McDonough,
Andrew C. Peterson
Advanced Prostate Cancer 2012: Understanding and Sequencing
Judd W. Moul-Course Director, J. Kellogg Parsons, Daniel J. George
Course # 0491C
Monday, May 21, 2012, 1:00 am - 3:00 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room: B407
Androgen Deprivation Therapy and The Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer
Paul R. Sieber - Course Director, Stephen J. Freedland, Neal D. Shore
Course # 0591C
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 6:00 am - 8:00 am
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B405
Defining the Candidate for Surveillance or Targeted Focal Therapy (Male Lumpectomy)
E. David Crawford - Course Director, M. Scott Lucia, Martin Gleave, Thomas J. Polascik
Course # 079PG
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 3:15 pm - 6:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B408
Urolithiasis: Metabolic Evaluation and Medical Treatment
Margaret S. Pearle- Course Director, Sara Best, Glenn M. Preminger
Course # 076PG
Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 3:15 pm -6:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center, Room B405
While at the AUA, please join us for the DYSURIA reception, May 22, 2012.
Recent Publications
Kimura M, Bañez LL, Schroeck FR. Gerber L, Qi J, Satoh T, Baba S, Robertson CN, Walther PJ, Donatucci CF, Moul JW, Polascik TJ.
Factors predicting early and late phase decline of sexual health-related quality of life following radical prostatectomy.
J Sex Med. 8(10): 2935-2943, October 2011.
Albers P, Algaba F, Cohn-Cedermark G, DeSantis M, Kliesch S, Moul JW.
Diagnosis, staging, and risk factors: SIU/ICUD consensus meeting on germ cell tumors (GCT), Shanghai 2009.
Urology 78(4): S427-S434, October 2011.
Klein EA, Thompson IM, Tangen CM, Crowley JJ, Lucia MS, Goodman PJ, Minasian LM, Ford LG, Parnes HL, Gaziano JM, Karp DD, Lieber MM, Walther PJ, Klotz L, Parsons JK, Chin JL, Darke AK, Lippman SM, Goodman GE, Meyskens Jr FL, Baker LH.
Vitamin E and the risk of Prostate Cancer (The Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT).
JAMA 306(14): 1549-1556, October 2011.
Wang H-H, Huang L, Routh JC, Kokorowski P, Cilento Jr BG, Nelson CP.
Use of the ureteral access sheath during ureteroscopy in children.
J Urol 186(S4): 1728-1733, October 2011.
Kokorowski PJ, Routh JC, Borer JG, Estrada CR, Bauer SB, Nelson CP.
Screening for malignancy after augmentation cystoplasty in children with spina bifida: A decision analysis.
J Urol 186(4): 1437-1443, October 2011.
Kopp RP, Freedland SJ, Parsons JK.
Associations of benign prostatic hyperplasia with prostate cancer: The debate continues.
European Urology 60: 699-702, October 2011.
Van Poppel H, Becker F, Cadeddu JA, Gill IS, Janetschek G. Jewett MAS, Laguna MP, Marberger M, Montorsi F, Polascik TJ, Ukimura O, Zhu G.
Treatment of localized renal cell carcinoma.
European Urology 60: 662-672, October 2011.
Tsivian A, Tsivian M, Benjamin S, Sidi AA.
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for multiple tumours: Feasibility and analysis of peri-operative outcomes.
BJU Int. 108(8): 1330-1334, October 2011.
Ho TS, Bañez LL, Freedland SJ.
Editorial comment.
Urology 78(4): 872-873, October 2011.
Ganzer R, Robertson CN, Ward JF, Brown SC, Conti GN, Murat FJ, Pasticier G, Rebillard X, Thuroff S, Wieland WF, Blana A.
Correlation of prostate-specific antigen nadir and biochemical failure after high-intensity focused ultrasound of localized prostate cancer based on the Stuttgart failure criteria - analysis from the @-Registry.
BJU Int. 108(8 Pt 2): E196-201, October 2011.
Heymach JV, Shackleford TJ, Tran HT, Yoo SY, Do KA, Wergin M, Saintigny P, Vollmer RT, Polascik TJ, Snyder DC, Ruffin MT 4th, Yan S, Dewhirst M, Kunnumakkara AB, Aggarwal BB, Demark-Wahnefried W.
Effect of low-fat diets on plasma levels of NF-kB-regulated inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors in men with prostate cancer.
Cancer Prev Res 4(10): 1590-1598, October 2011.
Mouraviev V, Villers A, Bostwick DG, Wheeler TM, Montironi R, Polascik TJ.
Understanding the pathological features of focality, grade and tumor volume of early-stage prostate cancer as a foundation for parenchyma-sparing prostate cancer therapies: Active surveillance and focal targeted therapy.
BJU Int 108(7): 1074-1085, October 2011.
Pak CY, Sakhaee K, Moe OW, Poindexter J, Adams-Huet B, Pearle MS, Zerwekh JE, Preminger GM, Wills MR, Breslau NA, Bartter FC, Brater DC, Heller HJ, Odvina CV, Wabner CL, Fordtran JS, Oh M, Garg A, Harvey JA, Alpern RJ, Snyder WH, Peters PC.
Defining hypercalciuria in nephrolithiasis.
Kidney Int. 80(7): 777-782, October 2011.
Kokorowski PJ, Routh JC, Borer JG, Estrada CR, Bauer SB, Nelson CP.
Screening for malignancy after augmentation cystoplasty in children with spina bifada: A decision analysis.
J Urol 186(4): 1437-1443, October 201l.
Wang HH, Huang L, Routh JC, Kokorowski P, Cilento BG Jr, Nelson CP.
Use of the ureteral access sheath during ureteroscopy in children.
J Urol 186(4 Suppl): 1728-1733, October 2011.
Moul JW, Dreicer R.
New data, new paradigms for treating patients with prostate cancer: Introduction.
Urology 78(5): S475, November 2011.
Moul JW, Dreicer R.
Focusing on testosterone.
Urology 78(5): S476-S477, November 2011.
Moul JW, Kibel AS, Roach III M, Dreicer R.
Indications and practice with androgen deprivation therapy.
Urology 78(5): S478-S481, November 2011.
Dreicer R, Gleave M, Kibel AS, Thrasher JB, Moul JW.
Targeting the androgen receptor - Theory and practice.
Urology 78(5): S482-S484, November 2011.
Moul JW, Evans CP, Gomella LG, Roach III M, Dreicer R.
Traditional approaches to androgen deprivation therapy.
Urology 78(5): S485-S493, November 2011.
Dreicer R, Bajorin DF, McLeod DG, Petrylak DP, Moul JW.
New data, new paradigms for treating prostate cancer patients - VI: Novel hormonal therapy approaches.
Urology 78(5): S494-S498, November 2011.
Dreicer R, Moul JW.
Urology 78(5): S499, November 2011.
Routh JC, Gong EM, Cannon Jr GM, Nelson CP.
Does a controversial topic affect the quality of urologic information on the Internet?
Urology 78(5): 1051-1056, November 2011.
Auprich M, Bjartell A, Chun FK, de la Taille A, Freedland SJ, Haese A, Schalken J, Stenzl A, Tombal B, van der Poel H.
Contemporary role of prostate cancer antigen 3 in the management of prostate cancer.
Eur Urol 60(5): 1045-54, November 2011.
Tseng TY, Preminger GM.
Kidney stones.
Clin Evid (Online) November 2011.
Preminger GM, Alken P, Habuchi T, Wijkstra H, Skolarikos A, Yin CJ.
The clinical research office of the endourological society audit committee.
J Endourol 25(11): 1811-1813, November 2011.
Routh JC, Gong EM, Cannon GM Jr, Nelson CP.
Does a controversial topic affect the quality of urologic information on the Internet?
Urology 78(5): 1051-1056, November 2011.
Ruggieri MR Sr. Braverman AS, Bernal RM, Lamarre NS, Brown JM, Barbe MF.
Reinnervation of urethral and anal sphincters with femoral motor nerve to pudendal nerve transfer.
Neurourol Urodyn 30(8): 1695-1704, November 2011
Keto CJ, Masko EM, Freedland SJ.
Physical activity, obesity, and lower urinary tract symptoms.
European Urology 60(6): 1181-1183, December 2011.
Chu DI, De Nunzio C, Gerber L, Thomas II J-A, Calloway EE, Albisinni S, Senocak C, McKeever MG, Moreira DM, Tubaro A, Moul JW, Freedland SJ, Bañez LL. Predictive value of digital rectal examination for prostate cancer detection is modified by obesity.
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 14(4): 346-353, December 2011.
Crawford ED, Moul JW, Rove KO, Pettaway CA, Lamerato LE, Hughes A. Prostate-specific antigen 1.5-4.0 ng/ml: A diagnostic challenge and danger zone.
BJU Int. 108(11): 1743-1749, December 2011.
Kopp RP, Han M, Partin AW, Humphreys E, Freedland SJ, Parsons JK.
Obesity and prostate enlargement in men with localized prostate cancer.
BJU Int. 108(11): 1750-1755, December 2011.
Inman BA, Frank I, Boorjian SA, Akornor JW, Karnes RJ, Leibovich BC, Blute ML, Bergstralh EJ.
Dynamic prediction of metastases after radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer.
BJU Int. 108(11): 1762-1768, December 2011.
Routh JC, Pennison M, Rosoklija I, Dobbins S, Kokorowski PJ, Hubert KC, Huang L, Nelson CP.
Racial variation in timing of pyeloplasty: Prenatal versus postnatal diagnosis.
J Urol 186(6): 2386-2391, December 2011.
Whitley BM, Moreira DM, Thomas J-A, Aronson WJ, Terris MK, Presti Jr JC, Kane CJ, Amling CL, Freedland SJ, and the SEARCH Database Study Group.
Preoperative weight change and risk of adverse outcome following radical prostatectomy: Results from the Shared Equal Access Regional Cancer Hospital database.
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 14(4): 361-366, December 2011.
Aronson WJ, Kobayashi N, Barnard RJ, Henning S, Huang M, Jardack PM, Liu B, Gray A, Wan J, Konijeti R, Freedland SJ, Castor B, Heber D, Elashoff D, Said J, Cohen P, Galet C.
Phase II prospective randomized trial of a low-fat diet with fish oil supplementation in men undergoing radical prostatectomy.
Cancer Prev Res 4(12): 2062-2071, December 2011.
De Nunzio C, Freedland SJ, Miano L, Finazzi AE, Bañez L, Tubaro A.
The uncertain relationship between obesity and prostate cancer: An Italian biopsy cohort analysis.
Eur J Surg Oncol 37(12): 1025-1029, December 2011.
Tsivian M, Polascik TJ.
Prostate cancer: Ideal candidates for focal therapy.
Nat Rev Urol 9(1): 12-3, December 2011.
Fox JA, McGee SM, Routh JC, Granberg CF, Ashley RA, Hutcheson JC, Vandersteen DR, Reinberg YE, Kramer SA.
Vesicoureteral reflux in children with urachal anomalies.
J Pediatr Urol 7(6): 632-635, December 2011.
Save the Dates:
Duke Urologic Assembly
April 19-22, 2012
Arizona Biltmore, Phoenix, Arizona
DYSURIA Reception
May 22, 2012
Omni at CNN Center, Atlanta, GA
International Symposium on Focal Therapy & Imaging in Prostate and Kidney Cancer
June 6-8, 2012
Washington-Duke Inn, Durham, NC
Graduating Chief's Dinner
June 22, 2012
Duke Urology Resident-Faculty-Alumni Golf Tournament
June 23, 2012
Washington-Duke Inn, Durham, NC |