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Rock the Cause at SXSW 2012

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Rock the Cause Presents Rock for Socks 2 ! Come Dance With Us In A Mountain Of Socks February 17, 2012!
Rock for Socks 2

When: February 17, 2012 Doors 8:00 PM Admission $12 DOS or reduced to $5 with a brand new pair of socks.

Where: Amsterdam Bar and Hall, 6th and Wabasha Streets in Saint Paul, MN, 21+ only

Why: To help generate a Mt. Everest-sized donation of socks for homeless families served by People Serving People Inc.

"Rock the Cause combines great music with great work - and People Serving People is proud to be a part of something so innovative. What could be cooler than a movement of young people of all ages directly helping homeless kids? Rock the Cause and its concert-goers will provide very basic needs, like socks and warm clothes to homeless children and families at our shelter." ~ People Serving People's CEO Daniel Gumnit.
What is the big deal about a bunch of bands doing a sock drive? Anyone can do it right?


Last October People Serving People - a homeless shelter that serves over 100 families a week called Rock the Cause.  


People Serving People needs new membership, cash and critical resources like books, shoes, clothes, and socks - the shelter reports that they went through 1200 pairs of socks in just one week during winter.


What is the best way out of poverty? Learning to read and write! People Serving People desperately need books for the burgeoning population of children and adults they serve.   


We rallied artists and the business community to meet the challenges faced by People Serving People!


Rock the Cause partnered with artists like Pictures of Then, Farewell Milwaukee, Johnnyrook, Alison ScottSilver Back ColonyTim Mahoney and more to engage music fans to help support homeless families. 


The results are extraordinary!   


People Serving People went from having 500 friends to 725 friends on Facebook in 60 days with the "Like" music function through Rock the Cause. Over a dozen artists donated MP3's to be used as a free download to drive fan engagement - now reaching over 1691 daily users. 
1200 concert attendees learned about People Serving People's mission at 6 various concerts. The concerts have collected hundreds of items for the guests at our homeless shelter, helping them to stay warm, educated, and dressed for the winter.

The concerts collected cash donations for People Serving People which benefit programs to help homeless families and children. One event collected nearly $600 for People Serving People!

$7,500 in unsolicited cash donations came to People Serving People since Rock the Cause began promotions for our shelter. 


The business community joined the in with donation efforts -Budzius Insurance Agency is an ongoing book collection site for PSP Children's Books. Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal promoted People Serving People in its 2012 Book of Lists event promotions.   


For questions about how People Serving People has benefited from Rock the Cause efforts, please call Lauren Rimestad at 612.277.0219 or email her at lrimestad@peopelservingpeople.org To learn more about People Serving People, visit www.peopleservingpeople.org  



Free Music  & Videos From Rock for Socks 2 Artists!
Rock the Cause Receives Official Invite to SXSW -  McNally Smith College of Music Students and Faculty Join The Cause!  
Rock the Cause has built a name for its self as one of the nations most innovative nonprofit organizations. 
We have received an official invite from SXSW one of the worlds largest and most prestigious music, film and interactive festivals!    
Rock the Cause combines music and social media with the power of giving in a way that today's generation will find engaging. This can be seen in action as Rock the Cause is partnering with McNally Smith College of Music to provide a real world, "cause driven" music business experience at SXSW this year. 
Rock the Cause is also a full time record label releasing the charitable compilation Minnesota Remembers Vic Chesnutt. Music critics and tastemakers are calling the 17-track tribute to Georgia's fallen songwriting hero one of the finest releases of the year. 
Rock the Cause will host 2 stages at this years SXSW event in Austin, TX March 12, 2012 through March 17, 2012!
We have invited Sweet Relief Musicians Fund to join us! Rob Maxx and Bill Bennet from Sweet Relief will be on hand to shake hands with old and new fans alike! They will engage music fans and industry folks on the health care needs facing today's musicians.
Rock the Cause & McNally Smith College of Music SXSW Trade Show booth 330 Austin Convention Center Click for Details! 
Lambert's Downtown BBQ - Green Room Music Source Showcase - 3.15.12 - Rock the Cause - Minnesota Remembers Vic Chesnutt Live! See full concert details here!

3.17.12 - Liberty Bar East Austin, TX 12 PM to 8 PM - Details to be announced 2.17.12 stay tuned!  
Vic Banner 2

Currently staying in the charts  as one of the top selling local releases of 2011!

MINNESOTA REMEMBERS VIC CHESNUTT is an all Star Charity Compilation featuring Dan Wilson, Haley Bonar, David Simonett, Charlie Parr, Luke Redfiled and more, all in honor of Vic Chesnutt!     


Rock the Cause would like to thank our community partners for their continued support!

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